Im confused: When is the Larry King/ Jermaine Interview on CNN?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Im so confused trying to work out what time Larry King is going to be on. From what i understand hes going to Neverland and will interview Jermaine live there

Does anyone know when? Im trying to stay up to watch it on CNN (i live in the UK!)
It's on at 9pm east coast time in the states, so it's probably like very early-morning hours in the UK.
4 am thank you :):) Any other interviews/ neverland tours/ breaking news i missed on AMerican TV?
l'm sorry if l'm offending anybody but wtf is going on? why jermaine is doing tv show tours and not doing something to burry his brother? it makes me sick
l'm disgusted
He's probably elected by the family as the family's spokesperson for this stuff. someone needs to answer to media's hounding for interviews and the family knew that the public feel Michael belonged to them too and deserve interviews. someones got to do it. Jermaine is being very strong.
He's probably elected by the family as the family's spokesperson for this stuff. someone needs to answer to media's hounding for interviews and the family knew that the public feel Michael belonged to them too and deserve interviews. someones got to do it. Jermaine is being very strong.

I can't judge the guy before the interview. I'll assume for now that he's being very strong and not being very "Jermaine."
I am watching it now. Jermaine said that it will be at the Staples center at 10am. He said they actually tossed around a couple of places but no place was really big enough because he says 20,000 or more fans are coming from the UK alone. He seems overwhelmed by the whole thing. He also kept saying that Michael should be buried at Neverland in a spot near the train station. He said the people who make the laws can change the laws with regards to the permit to bury Mike there.

Also he said there will be a private ceremony with the family and celeb friends on Tues morning before he gets to Staples Center. He also said there will be a series of memorials thereafter. In other words, there are numerous memorials planned. He did not say anything about whether the body will be at all memorials or not.
He also said that Tuesday is only the beginning of MJ's memorial service o_O
There will be more!
there is a sense of sadness around Jermaine. He does seem overwhelmed by the situation.
did you hear him singing that song Mike was working sounded pretty good...I cant remember which interview bc he is on CNN and then there is a seperate interview on MSNBC.

But on one of them he starts singing this song MJ was working on
I used to enjoy watching Larry King, but lately he's really showing his age. First he says "We're looking at the main house...", while they were actually showing the guest house. Then he asks Jermaine what he thinks about "Diana Sands" being named as a possible guardian for Prince and Paris. Then he has a terrible habit of interrupting his guests while they are trying to answer his questions.
So its official for staples center ok. I had missed him talking on that part.

I have never like larry and his coke bottle glasses or barbara walters. ugh!
I used to enjoy watching Larry King, but lately he's really showing his age. First he says "We're looking at the main house...", while they were actually showing the guest house. Then he asks Jermaine what he thinks about "Diana Sands" being named as a possible guardian for Prince and Paris. Then he has a terrible habit of interrupting his guests while they are trying to answer his questions.

I agree. I don't know if he does it deliberately or not, but it's very off putting when he constantly interrupts his guests. Someone should tell him about that.
l'm sorry if l'm offending anybody but wtf is going on? why jermaine is doing tv show tours and not doing something to burry his brother? it makes me sick
l'm disgusted

Yeah, how about they go ahead and cancel the public ceremony as well. Just do a private ceremony, bury him, put all of his music in a vault and let the fans live off the memories. Would that satisfy you?
I agree. I don't know if he does it deliberately or not, but it's very off putting when he constantly interrupts his guests. Someone should tell him about that.

he probably does that so they don't go over time, the show can't last for ever.

'm not surprised that Jermaine is the one doing interviews, etc. he has always been very vocal for various reasons. He definately seems to be hurting. With Matt laurer, or was it Cooper, from this morning he kept saying how it felt like Mike was still here and just on tour. He still hasn't really accepted it, and it will probably be a while before he does.

