I'm laughing my ass off

I can't see it either. I guess embeding doesn't work on this board. Can you post the link?
Uh...At least she sounds good!

But Ix-nay on the wig Ms Celine.

Leave the Jheri Curls for Rene, mmm-kay?
Some people have no class. They don't see the love within it. They just had to share their bad comments on youtube. Some real Michael's fans can't seem to digest to see someone performing as Michael. She's just honoring the great one. I speak french too. Even some of those french speaking fans are badmouthing her too. I thought she was nice.
I like her , thank you for posting the video :)
Oh no one is badmouthing her!

I love Celine!

It's that she doesn't have Michael's relaxed curls on her head, she's got the Soul Glo!

Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktl6L3ZwvL4

Just let your Souuul Gloooo!

Some people have no class. They don't see the love within it. They just had to share their bad comments on youtube. Some real Michael's fans can't seem to digest to see someone performing as Michael. She's just honoring the great one. I speak french too. Even some of those french speaking fans are badmouthing her too. I thought she was nice.
It's would've been a lot better without the wig.

Now does Celine tear up Bad? HELL YES! She brought it home!

But the wig just defeats the purpose.

All I can think of is "Soul Glo!"

OMG that cracks me up everytime hahaha
:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyedLOOOOOOL!!!! Work it Celine! :lol: :lol: She tried to do the pout too :lol: Thanks for the laugh!
C'est Céliiiiiiiiine!

Hey Good job Céline, c'tait cute à voir, tu as eu la chance de le cotoyer, chéries ces moments et gardes-les dans ta mémoire :)

I remember seing on TV here (I live in Québec) an interview with a young Celine saying her dream was to meet Michael Jackson... I searched the net to find it but couldn't...
Celine omfg

oh but guys you have to give her a credit I mean really she even says "shamone" (at 0.11 I thought i was gonna choke on laughter
) right..and the hair is amazing
Hey, the dancing was pretty dang good!

Yeah, Celine's always been a huge MJ fan. She used to idolize him when she was younger and had his posters all over her room.

When is this clip from?!
Haha I love Celine for doing that, that "shamone" was on point, lol :D
This probably the first time I've seen Celine dance also, haha.

It's that she doesn't have Michael's relaxed curls on her head, she's got the Soul Glo!

Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktl6L3ZwvL4

Just let your Souuul Gloooo!

HAHA SOUL GLO, I love Coming to America - that always gets me :D