i'm going to the Beach Tomorrow with my whole.....family's


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
it'll be fun but i don't what to go but everybody is bugging me alot to go but i don't what too :no: :( but i have no choose cause everybody will be sad if i don't go that's what they say :yes: so i have to go cause my sister in law she take me out shopping for Swimerwear :yes: i have no choose :yes: :cry: it's very nices but i look FAT:yes: :cry: :(
but it's nices brown swimerwear :yes:

so look like i'm going to the beach :yes: today me & my mother we're going out to get stuff for tomorrow

& i have to woke up very early tomorrow :yes:
awww..Rockstar..I am sure that you look beautiful in your swimwear...:)....Remember it is what is on the inside of a person that matters most....and you are a beautiful person..:).....I hope you have fun at the beach..:)
thanks :hearts:

i'm going cause my 2 nices whats me to go cause one of my nices say that i'll find seashells :giggle: how cute :)
Aww I know the feeling. I hate the beach...all that hot sun, dirty sand and loud sunbathers (well, here in Brooklyn they're loud). I haven't been to a beach in years. The last time I had to wear a swimsuit in public (the horror) I wore swim shorts over it for modesty. Or you can buy a nice cover up for yourself. But I'm sure you look good in a suit. Just try to go with it and have a good time with your family! Collecting seashells is kind of fun. :)
Aww I know the feeling. I hate the beach...all that hot sun, dirty sand and loud sunbathers (well, here in Brooklyn they're loud). I haven't been to a beach in years. The last time I had to wear a swimsuit in public (the horror) I wore swim shorts over it for modesty. Or you can buy a nice cover up for yourself. But I'm sure you look good in a suit. Just try to go with it and have a good time with your family! Collecting seashells is kind of fun. :)

thanks suzynyc;2885390 :D

but i heard the wearther for tomorrow is sunny but rain also too :(:doh: my father is not happy about that :no:
ooh i forgot to say cause this is funny really :yes: funny :giggle: :toofunny:

my sister & husbund & my brother & his wife they're both fighting about me cause they both what me to go with them in the car is funny really funny cause they're fightering over me who they what is :toofunny: :toofunny:
:lol: i had funny i was in the water alot but i got alot sunburn :yes: :cry: cause hurt like hell :yes: :cry: :cry:

before we got home what to ice cream place when we what there when i was little know we did with are little girls i have AH chocolate :yes: it was good then we hand home & i got home by 7:24pm :yes: takes about 21/2 hours to drive there & back home :yes: :puke:
we had lamb for dinner then everybody what home in hour :yes:
tomorrow i'll post some pictures
i'm so tired right know it was along.......................day :yes:
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Well i was gonna say, in england it's been really hot

Is it cold even in the summer in canada cause my friend says the summers are really hot and winters are really cold but freezing cold sea in summer :O

:yes: that is true :yes: