I'm Proud Of My Father

Prince Of Pop

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My father has been in radio since the early 1970's. He's always given respect towards musical stars who passed on. Now my father is not the biggest MJ fan around. He likes a couple songs, but most of the time, he didn't care.

But today, the day after we lost our music hero, during his entire radio show.....my dad played 1 MJ song EVERY HOUR! He even called me and asked to borrow some of my cds because his radio station didn't have some of the music. I gave him my copies of Thriller 25, and The Essential MJ. He had his copies of the USA For Africa and Bad LPs. He told me what he was going to play, and what he had already played up to that point when we talked.

I mentioned to him some songs I believed he should play for Michael...and one of them I asked him to play is, and always will be one of my all time favorite songs.......and IMO it happens to be Michael's final song he gave us.......it's on Thriller 25....last track..."For All Time". I felt this song should have been played, it's got a great sound, and it's a great way to display his legacy.

I love my dad so much. Next time I see him...he's getting major hugs from me.

I thought I'd share this with everyone. This is a hard time for ALL of us....and even in this tough time, we cannot let this stop us. Michael wouldn't want it that way. He'd want us to move on, and keep listening to the music. Remember him through his work. We will cry for some time....but Michael needs us to be strong and to move on and keep smiling!
That's beautiful. I love For All Time

RIP MJJ - you're always in my heart
tell your father we are all proud and thankful to him for his actions

The king will live on forever in our hearts and ipods ;)
Such a beautiful and true song! I'm so happy you asked for it to be played.

This morning, my phone woke me up (tone stranger in moscow chorus...very sad words to wake up to...nonetheless it's MJ) and it was my best friend. She texted me saying that her new favorite song now my MJ is For All Time! She's like your father when it comes to being a fan. She likes a few of his songs, but understands and respects his artistry, creativity and what he's done for the music industry.

That made me smile this morning.

God Bless!
Very nice post. This whole thing has made me miss my father so much. I can't wait to go home and give him a massive hug. He is one of the few ppl who will understand even though he's not a fan (and yet never had a single bad word to say about Michael).