I'm Getting a Cat!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Well, on June the 21st I'm going to have my adopted black, male cat. He's only 6 weeks old! We adopted him on Sunday but have to wait 2 more weeks till he can leave his mummy.

Guess what I'm gonna name him...

Not Michael Jackson!! LOL :p

He's gonna be called Hunter Joel.

Do you guys like the name? Because I did want to pick something unique and interesting, you know?
Aw, thats a cool name. When my family got a kitten we called it Bandit. Haha.
Awwww :wub:

I love cats soooo much, and I get so happy when someone decides to adopt one! (and not buy!) :angel:

Hunter Joel sounds cool!! He'll probably be a hunter if u have a backyard or anytime u have a bug or bird flying into ur home :lol:
My cat is our night guard, she kills anything that moves! :lol:

Have u ever had a cat before? If not, prepare for the joy of having one! They are precious, fun and unique creatures! And they are soooo smart....u'll see him learning tricks by himself and u wont even know where he got them from!! :wild:

Just a quick reminder: spaying and neutering cats avoids having them from going outside the house to mate and risking their lives by being run over by cars or running into people who would poison or hurt them, or dogs. Keep them always inside. The streets arent safe for a cat, especially if u adopt them to get them out of there! :flowers:

Hope u are very very hapy with him!! :D
So happy for you! They are so special, and each one has it's own personality for sure. I have never NOT had cats and dogs since I was born, they bring so much into one's life. Enjoy your new little one. Although at that young age they can keep you up at night playing, plus those tiny little claws and teeth are mighty pin like and sharp, but with time they do sleep through the night and stop playfully biting. And Hunter Joel is a great and unique name. Please post pics if you can.
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Let's just hope you don't end up with one of these little doofus's...

See, I told you!! Cats are way funnier than dogs...
OMG those videos ads hilarious!

And thanks so much guys. Also yes I'll be posting pix as soon as I can!!!!!!
My cat is our night guard, she kills anything that moves! :lol:

The 2 cats that lives in this house should learn from your cat. Especially my sweet little Tabby girl. We once had a mouse in this house and my cat didn't have the slightest clue that cats are suppose to kill mice. All my cat did was just played with it and then let it run lose. My mother's cat CoCo she used to be an insect exterminator and then she lost interest in doing that. Now whenever there's an insect that is near her all she does is either sits there and does nothing. Or she will just go and do something else ignoring that insect.

Thats great you are getting a cat and Hunter sounds like a great name for a cat.
How sweet! Yes, that's a cute name! Cats are the best thing ever! My Zico is with us for 11 years now and I just feel so glad everyday that he's ours! He's very sweet and loving and mischievous and crazy! He's the best! :)

Do post pictures of Hunter Joel when you can! :)
Empyrean Dancer, my baby is 11 years old too. ^^

Raingirl, 2 months i think is enough for the kittens to leave their mom, either way if they are not ready there are special kitten milk to feed them until they can eat their food! :yes:
Empyrean Dancer, my baby is 11 years old too. ^^

Really? :wub: What's his/her name?

Here's my sweetie with me:


My cutie sleeping:


Hahaha he looks like a Lord on this one:
