I'm in hospital...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
and right as I was in the midst of being knocked out under anesthetic for my operation I could feel myself instantly slipping into sleep and memory loss and YET I managed to come out with "Whatever you do. Just don't do a Dr. Conrad Murry on me please!" and the doctor was like "Who's that?"..."Michael Jackson's doctor" I told him. Then he went into some kind of detail I recall about the difference between him and Murry, but I conked out a few sentencs into it lol. I can't believe I was thinking about Michael even under the influence of drugs lol.
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That's exactly what I would be thinking too if I needed anesthesia.

Get well soon, Butterflies!
Get well soon! :hug: And I gotta say.. the poem in your siggy.. wow.. :cry:
Best wishes to you. I hope you have a speedy recovery. :flowers:
Get well soon ,dear.I would be thinking that also. Man ,we all are still reeling over this but my wish for you is I hope that your doctor takes good care of you so we'll see you back here fulltime....
What's really funny is, I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled in October. When they were getting everything ready and about to put the IV in I asked them "wait, are you sure that's not too much?" he said "I'm no Murray." I wonder how many doctors get asked that now. I hope you get to feeling better hun!
Get well soon!

I was due to to have a procedure done last week but in the end it was not necesary, i was worried about the medication as well...
and right as I was in the midst of being knocked out under anesthetic for my operation I could feel myself instantly slipping into sleep and memory loss and YET I managed to come out with "Whatever you do. Just don't do a Dr. Conrad Murry on me please!" and the doctor was like "Who's that?"..."Michael Jackson's doctor" I told him. Then he went into some kind of detail I recall about the difference between him and Murry, but I conked out a few sentencs into it lol. I can't believe I was thinking about Michael even under the influence of drugs lol.

lol gosh that made me giggle simply for the reason I could imagine myself doing similar, as I was saying on facebook today I reckon if I had amnesia I'd still remember MJ lol I think he's deeply imprinted on my mind & heart that's for sure seems he is with you too :)

i hope whatever your in hospital for isn't serious & that you'll be o.k soon