If You're Unsure or Skeptical About "Michael", Please Read This! :)

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everyone :)

I've been looking around on here for a few weeks and I can't help but notice some people still have little or no faith in some of the tracks on the new album. While I have not yet heard all of the songs on "Michael" (getting it for Christmas :) ), it makes me sad to know that some people don't think it's MJ on some of the tracks.

When the dispute about Breaking News being sung by an impersonator first came about, I was also skeptical of the authenticity of the track. However, I managed to get a raw acapella (not fan made) from someone on YouTube who apparently had it from "someone at Sony who cares about Michael". I have listened to it many many times and have come to the conclusion it is definitely Michael's voice, but it seems to me the vocals are a chop up of an early recording/demo he made so he could go back to it later, e.g. there are bits missing out, some bits are definitely cut & pasted to make it sound complete etc...

Some people might believe it's an impersonator because of the Michael-ish sounding backing vocals (these are not on the acapella), but this is clearly not MJ himself anyway, or because of the slightly over processed voice and vibrato.

What you have to realise (as pointed out by some members of this forum) is that Michael is not here to finish and bless the incomplete songs and let them flourish the way he would have done it, rather Sony has brought in some people Michael has previously worked with as a next-best-thing to try their best and finish them off. At least in the case of Breaking News, I believe the people who finalized the track did a good job with what they had to work with.

Another thing you have to realise is that this kind of speculation and controversy is damaging to the wonderful legacy that Michael has left for us all to enjoy. Sadly, Michael does not have a good impression on everyone because everything they know about him comes from the media. I know this to be true because I have previously overheard conversations about him and sometimes found myself defending Michael's name.

The last thing Michael needs and the last thing we as his fans need is for his image to be further wrongly tarnished, and I know that we would all like to see it cleaned up as much as possible. This is why we have to praise the new album for what it is. This album needs to get out there as far as possible because I know people will enjoy it, even if they haven't exactly been MJ fans in the past. Even if they have media-directed views on MJ, they may still enjoy the album, be compelled to find out more about Michael, see the TRUTH, see him for who he TRULY is and what he's TRULY about, thus spreading the L.O.V.E, which is something that everybody NEEDS.

If you're not sure about the authenticity of the tracks, please try to see it the way I see it. If you would like to hear the real acapella for Breaking News, you'll have to do some searching yourself as I don't think I'm allowed to share it here. It's not too hard to find now from what I can see though :)

Merry Christmas and may God bless you all :)

I appreciate you trying to sort things out here, but we have all heard the same clips as you. A lot of us have tried to convince ourselves its Michael on these songs, but our ears just simply wont allow us to.
I Agree with ur post LJ94. When I first heard BN on MJ.com @ 12:02 am, I Was sooo happy. then I posted a comment on FB sayin' "omg, I love BN, its sooo Raw and strong!" or something like that...I got a lot of replies sayin' "You should listen to it again, and you'll know it atint Michael"...etc, I was slightly confused cuz I thought fans would actually like it. But then I got soo many negative replies sayin' it aint him, that I started to doubt myself.

Lemmie tell you this, This would'nt have started if it wasnt for some of the family members and the so called close friends(KF). They put a doubt in our minds before even listening to it, and I apploud them for working sooo hard on Twitter and TMZ to get their side of the story out but really, they werent helping anyone, they convinced some and they are the ones that are boycotting the album and what Teddy Riley did! He did Hollywood tonight too...that is also face in some ppls eyes.

I feel like some are not using their own judgment in labeling some of the songs as fakes. We had an idea installed in us b4 anything else...i wish this would stop but hey, you cant have everything that you want right?

I'm not tryin' to start any arguments just stating the facts!

Thanks for starting this thread! :)

OMG... stop writing about the idea installed before... When I heard someone from MJ's family saying that some tracks are fake, I just smiled, because this reminded me of THIS IS IT. I remember that there were rumours about MJ double in this movie... and everybody shut their mouth down when THIS IS IT movie came, because it was spectacular and MJ was real of course! And when I heard Breaking News, I mean I just heard maybe 1/2 of it and I just fucked up really, because it sounded nothing like MJ!
So it makes no sense to mention this idea installed before. :doh:
Here it goes again... It's waste of time to speak about same things over and over again :doh:
Yeah, I ant believe people are still saying that we had basically been brainwashed by the Jacksons.

