I'm scared of what will come of the autopsy


Proud Member
Aug 26, 2011
I'm afraid soon we will have to face the harsh reality of what MJ died of,Gosh I hope it's not what everybody saying it is,I would be a lil hurt.
Nothing can be worse than the news of his passing. Also, I'm not quite sure what you're alluding to - but everybody has their demons, and Michael sure had his. And, whatever will be found, we can be sure the media will exploit it and blow it out of proportion - but we know that already, no possible surprises there.
Whatever it is; it's private. (Well it won't be, but you know what I mean). It doesn't change anything so don't worry.
If he his found to be some kind of drug addict, it just shows that he was human like the rest of us, with an addiction that millions of other people have.
It does not matter to me what he died of. I honestly don't care if he was taking drugs or any of the other things being said about him. He has gone, that is the only reality I see.
Hey u guys I'm just as hurt as you guys are,so don't attack me,it was just something that was on my mind. I love MJ just as much as you guys do.
Hey u guys I'm just as hurt as you guys are,so don't attack me,it was just something that was on my mind. I love MJ just as much as you guys do.
Hey don't worry, i'm sure it wasn't meant to come across like that ;)

Same. I mean, i can't really imagine MJ as the sort of person who was a drug addict, you know?
I understand he was addicted to painkillers a few years back, but i thought he had over come that?
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no matter what the autopsy shows I will still love Michael. he was still a true genius and a beautiful person inside and out and no autopsy report cn take that away from him
No matter what the results, it wont change my feelings about anything. I'm not scared at all for the autopsy reports. Nothing will change for me and how I feel about MJ.
Jermaine said he would be hurt ti find out that his brother was addicted to painkillers. Will you guys be hurt or disappointed?

Truthfully, it won't surprise me if that is the truth that surfaces. I don't hold it against Michael, I hold the world in contempt for driving him to that way of coping.
I'm not but I understand how you feel. You don't want that to be a part of his legacy. That's why I took issue with the press trying to paint Heath Ledger as a drug addict or that he took his own life.

There are housewives in Iowa with an addiction to prescriptions and no one is taking MDs to task for it because they know how to cover their arses. MDs know it is one of the hardest addictions to be free of. It is an ongoing struggle and still they prescribe and over prescribe and refuse to try more natural alternatives for their patients that are less addictive and better for the body. Their excuse: natural alternatives can be unstable. Yeah right, and your little science experiments are not?

Remember, Michael Jackson did not take these medications to get high and escape from the world. He took them for pre-existing medical conditions and that includes chronic pain. He took them to be out of pain so he could be available for his work and his beautiful babies.
I am getting myself ready to hear that his death was due to drugs, and that this was avoidable, the doctor who gave him the drugs should be jailed.

We don't know for sure why this happened but the fact that they didn't get a conclusive result from the autopsy is not a good sign. People knew what was going on but ultimately if someone is addicted you can't force them to stop unless they want to, although when it comes to prescriptions the doctors could and should have refused, even if he begged. His family should have threatned him with going public and taking custody of the kids, I think that would have stopped him.

He has a responsibility in this, if it was drugs, but it doesn't change our love for him, he went through more stress than we can imagine and didn't have a soulmate to keep him stable. God bless him if he was a troubled man, he is at peace now.
I don't want to hear Michael was a drug addict. I wish he embraced natural medicines and persued a wholesome, organic diet. Doctors and medications are very deadly.
I reckon why does the world have any damn right to know? As far as I'm aware, releasing autopsies to the world media isn't common medical practice. What happened to confidentiality, the Hippocratic oath!?!? I think this is none of the world's business and only for the Jackson family, and if the media does get their hands on this, it's a disgrace because only the Jackson family and close friends of Michael's should know the contents of that report.
I wouldn't want to hear that he was addicted to anything.
But if he was, it changes NOTHING in my mind. My opinion of the great man will not lessen.
I would totally understand any pain he had to overcome, for the world is a mean place.

IF he was addicted to prescription, he's in a better place now.