I 'member when my big bro died, it took forever before I realized he wasn't just on vacation but never coming back. I feel for the family;An unexpected death of someone so young and vibrant is always difficult to come to terms with.
l'm sorry if l'm offending anybody but wtf is going on? why jermaine is doing tv show tours and not doing something to burry his brother? it makes me sick
l'm disgusted

I know 'Maine has a history of using Mike for self promotion and he and Mike had they good times and they bad, but there is no need to be sick by his actions. the guy is in pain, you can clearly see it. And the thing to remember is that just because Mike's life is over doesn't mean that its over for his family. They still have to live and that's tough during a crisis like this. They are going to be going through their good days and their bad days, but they will do it together as a family.

It wasn't long after my brother's death that my family started making jokes and laughing about the dumb things he did, or the funny stuff he would say. Jermaine, and the family, is coping in their own way. I mean in the interview from this morning he went from sad, to excited about Mike's future plans, to reminicent, to sad again, to happy and proud, to hopeful and the interview was only like 10 minutes tops!

Give the guy a break.
I used to enjoy watching Larry King, but lately he's really showing his age. First he says "We're looking at the main house...", while they were actually showing the guest house. Then he asks Jermaine what he thinks about "Diana Sands" being named as a possible guardian for Prince and Paris. Then he has a terrible habit of interrupting his guests while they are trying to answer his questions.

on fox news bill o'reilly is the one who interupts people right when they start to speak the first word! since he hates people who disagree with him. thank god hes not larry king, but larry simply trys to get to the point of his question for his span of time and i think he lets people speak, otherwise i wouldn't enjoy his interviews, yea hes getting old so he forgets diana ross' last name, but hes one of the best interviewers.
the transcript is now online
a qoute

"KING: And burial now, the California law says you have to bury them in a cemetery, right?

JACKSON: That's pretty much yes. But, as you know, the ones who make the laws can also change them too. I would love to see him here.
KING: Do you have a place for him here?
JACKSON: Yes, there's a special place right over near the train station, right over there.
KING: That we saw before?
JACKSON: Yes. It's hard, Larry, to point where your brother is going to be -- it's tough.

KING: What kind of service will it be?
JACKSON: Larry, we -- we want the world to take part in this event. But, at the same time, we're mourning. We're mourning because this is the most incredible human being there will ever be. And I'll tell you why, because -- I'll quote something to you.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself to make a change."
I'll say it again, "if you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself and make a change."
When you listen to the content of songs, the melodies, the messages, the videos, the concerts, that's who he was. That's who he is.

there is hope !
I thought this was an ok interview... Larry looked genuinely upset that Michael had passed away. Even though he kept interrupting Jermaine and seemed to get on his nerves, I still prefer an interview by Larry than any other journalist. He's always been fair to Michael so I'll forgive these small flaws :)
Yeah, something is definitely taking place. My dad and I both agree that Mike should rest at NL, and I think the Jackson's are going to do everything they can to make sure that happens. The entire area is buzzing with life again; CNN interviewing Jermaine, Miko going through the house sharing the memories, the lawn and grounds look prestine and recently cared for, and who are all of those people in the kitchen? Were they caterers hired to feed the camera crew?...Hummm...something's you think that the Jackson's already bought back the ranch? I realize that Michael still owns some of it...but you can tell the mood is rebirthing. Hum...maybe they just primed the grounds (the flowers etc) for the 'Larry King' interview....I don't know. But one thing's for sure, they want Michael to rest there and for it to be a place of peaceful reflection once again. I had an apifany (sp) today while at work; it suddenly makes sense to have NL brought back to life. Mike's childern deserve that, they family, friends and fans deserve it. I realize that in the last few years Michael no longer saw it as his home, but his soul is at peace now...and peace is associated with NL. It makes sense. His santcuary. And he SHOULD be rested there. It would make perfect sense. The grounds could be restructered; they could build a small restaurant or out door eatery, something for the adults, a kids play ground, a few rides, not anything too large...keep things peaceful and simple. The main house or guest house could be the museum...maybe they could sell a little bit of the's all coming together. It should remain with Jackson's childern. I guess time will tell.
did you hear him singing that song Mike was working sounded pretty good...I cant remember which interview bc he is on CNN and then there is a seperate interview on MSNBC.

But on one of them he starts singing this song MJ was working on
It was the Todays show I think. And that wasn't a new song. Jermaine was sing 'Fly Away' from Bad Special Edition.