I'm going to Thriller Live tonight!


Proud Member
Aug 17, 2004
I'm going to Thriller Live tonight! I'm really excited, I think it will be great! I will let you know afterwards how it was :D

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Cool, enjoy!
I would love to see it too but I don't think I'll have the chance.
Well, it was AMAZING :D It started with a little boy (little Michael) who could sing really powerful, he sang Music and Me. And then all the old Jackson 5 hits, with his brothers, then all his solo songs in chronological order. Although not ALL his hits were played! Although it was a really long show, 2,5 hours or so!

The dancers were superb and the singers awesome, and my favorite performance was that of TWYMMF, sung by a woman, with 4 MJ's trying to hit on her while she sang! It was such an original version of the song, really great!

I went with a friend who wasn't really an MJ fan (yet) but now she is really interested in him and wants to see all his new pictures and listen to hold my hand, haha, really cool :D
You're gonna love it.

Wait till you see the Smooth Criminal Lean :cool:
I have to tell you that I just can't wait, I bought my ticket yesterday and I'm going to see it on 23rd October here in Finland... :dancin:
Hope it will make me feel better just a little bit better:)
^ HEy me too (on Oct 20) I was kind of surpirsed that it came here, I never thought they'd do the show here and in MY hometown! But I'm so excited to see it! And can't wait to see other MJ fans there, too! :)
I can't stop seeing it! :D I've almost reached double figures with the amount of times I've been :p I just love love love it!