I'm getting my videos online soon (and need help)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
I can finally get all my videos online!!!

I need help/advice
How do I save the files as...

this is public film some of it.. so Do I need the poeple's permission to post their faces on youtube? It's footage from MJ events.

(old post)
I've been wanting to show you guys forever, my MJ footage on youtube, like the Sony Demo, Michael's 45th Birthday Party, and other good MJ moments in my life...

I also have a video of my mj collection displayed, and I explain what everything is...

I am also going to learn how to make slide shows of pictures, and montages of videos to go along with songs and such... I'm just so very very very very excited.

I'll probably start putting up videos sometime next week, and I can also put videos on to DVD soon, so maybe I can sell or trade with you guys!


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Re: I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Darvon - that was a blast from the past lol :) I love the way they say Thriller "looms like spectre" over other albums lol
Re: I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Darvon for the video!
Re: I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow you have loads! You don't by any chance have Larry King's interview with members of the jury? I never got to see that.
Re: I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

If you can it would be great, but I wouldn't want you to go to too much trouble on my account:flowers: