I'm jealous....


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
This may sound rather selfish of me but I constantly find myself jealous of the people who met Michael, I don't want to, I want to feel happy for them that they got to live their dream which I still do. But, I just can't help it, there's something inside me that makes me jealous. I've always wanted to meet him but know that now, I'll never get the chance. :(
I know exactly how you feel. Ive never been to a concert, Ive never come close to an event, Ive never been in the same city has he. Ive never met him. This kills me as I always believed I would someday be able to see him face to face in my lifetime. I was devestated when he passed away because I will never get this chance.. Its killing me too.. I just wanted to see him in reality...
Jealousy is a very human emotion. I believe we all feel it at some point in our lives.
I'm trying to be very careful here so as not to add to your grief...
But the thought of never being able to see him again is just as devastating for those that have met him as for those that haven't.
Even if you've seen Michael a hundred times, it was never enough.
We're all in this together, honey.
Hope you're staying strong.
Lots of love your way...
:( I get VERY jealous. I avoid watching You Are Not Alone live because of the girls who get to hug him. I'm sorry but how could anyone be so lucky?

Never seen him in person, seen him live, and never ever will.
I'm not jealous of the fans and good people that met Michael - However I'm jealous, and probably even more angry, of all those ½!"#¤"# that spent years with Michael and now is saying stupid stuff about him.
I wished I could've been there as a friend for Michael, instead of him having those slimy bastards around him :(
BruceWayne I agree too. People like Bashir who Michael trusted and spent so much time with then he stabs him in the back. :( not fair. Also people like Mark Lester... Michaels "friends" then look what they do.
It's very sad, this world can be so bad :(
I toally understand. I was too young to attend the Dangerous and HIStory concert. When it was confirmed by Michael that he was doing shows in London I cried tears of joy. I always told myself that I'd never be able to meet my idol, the man that has my heart, but then as if someone was out there listening to me, looking in my dreams, Michael was doing shows in London. I was up 6am on a Friday morning wanting to be the first to get tickets and I got 2! I was the happiest person on the planet that day. But it wasn't meant to be :( We lost him, I lost my dream , I lost my happiness, :( Knowing I was so close to seeing him, being in the same room as him hurts. I just wanted to see him. :(
He's still here in my heart, and he ain't getting out, I've locked him in there :)
Miss him so much :(
I never got to see him either, and wish I could of. I think the people are so fortunate just to have been able to see him in concert, and extremely lucky are the ones who got to meet him. I can only imagine what that would be like now. Even so though, I don't think I would have ever got to meet him anyway. My parents probably wouldn't want to pay for a concert, especially if it was only in Europe or something. Would be awesome to randomly bump into him or something. Although that likely would never happen because he is Michael Jackson and have a crowd around him. I was thinking how he wore disguises and went to Disneyland while wearing them. I go to Disneyland a lot over the past 12 years, so who knows? He could have been there while I was there and I might have never known it. It's strange and funny to think of that now.
I get VERY jealous when i saw the girl can hug and kiss Michael on the stage...
It's so sweet~~~i strongly want it too...
why i can't have it???????><
but now, it will not happen, never will happen again...
OMG...i'm so sad now=]
I will find you one day, Michael. Plx wait me!!!!!!
I never got to see him either, and wish I could of. I think the people are so fortunate just to have been able to see him in concert, and extremely lucky are the ones who got to meet him. I can only imagine what that would be like now. Even so though, I don't think I would have ever got to meet him anyway. My parents probably wouldn't want to pay for a concert, especially if it was only in Europe or something. Would be awesome to randomly bump into him or something. Although that likely would never happen because he is Michael Jackson and have a crowd around him. I was thinking how he wore disguises and went to Disneyland while wearing them. I go to Disneyland a lot over the past 12 years, so who knows? He could have been there while I was there and I might have never known it. It's strange and funny to think of that now.

maybe ,there did have a possibility that your trip to disney have coincided with michael's,i think you should have spared a little time wandering aroud seeing if there was a man in disguise(and a collection of pics of his wearing various disguises would be advised) that could've been him..heehee...
im jealous too, but mostly the people who got to be friends,wives with him
the inner circle people.
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Thanks for the kind words, just glad I'm not on my own in this. I always feel bad and selfish when I think of it. :(
I understand just how you feel, because I'm kind of jealous too... :/
Michael met so much people, but a lot of people hurt him and didn't deserve to meet him.
He was so lonely and there was so much people (fans) who wanted to be next to him, hug him, kiss him, just be a friend of him... he needed a friend too, but... it was impossible. We couldn't approach...
You are not alone in feeling this way. I would have loved to have met him and just talked awhile with him. Sadly somethings are not meant to be.

i have felt the same , this whole horrifying situation , has broken my heart and completely shattered my Dreams:weeping:

i always dreamed and wished, that i could spend a week or weekend with Michael,
goofing around, playing pranks, water balloon fights, listening to his Music, talking. Just being with him would have been so special for me.

I now have tears in my eyes for the first time for a few weeks.

This is kinda the worst thing about it, for me. I mean missing the concerts and never seeing him live, as i had a ticket was just devastating, but Michael was so much more than just This Is It.

All what came before, all what Michael was about and....... He was Simply, Michael..... and, I Love Him, SOOOOOO Much. I cant stand this unbearable emptiness inside.

ok, now im really crying:boohoo:

i need to hug some of you, I really really do.:weeping::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I've felt the same way. It's upset me when people say things like 'I never got to see Michael one last time' or 'I only got to talk to him for a few seconds.' But then I read a magazine article that was posted in the forum where Michael said he was disappointed that he never got to see his idols Walt Disney and Charlie Chaplin before they passed away. For some odd reason, that made me feel better about the situation, that Michael knew how I felt.