I'm Sick Of It All Really...

The Moonwalker

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Harrogate, England
Just a bit of a rant really,

But I'm so sick and tired and all the negative press the media AND some fans are creating about these concerts.

This Is It is supposed to be such a great event, one that fans have been waiting 12 years for and in some cases all their lives for - we should be over the moon and ecstatic!

But instead fans are complaining about the fact that he might mime at the concerts, that they were put back - can't we all just enjoy what is happening around us? The return of Michael Jackson!

I think one of the reasons why Michael embarked on this residency was to get the press off his case, to prove to them that he does still have it and can be the Michael Jackson the world fell in love with - but instead at every corner there are rumours about illness, physical fitness, Michael's unhappiness at doing 50 shows, whether or not he'll pull out and all of that kind of stuff.

Why can't we just accept this for what it is? Michael is doing 50 sell-out shows this summer. If he didn't want to do it he wouldn't. So let's stop believing all this media and fan hearsay and rumour and believe what people are telling us from inside the Jackson camp, after all let's not forget, they're the ones who are actually in there working with Michael and they know a hell of a lot more than fans or news reporters.

Let's just enjoy This Is It for what it was really meant to be all about! :)
Medias can say what they want about Michael Jackson, but for myself it will be the biggest event I've never seen! :)
One of the biggest quality of Michael Jackson is that when he is off stage, he can be very shy and calm, but when he gets on stage, he simply lets explose his energy! :)
Just a bit of a rant really,

But I'm so sick and tired and all the negative press the media AND some fans are creating about these concerts.

This Is It is supposed to be such a great event, one that fans have been waiting 12 years for and in some cases all their lives for - we should be over the moon and ecstatic!

But instead fans are complaining about the fact that he might mime at the concerts, that they were put back - can't we all just enjoy what is happening around us? The return of Michael Jackson!

I think one of the reasons why Michael embarked on this residency was to get the press off his case, to prove to them that he does still have it and can be the Michael Jackson the world fell in love with - but instead at every corner there are rumours about illness, physical fitness, Michael's unhappiness at doing 50 shows, whether or not he'll pull out and all of that kind of stuff.

Why can't we just accept this for what it is? Michael is doing 50 sell-out shows this summer. If he didn't want to do it he wouldn't. So let's stop believing all this media and fan hearsay and rumour and believe what people are telling us from inside the Jackson camp, after all let's not forget, they're the ones who are actually in there working with Michael and they know a hell of a lot more than fans or news reporters.

Let's just enjoy This Is It for what it was really meant to be all about! :)

well, ew pay alot to see him. and not everyone gose mad only to see mj. we want it to be an unik musical experience. a true live show from a legend.
I dont go to a consert yo hear the song like they are on the CD. I want to se live music created in the moment togheter withe dance. just like mj did in the bad tour.
Dont we all agree the dance that is to pland is a bit borring?
I thnk so.

anyway. I think the shows are going to be grate. no dout. but I hope it will be amazing. im not sure.

can´t wait!
i can,t understand some fans either, complaining about everything.i mean for one thing.personally after being a fan for over 20 yrs,i really don,t care if he is singing live or miming at the concert,just the experience of being there and michael being in the same building is enougth and trust me,i have seen mj before in concert,and you will enjoy it wether he is miming or not.it seems what ever mj does noone can just sit back and be happy for him,
I couldn't care less what the media think of michael, we have had to put up with it for 20+ years i am over it now.

I do believe the majority of people are just looking forward to the concerts but you always get a bit of moaning, just ignore it and concentrate on this summer :punk:
Oh but like i have said before, "it is an emotional rollercoaster being a fan of michaels" lol
im just happy to see him in my life ONCE.
this concert is a dream coming true. no negativity at all :)
I agree with you 100%. I'm just enjoying the fact that Michael & family are doing well & positive things are ahead. These are good times :) :) :)
i can,t understand some fans either, complaining about everything.i mean for one thing.personally after being a fan for over 20 yrs,i really don,t care if he is singing live or miming at the concert,just the experience of being there and michael being in the same building is enougth and trust me,i have seen mj before in concert,and you will enjoy it wether he is miming or not.it seems what ever mj does noone can just sit back and be happy for him,

dont you understand that not everyone think it its enougth to be in the same room as him?
We want it to be a good music experiance. ust to se mj dance it not enougth for me. he has to deliver a grate show live.
I really hope we are not going to turn this into yet another mime thread are we?
it is sickening but predictable. someone is always trying to make a trainwreck out of the things Michael sets his sights on. so long as you understand the game it is something you can just sit back and laugh at. laugh at their lame a_ _e_ cause that's all this is. they won't derail. this train is going to pull into the station just as he has planned. you notice all the things that has happened since he announced This Is It... even from the woodwork emerged one who said things that were not his fault, had a change of heart, and decided to throw into the mix. interesting huh? it's their game. just don't play. it's actually kinda funny to watch it when you know what is going on.
dont you understand that not everyone think it its enougth to be in the same room as him?
We want it to be a good music experiance. ust to se mj dance it not enougth for me. he has to deliver a grate show live.
i do understand yes,you must understand me though,just stop moaning there are people out there who havn,t even got tickets they,ve waited for their whole life ,you should be happy enougth that you are going,instead of moaning about money you have wasted if he mimes,he may still be live but their is a possability that some could be mimed,and as for it being a unique experience ,ofcourse it will be,it will be a great show,no show i have been to has been any less.
I'm tired of all the negativity too, I just try to ignore it.
That's why I love the "MJ's curls -thread", it's sooo overly positive and full of enthusiasm :D lol
Medias can say what they want about Michael Jackson, but for myself it will be the biggest event I've never seen! :)
One of the biggest quality of Michael Jackson is that when he is off stage, he can be very shy and calm, but when he gets on stage, he simply lets explose his energy! :)

MJ on and off stage is like night and day, he's two different people. It's too bad his very forward wild behavior on stage never translated to off the stage also. He's spent his whole life trying to be reserved, at some point he needs to let loose a little bit, and that's what his peforming is for
what some of us need to embrace, is the fact that others have not witnessed Michael in concert before. Some are going to see him this summer for the first time. Many have only become fans since Invincible or later. They have not been awed by his mere presence like some have ... they are entitled to their opinions. But those of that have seen him in concert should be compassionate. We know that their opinion will change once they have attended the show.

sure it would be nice if everyone agreed on everything all the time ... it doesnt work that way. we are all coming from different vantage points, we have various back stories, the situations that brought us to become Michael Jackson fans is very diverse.

