I'll Michael you.... people :-)

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
:heart:Michael's massage is to remind us to take of the planet and love each other but i wonder if we are truely reminded?:question:

Personally, i feel it is so hard to accomplish what he asked us and i am not sure how we can really do it.

yet i know one little thing: L.O.V.E is his way.... i believe if we really come to this understanding that we should love each other (like true good friends), we can really begin to make it okay.
We should let the L.O.V.E to stop us from ignoring each other first; then we can start trying to understand each other; then we can try to respect each other's right, personality, existance and life, then we can trust each other and will start to take care of each other and finally we will be united and really can heal the world.
L.O.V.E can be our CHANGE

This is the way i began:

I'll :heart:Michael You Planet Earth.
I'll :heart:Michael You people.

I mean:
I will love you the way :heart:Michael loves you.
I will take care of you the way :heart:Michael takes care of you.
and I will respect you the way :heart:Michael respects you.

SO.... what you think of :
:) let's begin to :heart:Michael each other! :)
:sun::give_flowers: :flowers::give_flowers: :hug:

the problem is how we can guide, lead people to come to this understanding:question:
People do not listen for they are tierd of being lectured and someone preaching them (i do not blame them for that and now you may think i am preaching now. SORRY)... and we can't make one understand, believe in something or change or become a good person. so....?

thats awfully complicated and I personally had given up on healing the world 1-2 years ago and believed it was too late but :heart:Michael still had hope and he still believed. So it ain't impossible then.
NOW, Why not give ourself another chance, and do our best and go for it. if we failed, we at least can be proud that we have tried hard enough.

I think about it for hours and i hope i'll find ways. I'll share mine and You may share yours. okay? :)

I pray :heart:Michael help us cuz ee do need his heart, love, hands, helps, eyes and smile to make it.:angel:

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well, one of the ways to begin can be:

if it's hard to become a good person (personally i think it is almost impossible to become as generous, kind and caring like :heart:Michael in one day), one can try by trying NOT TO BE BAD.

Someone (i can recall His name) says:
If you can not Love people, then just try not to Hate them.
If you do not Help people, then just do not Put them into troubles.
If you do not Give away money to people, then just don't take their money by fooling them.
If you can not be kind with people, then just do not Bother them.

once you become NOT BAD, then you can become a Good person.
This is so beautiful! And just what the world needs. Your statement that you had given up hope for the world but Michael made you believe in hope resonates with me so strongly...I had the exact same experience.
I think that the best thing to do is to just exhibit this deep love for everyone every day, and it will start to inspire others. Show this love. Practice this love. So deeply, so genuinely, so selflessly.
I'll give one example: I recently started giving money to every homeless person I see. And slowly but surely, I see that it is making my friends and family do the same. This is only one example, but I think that the idea can be applied on a larger scale--just being exposed to LOVE and loving acts consistently really can affect people.
I'm so looking forward to what everyone else has to say about this topic.
Thanks for Michael-ing us!
:heart:Michael's massage is to remind us to take of the planet and love each other but i wonder if we are truely reminded?:question:

Personally, i feel it is so hard to accomplish what he asked us and i am not sure how we can really do it.

yet i know one little thing: L.O.V.E is his way.... i believe if we really come to this understanding that we should love each other (like true good friends), we can really begin to make it okay.
We should let the L.O.V.E to stop us from ignoring each other first; then we can start trying to understand each other; then we can try to respect each other's right, personality, existance and life, then we can trust each other and will start to take care of each other and finally we will be united and really can heal the world.
L.O.V.E can be our CHANGE

This is the way i began:

I'll :heart:Michael You Planet Earth.
I'll :heart:Michael You people.

I mean:
I will love you the way :heart:Michael loves you.
I will take care of you the way :heart:Michael takes care of you.
and I will respect you the way :heart:Michael respects you.

SO.... what you think of :
:) let's begin to :heart:Michael each other! :)
:sun::give_flowers: :flowers::give_flowers: :hug:

the problem is how we can guide, lead people to come to this understanding:question:
People do not listen for they are tierd of being lectured and someone preaching them (i do not blame them for that and now you may think i am preaching now. SORRY)... and we can't make one understand, believe in something or change or become a good person. so....?

thats awfully complicated and I personally had given up on healing the world 1-2 years ago and believed it was too late but :heart:Michael still had hope and he still believed. So it ain't impossible then.
NOW, Why not give ourself another chance, and do our best and go for it. if we failed, we at least can be proud that we have tried hard enough.

I think about it for hours and i hope i'll find ways. I'll share mine and You may share yours. okay? :)

I pray :heart:Michael help us cuz ee do need his heart, love, hands, helps, eyes and smile to make it.:angel:


AW! I'll :heart:Michael you is like when Michael said "I'll Blanket you, you should Blanket her" .....a little blanket of love you give to someone by caring, loving and respecting that person.

Nice thread! :) :clapping:
thank u.
Yes these kind of speeches are beautiful but that ain't the point. I mean it is easy to preach and invent beautiful words but it is hard to accomplish those words.

I really am confused how we can do it. coz people do not really listen, i don't know how we can encourage them. :confused:
and i know well that i can not have influence on people. :question:

no one i talked to take this massage serious. how can we make people understand?

that what we must figure out.

I wish :heart:Michael would tell us.
one of the way i can suggest is that people read these BOOKS:

"I'm okay, you're okay"
and then
"staying Okay"
it does help people to better their relationship, understand each other and stop their absurd arguments and fight and stop wasting their time on the absurd games their play.

It helps one to understand oneself better and then understand each other. that's what we need, i believe.

I pray all people read these books.​
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I will love you the way :heart:Michael loves you.
I will take care of you the way :heart:Michael takes care of you.
and I will respect you the way :heart:Michael respects you.

SO.... what you think of :
:) let's begin to :heart:Michael each other! :)
:sun::give_flowers: :flowers::give_flowers: :hug:

This is exactly what we need to be doing. :)

AW! I'll :heart:Michael you is like when Michael said "I'll Blanket you, you should Blanket her" .....a little blanket of love you give to someone by caring, loving and respecting that person.

Aww, yes... :wub:

We need to blanket the whole world :)
I think that the best thing to do is to just exhibit this deep love for everyone every day, and it will start to inspire others. Show this love. Practice this love. So deeply, so genuinely, so selflessly.
I'll give one example: I recently started giving money to every homeless person I see. And slowly but surely, I see that it is making my friends and family do the same. This is only one example, but I think that the idea can be applied on a larger scale--just being exposed to LOVE and loving acts consistently really can affect people.
I'm so looking forward to what everyone else has to say about this topic.
Thanks for Michael-ing us
good point....
we can begin by our family, sister, bother, cousins and give them L.O.V.E and inspire them.
and we should inpsire children. they are so pure and understand love better than adults. :)

good way indeeded u suggested :yes:
I'll buy it! Is it about making people shift their mindset from being cynical to more positive in their interactions with other people? Tell us more about it!