I'm 12 years old and michael j jackson is special to me

Re: I'm 12 years old and michael j jackson touched me in special ways

OK ... my apologies, i read the thread title and misunderstood :)

michael, his music, dancing... have touched you in special ways ;) got it, changed the thread title so nobody else will have the same confusion that i did

next time re read the thread title you are posting cuz ... :lol: :zformation:
Gosh... Mike's influence spreads far and wide. His love has no boundaries. This boy is 12 and I'm 15 and this shows he could inspire generations. I don't remember ANY artistes whose music could attract my grandmother, my father and myself. Tell me, who can do that? Definitely not Chris Brown and certainly not Elvis Presley.

Michael Jackson is incredible; he's one of a kind and it will probably be another million years before we can see any artistes who have a cultural impact close to Michael.
That's great to know Michaelfan.

I'm glad that Michael has touched so many generations throughout his life.

I hope every generation will continue to remember and appreciate him for eternity.