I'm going to Gary on August 29th


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I live about 5 hours from Gary, Indiana. My family has finally agreed to take me on a trip there this year, and I'm going on Michael's birthday! :) I would go on June 25th, but it's too soon after we get back from our vacation. I am so excited and happy. This may not seem like a big deal for some people, but I've always wanted to go to the place where Michael grew up, especially since I live kind of close to it. I think it's something every fan should try to do, and I'm thrilled I actualyl get the chance to do it, especially on such an important day. I know I'll probably cry when I go there.

But I need your guyses help. Other than the old house, which is obvious, I need a list of every Michael/Jackson family related place located in Gary, Indiana. I figured all of you guys would know more than me and would be able to help. Anything and everything is appreciated :)
Well of course I'm going to the house, I said that :)
What are some other places I could go to that are related to Michael and his family?
That is so cool, I want to go there.
I don't know any other places, sorry.
aww thats awesome! I wanna go there someday :) I dont know any places.. maybe some clubs still exist where J5 used to do gigs.. I think it would be fun just look in there.. I think I would also like to go on Michaels birtday, thats just happier I think! Have a fantastic time! :D
Thats very cool! Do you know if they are still building that amusement park?
1. There is an abandoned theater in Gary called Palace Theater. The sign on the marquee reads "Jackson Five Tonite," but they apparently never performed there. The building is trashed inside and boarded up (like many places in Gary), but you can find lots of pictures online. The address is:
791 Broadway
Gary, IN 46402

2. Mr. Lucky's Lounge--this place was the first venue where The Jackson 5 performed. I don't know if it is still standing--as of July, the owner of the building was planning to sell bricks and other parts of the building as memorabilia before it was renovated. It is on the corner of "Grant and 11th avenues," about a mile from the family home.

3. Steeltown records building--I couldn't find any information on this, whether or not the address was known or if the building is still even standing.

4. Roosevelt High School--At least one or two of the boys attended here and it was another performance venue for the group.
730 W. 25th Avenue
Gary, Indiana 46407

I do know that Michael's school in Gary was called Garnett Elementary School, but it has since been torn down. I don't know if it was in the same location as the school by his house.

By the way, the house now has a gate around the perimeter, apparently fans were destroying the grass on the property by constantly walking over it to lay tributes at the door. I also saw a picture somewhere of a vandalized stop sign near the home that says "This Is It, STOP hatin'"

I hope this helps.
That helps so much, thank you :)
Do you know if Joe's old steel mill is still standing, or its former address?
I found an address for U.S. Steel in Gary, at 1 Broadway, but I'm not sure if that is the same place where Joe worked.
Gary isn't too far from Chicago. Are you planning to go to Chicago, too? I think there are some "Michael Jackson/Jackson 5" bus tours from Chicago to Gary that will drive you by important spots.

IMO, there really isn't a whole lot to see or do in Gary. It is neat to see the small house where they grew up, but 5 hours is a long way to drive for that! There are tons of things to do in Chicago (not MJ related, though) - museums, the aquarium, shopping on Michigan Ave., etc. And, you could take the bus trip over to Gary. That's what I would do.
That's so cool ! :D
i wish if i can go there someday
my best friend lives there currently :)