Im in Hollywood now and I want to go to Neverland how do I do this?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello Im from Guatemala and the main reason I chose comming here was for Michael, I wan to go to Neverland al so to the cementery MJ is now.. today is Sunday and the traffic is better today to drive to Neverland I guess.. anyone who can give me a map or some help, I have a friend here her name is Carmen Cook but when I try to contact her I get her voicemail, so Carmen if u r reading this please email me back soon.:angel:

I am stayin near Yucca street.. thanks for your help... do u think is far from here?
I'm not familiar with the area at all, but if I was you I would use google maps or map quest and put in where you are now as your starting address and put in Neverland's address as the destination. It will give you good directions, I think you are about 2 hrs. away. If you are in a hotel you can also ask for help at the front desk. I hope this helps =)
Neverland's about three hours from LA and the only way you can get there is drive.

The address is 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd, Los Olivos, CA 93441.
The only way to get to Neverland is to drive, there is no public transport to it. The Neverland estate is 5 miles up Figueroa Mountain Road, in the middele of a rural area.

To get to Neverland

1. Take highway 101 north out of LA
2. Then take highway 154 all the way through Santa Baraba to Los Olivios.
3. At Los Olivos onto Figueroa Mountain Road, and continue for approx 5 miles

All you cam see at Neverland is the brown main gates. Even when Michael was living there, thats all you could see. The main house, fairfound etc were not visable from the public road.

If you have a SAT NAV in your car, just put in the full address 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd, Los Olivos, CA 93441 and you will get there no problem.

The journey will take you approx 2hours from LA. As Neverland is in a rural area, there are no public facilitites or even street lights, so its not adviasable to be there when it gets dark
Im not sure, I havent been there before.

Ive just been thinking, as its around 9am where you are, it might be best leaving Neverland for another day. I was there in January a few years ago and it gets dark there around 3.30pm. It might be best to get up really early tomorrow to be there for as long as you can in the day light
i am here in iowa and i want to go but i haven't the funds. You are a wonderful person to help other fans.
I wish to know how to get to the cementery, if I can go by bus r I will have to rent a car... thank u for your comments.

Yes, you can go to Forest Lawn by public transportation. Check this site On the right they have a trip planner, so type your hotel address and Forest Lawn, and you'll get info how to get there by bus and/or metro rail.
It is quite a walk up the hill to where Michael is--it's definitely possible but just wanted to give you a heads up in case you want to take a taxi instead.
I was just there for a few weeks and wish I still was so I could take you there and to Neverland. I hope you don't have any trouble getting to where you need to go, and if you want my phone number in case of any questions please feel free to send me a message. :)
I just tried to respond to your PM but you must have private messages disabled.
With regards to Holly Terrace: Yes, they won't let people inside, but if you look through the doors, Michael is in the white box directly under the stained glass window, and the guards later bring in anything left for Michael and place it next to him.
I wish to know how to get to the cementery, if I can go by bus r I will have to rent a car... thank u for your comments.

take the red line subway to union station then take metrolink bob hope airport Ventura County Line or Antelope Valley Line to Glendale ( its the first stop ) walk about 2 light down u cant miss it

on metrolink u can take food on board and there rest room and water fountains

boob hope line

Antelope Valley Line

Ventura County Line
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Hi Helen, i hope you managed to go to Neverland and FL! :)

(btw just got your card, thx sooo much :) )
the whole thread made me cry but thanks so much for the info. I just wish I could leave him some flowers.
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the whole thread made me cry but thanks so much for the info. I just wish I could leave him some flowers.
Lucilla do you live far away? I can deliver flowers to him from you next time I'm there if you'd like.
I have some questions about going to FL, since I plan a trip to LA in April..

I will be staying in Chinatown (N.Hill street) and will go to FL by bus (I don't drive). Someone said earlier, it was a long walk to the Holly Terrace from the gate. How long is it (in time)? I am not afraid of walking (last time I was in LA I walked from Staples center to Chinatown and it took me almost two hours and I loved it). So I need the info to plan my time...

