im heding to FL tomrow moring


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey guys just wanted to quickly tell you that tomorrow morning ill be heading over to FL to deliver everything im so sorry this has taken along time ill take lots of pics BUT I WILL NOT TAKE PICTURES OF MICHEAL'S GRAVE SORRY!!!!!

ill be up till 9 tonight so in case u want to send something over for me to take tomorrow right now its 7PM
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Bye every one im leaven to go see Micheal will take lots of pics
They Maria thanks again! Can't wait to see the pictures of everything that was sent! :)
Aw, so happy you made it out there! That whole "You are not alone" thing in the train station is kinda creepy yet very ironic.
As far as the pics, you should be able to delete them with the camera just look for a little trash can. Or sometimes when you plug the camera in to import them to your computer will ask if they want to delete.
well i want to upload them to my my space but i dont know how
ive treyd to import them to my computer but it seams i cant it dont reginize the camera
omg !!!! my teddy bear is next to Michael now !!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! God bless you for what you've done for me and other fans !!! Thank you !!!!:angel:
your wel come i was glad i colud do this here a picture of your teddy bear in the train it was sitting next to me the whole time i was on the train

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to all of you that send me letters for Micheal please know i took them but unfortunately the pictures i took of them are in my camera hard drive and i have no idea how to upload them to my computer so im very sorry please know there with Micheal right now i stayed there until the Fl team took them inside of the holly trance

im in the proses of buying a new camera with better quality of taking pictures
Aw Maria, great pictures! Thanks for posting. That bear is so cute.
I'm so happy that you made it there to visit Michael! I know he'd love and appreciate all of this support. Our L.O.V.E. is with him.

to all of you that send me letters for Micheal please know i took them but unfortunately the pictures i took of them are in my camera hard drive and i have no idea how to upload them to my computer so im very sorry please know there with Micheal right now i stayed there until the Fl team took them inside of the holly trance

im in the proses of buying a new camera with better quality of taking pictures

aww thank you!!
so my letter is with michael? :)
it was so nice of you to do that!!!
to all of you that send me letters for Micheal please know i took them but unfortunately the pictures i took of them are in my camera hard drive and i have no idea how to upload them to my computer so im very sorry please know there with Micheal right now i stayed there until the Fl team took them inside of the holly trance

im in the proses of buying a new camera with better quality of taking pictures

maybe someone on here could help you ? :)
yeah i can post it here ill do it a bit after i upload them to Photo bucket
so you all sean the pictures but you guys haven't hear the story of my trip

i woke up about 5 :30 to get ready for my trip ate some thing really quick got dress and log in here really fast to tell u all that i was leaving after that i got the balloons and the letters a that fans have sent me and the teddy bear and left the house got the buss 13 and payed my fair got off at the Metrolink station and payed my fair ( $10.75 round trip) the train left at 8:14 AM got to LA around 9:30 got the red line to go to MacArthur park got off and got to a store to buy a few things to take with me for Micheal i also got a picture fame to put a picture of Prince Paris and Blanket there after that i whet to the 99 cent store to fill up the balloons that i had so after i got the balloons i tryed to go back to the red line but it was so hard with 12 balloons for me to even walk ( i swear not to offend any one ill never take 12 balloons to Micheal i love him as a fan but that a little to much for me to Carrie i might take him 2 LOL ) so here i am with 12 balloons 3 posters a teddy bear and my purse it took me about 12 mints to even get back on the red line because the air was blowing hard and i was trying to hold the balloons so back to the red line i was sitting there trying to put a picture of his kids in the picture frame and the picture frame broke on me i was so heartbroken because i really wanted him to be near a picture of Prince Pairs and Blanket and i have type of something the night before that said DO NOT REMOVE THIS IS MEANT TO STAY HERE so the team of forest lawn would not throw it away for a hour i was looking for red roses for only $7 because that how much i had and i dint want to visit him with out the 12 roses so i had no luck they where all $20 so i got on the back on the red line got back to union station so i got off the red line at union station and whet across the street and got 12 roses for only $7 ( they are only $10 but i had $7 so the lady gave me it for $7 ) when back to union station and it was all redy 12 PM and got on the Amtrak with my ticket form Metrolink ( i dint know they did that but they do ) got off at Glendale and walk to FL lawn so when i got there i saw that it was almost 1 PM so i had to do things fast so i put a the 3 posters together i was going to make a cute poster but i was rushing to get back to the train station because my train was about to leave in a hour so i was like sorry Micheal maby next time when the time changes i come back and do this so i just put the letters together but i did stay a while and talk to one of the scurrility guard ( i'm not going to say who ) there and i told him about my concern about fans taking pictures of Micheal grave i told him " im a fan but i will never get near the door or take picture of his grave because i respect his mother wishes other fans dont seam to care about that but i do because that im just a fan i have no right to be doing that i will never go beyond this bench" and he responded why are you not the president of the fan club ( meaing MJFOSC) i smiled and it seam that he felt that i was the only one that would respect his grave so after i saw him take everything i n i left got back on metrolink and went home i got home about 6:00 PM really tried