I'm scared


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Excuse me for a moment, I'm in another world
So I'm going to see This Is It for the last time tonight alone. It's really dark and I have to go to a theatre that's kind of far away because it's the only one playing the movie. None of my "friends" will come with me even though they have nothing else to do. Oh did I mention i'm using public transportation. I really hope nothing bad happens to me on the way there or back. :sad: I feel sad that no one cares enough to go with me, but whatever Michael is worth it. Wish me good things please :mellow:
Aoww :(
i'm so sorry you're going alone :better:
i don't know why our "friends" don't understand us when it comes to our love for Michael :no:
i wish i could see it one last time too
:yes: Michael is worth it
it's all for L.O.V.E
take care :huggy: & report back ;)
I watched it twice and I paid the taxi $110 LOL to watch in a far theater.

(armed crossed) God take care of her.
You'll be o.k.

Come back and post that you are. O.k?

Have fun.
i'm sorry :hug: :better:
report back :wink:
may god be with you
Enjoy ! :D
So I'm going to see This Is It for the last time tonight alone. It's really dark and I have to go to a theatre that's kind of far away because it's the only one playing the movie. None of my "friends" will come with me even though they have nothing else to do. Oh did I mention i'm using public transportation. I really hope nothing bad happens to me on the way there or back. :sad: I feel sad that no one cares enough to go with me, but whatever Michael is worth it. Wish me good things please :mellow:

Hey, enjoy the film. Let us know on here when your back safe. Be careful. :cheers:
Be careful and check back in with us. I'm sorry your friends didn't want to go, but I personally enjoyed the movie the most the times I saw it alone. Plus all your friends here are with you in spirit! :huggy: :heart: Stay safe!
So I'm going to see This Is It for the last time tonight alone. It's really dark and I have to go to a theatre that's kind of far away because it's the only one playing the movie. None of my "friends" will come with me even though they have nothing else to do. Oh did I mention i'm using public transportation. I really hope nothing bad happens to me on the way there or back. :sad: I feel sad that no one cares enough to go with me, but whatever Michael is worth it. Wish me good things please :mellow:

hey - how did it go?
I hope it went okay
I went alone today too... this was my 5th time by myself
people laughed at me coz I was going again - but I don't care - I needed to see it one last time on the big screen
let us know when you are back
Hi, I also watched the movie alone because I personally knew nobody who would want to go see it. How did it go? I hope you are safe.
I had a similar experience... the things we do for Michael :doh:. I hope you had a safe trip, in the mean time I'm sending lots of love your way. :heart:
I'm back and okay. I felt you guys positive vibes being sent out. Also I've never walked down a darker street in my life or held pepper spray so tightly :laugh:Thanks everyone! I'm glad I went, Michael truly is beautiful and continues to amaze me.
dont be scared , i went alone on the premiere night at midnight and i paid for a taxi also , it was thirty-five dollars cuz i live pretty far from the theatre also. just remember michael will be there. and we all will pray for you. good luck
well I am glad all went well for you...and yes I think it is a good idea that you brought pepper spray...there are lot of nuts out there...I am glad you made it back safely.....the things we do for Michael.....Love that Michael..:yes:
you are making it look like is a nightmare to be an MJ fan... good luck, hope an ovni wont get ya... sorry, is not nice to read how the entire world despises you cause you like MJ, its shameful to read actually
you are making it look like is a nightmare to be an MJ fan... good luck, hope an ovni wont get ya... sorry, is not nice to read how the entire world despises you cause you like MJ, its shameful to read actually

Your comment was unnecessary and rude. I never said the whole world despised me I was just sharing my feelings on the situation that I was in and thought that other MJ fans would offer support. I embrace being a fan and I'm proud of it. That hurt my feelings. Why did you even bother posting here? No one needs your negativity!
you are making it look like is a nightmare to be an MJ fan... good luck, hope an ovni wont get ya... sorry, is not nice to read how the entire world despises you cause you like MJ, its shameful to read actually

I think you took the post the wrong way. MJtabloidjunkie wasn't ashamed to be a Michael fan, but the fact of being in a city alone, not to the movies. I feel for you MJ Junkie, I live in downtown Houston and drove to the big movies to see it, and it's not exactly in the best neighborhood. Happy you got home safe and sound!