I'm Not So Sure Obama Has The Next Term Sealed Anymore. :/


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I used to think that Obama definetely had the next presidential term sealed because he found Osama Bin Laden and had him killed, but with the bad things people are saying about him, I'm not so sure he will be re-elected next year.:unsure:
I don't think Americans have any other choice then to vote for President Obama............

Can you imagine Republicans back in power (the ones who bankrupted America).............

Could imagine how much bigger the debt might become?????
Obama is not the best we've seen so far, but he sure as Hell beats the other alternatives! So, unless a lot of Americans have been smoking dope lately, I think it's a good and safe bet to say Obama will be re-elected. I also think a lot of people are unhappy with Obama because he hasn't fully done all he said he would, but these people have to realize that the Republicans are very much in Obama's way, and it's not exactly his fault that they try to block him at every turn.

The problem with American government is that these idiot parties get too partisan about the issues, so that actions are no longer taken to please the population at large, but rather to please the members of one's party, which is entirely moronic.
I don't know why people turned their backs on Obama. Did anyone really expect him to be able to fix the mess left by a decade of misguided republican shenanigans in a matter of days, weeks, months, or a year? It's so unfair and stupid. At least he's trying! NO ONE looks more competent than Obama in this upcoming election. So far, our choices are incredibly scary and discouraging. Republicans simply don't "get it". They only care about keeping the rich, rich, and the poor, poor. Republicans lack vision and compassion for those less fortunate. Obama genuinely seems to care even though he can't always immediately implement all his ideals and do what needs to be done. Everyone thinks they know best, but trying is the only thing that can be done, and that will be Obama's legacy - he tried (whether he succeeds or not).