Also, about flowers. I checked the FL site and saw they have a flower shop there. So I assume I can buy flowers for Michael there right? I don't need to order them in advance do I?

I can't believe I am asking all those technical questions about going to the cemetery to visit Michael. God. It's depressing.
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I have some questions about going to FL, since I plan a trip to LA in April..

I will be staying in Chinatown (N.Hill street) and will go to FL by bus (I don't drive). Someone said earlier, it was a long walk to the Holly Terrace from the gate. How long is it (in time)? I am not afraid of walking (last time I was in LA I walked from Staples center to Chinatown and it took me almost two hours and I loved it). So I need the info to plan my time...

Also, about flowers. I checked the FL site and saw they have a flower shop there. So I assume I can buy flowers for Michael there right? I don't need to order them in advance do I?

I can't believe I am asking all those technical questions about going to the cemetery to visit Michael. God. It's depressing.
Hi Kathie,
if you don't mind the walk you'll be fine. It's not that bad...I'm really bad at estimating time, but it only takes me a minute or two to drive up the hill. It's a bit steep so that will add a bit of time but I'm guessing...definitely no more than 30 minutes? And likely shorter.
I'm pretty sure you can buy flowers there, yes. I haven't done so myself so maybe just call beforehand to confirm?
Hope that helps. :)
OMG that is so sweet of you! I would love you to do that! you would be my :angel:
Yes, I live far away in South America!
Lucilla, I will probably go again in February or March. Do you want me send me a private message with your name and any little note you want me to print out and leave with your flowers for him?
Well I will be going to Neverland too when I go over in March and I asked the exact same question.
Luckily for me I new some oone who has been loads of times so I asked him for directions.
Its about 3hrs north of LA(5 depending on trafic) so unless you drive or hire a car there really is no physical way of getting up there because its right in the midlle of nowhere.
You head up towards Santa Barbera and I think youve got to get on the 154 and that will take you to Los Olivos/Santa Ynez(AKA Neverland Valley).
Once there you need to Find Figueroa Mountain road as that is the road Neverland is situated on.
As from what Im aware It is quite away up that mountain road but once you see thoes brown gates set of the road on your left hand side you will know your there.

Oh and one more thing,by Califonian law you are not aloowed to be up there at because it is far too dangerous.
I advise you to set of at about 7/8 in the morning at the very latest.

Also there is more then one forest Lawn in LA.
The one Michael is in is Glendale inside the Great Mausoleum (Holly Terrace).

I really hoped that this has helped.
Ive tried to give you as much infomation as possible.

Also when I go Im going to Have a Thriller day where I will be going to all the locations Michael used for the Thriller film (except the Rialto theater thats too far out of LA)
like the first stop for me has to be Union pacific avenue where that famous routine was performed (the red wall he done it in front of is still there and it hasnt changed at all in 27 yrs)
Next stop is S broadway where the Palace theater is located.
Its shut down now but the front hasnt changed in 27yrs either (if you look through the shutters you will notice that the inside is still the same as it was in Thriller).
Then after all that I will heading to Carroll avenue (not to be confused with carrollwood) Where there,still stands,the Thriller house and that hasnt changed either.
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Lucilla, I will probably go again in February or March. Do you want me send me a private message with your name and any little note you want me to print out and leave with your flowers for him?

oh yes, I would love that! :wild:

:( I'll write the message and I'll send it to you in private :cheeky:

:cry: Thank you.
Hi Kathie,
if you don't mind the walk you'll be fine. It's not that bad...I'm really bad at estimating time, but it only takes me a minute or two to drive up the hill. It's a bit steep so that will add a bit of time but I'm guessing...definitely no more than 30 minutes? And likely shorter.
I'm pretty sure you can buy flowers there, yes. I haven't done so myself so maybe just call beforehand to confirm?
Hope that helps. :)

Thank you :)
Thanks to everyone who is giving information, I´m writing down everything. I´m planning my trip to L.A. in August.
I also don´t mind walking from the gate to the Holly Terrace at FL (I don´t drive too), but I really don´t know what I´m going to do to go to Neverland, as I saw here that you can arrive there only by car, I´ll have to find a way...