But it wouldn't change the fact he's a phenomenal human being.
Michael was a human being that has lived an exceptional life. He has also been under a pressure to perform to excellence, to be a role model, to be a icon, to be everything for everyone.
He has also been under tremendous pressure for sutch a long time, and had to cope with being called a monster, a freak, an abuser of children.

There are so many things that he has had to cope with, that if any other person would have just spent a month in his shoes they would have crumbled and died.

Michael was an extraordinary man, as he never seemed to bite back. He kept defending himself, but he did so without resorting to bad behaviour.

I have seen so many professional politicians and businessmen and entertainers loose themself after being put through just a tiny fraction of what Michael went through.

My conclusion is that if Michael fell in the trap of using any sort of chemical help to get by, I will not judge him.
But neither will I accept that this is the only thing that lad to his death.
In my opinion you can not separate the reason for it, and only look at the act of trying to sooth the pain.
The real cause, is in my opinion the relentless media world, and the people that buy their crap.
Its the coldhearted, moneygrabbing world of "entertainment" that is fed by peoples need to gossip, lie, and put others down.

I do not fear the results of the autopsy, but I do fear the judgment put upon him by people.
Well we already know hes had drug problems in the past.
He has also been under tremendous pressure for sutch a long time, and had to cope with being called a monster, a freak, an abuser of children.

There are so many things that he has had to cope with, that if any other person would have just spent a month in his shoes they would have crumbled and died.

Michael was an extraordinary man, as he never seemed to bite back. He kept defending himself, but he did so without resorting to bad behaviour.

I have seen so many professional politicians and businessmen and entertainers loose themself after being put through just a tiny fraction of what Michael went through.

My conclusion is that if Michael fell in the trap of using any sort of chemical help to get by, I will not judge him.

Well said. :clapping:
no one has the right to know the results of the autopsy except Michael's family and closest friends.
^^I think so too, but if they do not the slander will continue anyway, and might be mutch more harmful than the simple truth. The problem is that the talk about this has been based on rumors, that are presented as truth. If it is not corrected by anyone, it will stand as a fact, even if its not true.

I am not completely shore what the best thing to do is, and the family must decide what they are comfortable with.
whether or not he died as a result of drugs, it won't change how much I love him and his music.

who are we to judge, if we were to have led the life he did, I'm sure many would do the same or just give up.
He has gone through so much in his life, it's horrible.
He was strong really.
Ok it doesn't really matter i am sick of the media only talking about the negative things about Michael! No one is perfect so that's not the point. Even if he was taking drugs so what he was so stressed all the time people always trying to hurt him and he wanted peace. And maybe the drugs did help him in one way or another the thing is you have to accept people for the good and the bad in them. Therefore if you love Michael you should accept EVERYTHING including the bad and the good and far as i'm concern Michael had more good then bad in him. Being so i love him i always will and i accept all the good and bad things about him he was human so if it is proven he was on drugs then so be it i'll still love him. It doesn't make a difference to me whether he was or not because i love him and love over rules the negative.
I have to admit since he died I have been listening to that song 'Morphene' off the blood on the dance floor album over & over. The words really freak me out - esp. the bit about the heart attack. I'm so hoping his death had nothing to do with the stuff he referred to in that song. But i can't help wonder why he would write a song about morphine/demerol in the first place :S
I agree. The autopsy results should be kept confidential.
I want to know what he died from, but it would not make any difference to me. Michael will always be loved, and my feeling towards michael will never change at all. He had more to deal with than any of us could possibly imagine. What I think is that medication will be involved, and that apart from a few well known problems, he was a healthy (more so than a lot of people) 50 year old that shouldn't of suddenly died. It's now extremely unlikely it was from any natural causes imo. Its just too rare that your heart suddenly stops.

90-100 year olds die from much stress, the worst thing that would of happened to michael from too much work is collapse from exhaustion (non fatal), tiredness/insomnia, panic attacks etc... not death, at least not directly.

This was entirely preventable i believe.