I'm ashamed to call myself a fan...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
...when it took me 10 minutes of hard thinking to remember that it was the song 'Billie Jean' when someone asked me 'what was the song from one of his videos when the side walk squares lit up?" :doh: I know I've only been a fan for 6 years but....come on :rofl: every fan knows that one!

I was like, 'When the hell did this happen in black or white?' :doh: 'Smooth Criminal? No....couldn't be....it had to be Jam! Wait a minute..."
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LOL it doesn't matter. Just put it down to a little mind blank, have them all the time and you know you should know it but you can't think what the heck it is...

Edit: The person above bet me 2 it :)
Haha don't worry! We all have our moments!

Although I got worked up over not being able to list the HIStory tracks in perfect order haha. I got a bit upset and my friends teased me haha.
Gonetoosoon you have cooler friends than i do... mine wouldn't even know what the HIStory album is lol
oh my....I feel you.

That's like forgetting that 1+1=2

sidewalk + lights=billie jean

don't worry. to make you feel better, today i walked into the guy's bathroom at school without noticing. we have our moments.
Its ok though, we all have mind blanks and end up in silly situations every now and then :)
oh my....I feel you.

That's like forgetting that 1+1=2

sidewalk + lights=billie jean

don't worry. to make you feel better, today i walked into the guy's bathroom at school without noticing. we have our moments.

Haha aww hang in there! How long till you realised hahah
Thats Ok.. I was playing a "name that tune" game with some friends and 6 seconds of a Michael Jackson song started playing and I couldn't name the song and I've been a fan for 17 years lol. I felt really dumb when the answer was revealed. I hid in a corner
Thats Ok.. I was playing a "name that tune" game with some friends and 6 seconds of a Michael Jackson song started playing and I couldn't name the song and I've been a fan for 17 years lol. I felt really dumb when the answer was revealed. I hid in a corner

Lol what song was it?
dont worry about it we all get mind blanks. sometimes i get mixed up with the songs 'Why You Wanna Trip On Me': and She Drives Me Wild'
Billie Jean has a very forgettable video so it's not your fault really. It's a cool idea and all but really the video is just not great.
Hehehe no worries, happens to the best of us. Fan since 1991 here but there are times when I also forget certain things, maybe not Billie Jean but still... lol
Hahaha it happends, personally I think we spend too much time talking, listening and watching MJ and that causes an overload in the brain. Or that is what I like to think hahaha.

Haha don't worry! We all have our moments!

Although I got worked up over not being able to list the HIStory tracks in perfect order haha. I got a bit upset and my friends teased me haha.

Haaaaaaaa Gone!!! Hahahah Love you! :hug:
...when it took me 10 minutes of hard thinking to remember that it was the song 'Billie Jean' when someone asked me 'what was the song from one of his videos when the side walk squares lit up?" :doh: I know I've only been a fan for 6 years but....come on :rofl: every fan knows that one!

I was like, 'When the hell did this happen in black or white?' :doh: 'Smooth Criminal? No....couldn't be....it had to be Jam! Wait a minute..."

Haha, people remember billie jean more for the live performance than the video so I wouldn't be too ashamed of that!!
It happens. I have my own story about that. My grandma gave me this puzzle to solve. There were a bunch of words, and they were all associated with each other. Looking at all the words together would give you a new word, which was the answer to the puzzle. Well, all the words were from the Vincent Price rap and the answer to the puzzle was "Thriller" and I could not for the life of me get it. I couldn't believe I didn't figure it out. :doh:
...when it took me 10 minutes of hard thinking to remember that it was the song 'Billie Jean' when someone asked me 'what was the song from one of his videos when the side walk squares lit up?" :doh: I know I've only been a fan for 6 years but....come on :rofl: every fan knows that one!

I was like, 'When the hell did this happen in black or white?' :doh: 'Smooth Criminal? No....couldn't be....it had to be Jam! Wait a minute..."

He he! I hate it when you have a mind blank like that!
I love Billie Jean, but i dont listen to it alot, ill put it on when i want a dance, but its not one of my favourite Mike songs really!
hey that has happened to me before too ive been a fan for a looong time its that your mind just goes blank..and were you seen the videos etc so many times they sometimes seems to blur together,i think. my cousins whos 16 asked me which song was it where they all get into the truck,that she loves thats song.. and I couldn't think for the life of me what she was talking about.. turns out it was Beat it we were in the cinema watching TII and she goes This is the song I was asking you about.. I love this song.. after the movie was over I went home and watched the Beat It video and sure enough the part she described to me was there.. so dont be hard on yourself,it happens to the best of us. :)