Bottom line, nobody has to love everything about michael jackson all the time. If you do love every aspect of him, non-stop ... that is great too. But you cannot expect the entire Community to share that love, unconditionally ;)
Yeah, I'm sick of it too. Give the guy a break. :bugeyed
I just don't bother going into those threads now, I genuinely find them boring anyways.
I'm not worrying about A SINGLE THING I AM OVER THE MOON about this!!!! :wub:
just thinking about it makes me shiver and I can't express here how I feel. I can only do it with bodylanguage,lol!!!! JUMPING,RUNNING AROUND,SCREAMING,DANCING,FALL TO MY KNEES!! (i did when I got my first tickets) just fell to my knees.I was so num in my feet..then I looked at my posters and just cried,lol
waited 14 years.
all my life,yes. was 5 when I first saw him on tv..cd++
i was working at a concert last night. not as big as the 02 but the seats infront of the stage are set out the same bar being a bit closer to the stage than the 02 so i knocked a couple of rows out. so there i was going up and down counting the rows and seeing where some of my seats were and trying to imagine being that close. actually looed like i was doing my job for once, but i had ulterior motives lol and dam even a row that say would be classed as being at the back of the Ablocks was close
i was working at a concert last night. not as big as the 02 but the seats infront of the stage are set out the same bar being a bit closer to the stage than the 02 so i knocked a couple of rows out. so there i was going up and down counting the rows and seeing where some of my seats were and trying to imagine being that close. actually looed like i was doing my job for once, but i had ulterior motives lol and dam even a row that say would be classed as being at the back of the Ablocks was close

OMG, so exciting!! :D
I totally agree. Some of these fans are so ungrateful. They spend YEARS of demanding Michael to perform and when they get it, it's not good enough. Just enjoy yourselves!
Well im not upset with the rumors because

Hes doing a SELL OUT TOUR, the rumors are just to hype things up, im sooo glad thats in the UK everyday theres something in the papers about michael.

altho there stupid and rumors, its good publicity and most people who have a brain no there stupid anyways.


will he mime or sing

why dont people get over it and be glad they are seeing their idol.

anyways your right

THIS IS IT RULES and im not gunna worry or fuss about it.
Just a bit of a rant really,

But I'm so sick and tired and all the negative press the media AND some fans are creating about these concerts.

This Is It is supposed to be such a great event, one that fans have been waiting 12 years for and in some cases all their lives for - we should be over the moon and ecstatic!

But instead fans are complaining about the fact that he might mime at the concerts, that they were put back - can't we all just enjoy what is happening around us? The return of Michael Jackson!

I think one of the reasons why Michael embarked on this residency was to get the press off his case, to prove to them that he does still have it and can be the Michael Jackson the world fell in love with - but instead at every corner there are rumours about illness, physical fitness, Michael's unhappiness at doing 50 shows, whether or not he'll pull out and all of that kind of stuff.

Why can't we just accept this for what it is? Michael is doing 50 sell-out shows this summer. If he didn't want to do it he wouldn't. So let's stop believing all this media and fan hearsay and rumour and believe what people are telling us from inside the Jackson camp, after all let's not forget, they're the ones who are actually in there working with Michael and they know a hell of a lot more than fans or news reporters.

Let's just enjoy This Is It for what it was really meant to be all about! :)

that is so true:yes:, it will just make us feel bad to give attention to them, yesterday I saw in a site,and their topic was about Mikes kids.they`re not satisfied bashing on the father and now the children., tsk tsk
Well im not upset with the rumors because

Hes doing a SELL OUT TOUR, the rumors are just to hype things up, im sooo glad thats in the UK everyday theres something in the papers about michael.

altho there stupid and rumors, its good publicity and most people who have a brain no there stupid anyways.


will he mime or sing

why dont people get over it and be glad they are seeing their idol.

anyways your right

THIS IS IT RULES and im not gunna worry or fuss about it.

Well said! :yes:

Also, it's funny reading comments from Micaholic ^^...Knowing now what we know!
i can,t understand some fans either, complaining about everything.i mean for one thing.personally after being a fan for over 20 yrs,i really don,t care if he is singing live or miming at the concert,just the experience of being there and michael being in the same building is enougth and trust me,i have seen mj before in concert,and you will enjoy it wether he is miming or not.it seems what ever mj does noone can just sit back and be happy for him,

that's well said. sometimes u r so used to something great that u get scrutinous. but when u step back, u realize what u have taken for granted. sorta like the hair thing. if anyone woke up for the first time and saw MJ as he is today with his straight hair, they'd see someone beautious to behold. and youthful.
I think one of the reasons why Michael embarked on this residency was to get the press off his case, to prove to them that he does still have it and can be the Michael Jackson the world fell in love with.

l like this sentence this is the right thing and this is it
Exactly, every time I look in a paper or go to work some one else has a story or some drama that the shows may not happen, I say "what happens when he does them all?" there will be some other half assed story to replace them, people need to wise up to the "press"