I know it's always a treat to have a good fake bag. But where they come from and who make them is sick. Only reason I won't buy a fake.
lol...but.........you can't call it a LV if its a fake.
i had an urge to buy a fake chanel bag once. i wanted, needed that logo on my arm=P i did finally get a real one. but.... either way i wish we didn't live in a world where fashion items had ridiculous prices!
whats odd is theres celebs who get goodies like these bags for free when they can actually afford them lmao. crazzzy world.
Is not really and LV bag if it's not made by LV lol, sure it looks like, but I tell ya, it's all in the quality.
I'm not much of a bag person myself, I've got loads of them but most have been presents, now SHOES! that's my thing lol, I try to get the real ones if possible, the leather is amazing and your feet won't be torn appart.