Respect that it is just our opinion based on our own hearing, and nothing else.
I don't think you have been brainwashed, but some other people did have ... I followed "small corners " of several forums way before the release of BN... there was way from before a "plot" against the album (Michael not approved, Sony... etc). "Loud speakers" brainwashed some of the fans. Some of the fans just follow their choice and will never say "I hear it is Michael" even when they hear him...
Some other fans don't let themselves brainwash and come op for the fact that : no one of the fans have proof in their hands yet. "Innocent until prooved guilty", could be a good principal to start with...

Personally however, I hope the ones who are thought guilty get sued as soon as possible. Not for me, I don't believe in the fake-theorie, but because so many people are not satisfied with the proof that there is now, the expert reports, that we don't get to see...
And because I think there are limits to processing vocals...

However, for me the album songs are worth having the album and loving it. More than worth, it is a great album. I can partially forgive the heavy processing on 3 tracks. They are still good songs and the damage is ... maybe forgiveable, but it is not a good thing.
They should have done anything to avoid this.

Have they? Well, I don' t know why this could happen... I really want this going to court.
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i just wish some people would not state that they have facts, instead of an opinion. it's not peaceful to do that.

and the biggest anti peace thing a person can say is that a fan is trying to do something to hurt MJ's legacy. if you're promoting that, you are not promoting peace, harmony and love. i am able to discern what it means to hurt MJ's legacy, and so is everybody else, here. his legacy cannot be hurt. i shouldn't have to say what it takes to attempt to hurt his legacy, so i won't. i dont see any evidence of anybody trying not to love Michael, the person, nor something from his music catalogue.

so, if, indeed, people are trying to guilt trip other fans, those people are not promoting peace, harmony and love.

it's possible to express your opinion, without being condescending to another fan's opinion.

if people want to, they can say that people are destroying MJ's legacy, by attacking his family. and then a lot of people would be made to feel guilty, in that case. so..if people want to, they can dream up any scenario that they can connect to saying that some fans are trying to destroy MJ's legacy.

but the peaceful thing to do, is to realize, that there is no clear evidence that anybody in the fanbase, who is being accused of attempting to destroy MJ's legacy, is doing something toward that end. Karen Faye, for example, loves all of MJ's catalogue of music, from when he was living. that's enough evidence, that she's not trying to destroy MJ's legacy, for that music is a big part of his legacy.

so, if the subject is the music, then there is no one on this forum, that hates absolutely everything that MJ has ever put out. that's really the only way, that a person can say that said person is trying to ruin his legacy. and such person wouldn't be an MJ fan, in the first place. and said person couldn't ruin MJ's legacy, because MJ had a legacy, in the midst of haters, for years. so how can those who are fans of even ONE song of MJ's be accused of trying to ruin his legacy? this 'ruin the legacy' argument, is tired. i see it over and over and over again on this forum. and, after a while, a person just wants to address it, more than once, to try and snuff it out. i wish it would stop.

his legacy is too vast, and too varied..and, at least ONE of each and every variance of that vast legacy, at some point, is loved by each and every fan. that is evidence that the 'ruin the legacy' argument has no basis.

there is even a facet that reaches way deeper, that makes it even harder to justify the impossible 'ruin the legacy argument. and that is this:

if there is a fan out there, who doesn't like even ONE of any of the songs that MJ ever did, in his entire life, but that fan loves MJ the person, and that fan is aware that MJ bought many catalogues, of other artists, and that fan decides to buy music from any of those other artists, just because that fan knows that MJ owns that artist's publishing, then THAT fan is also contributing, knowingly, to MJ's legacy, by just appreciating the businessman that MJ was.

so, it's way too easy to find fault with the 'ruin the legacy' argument, when it comes to the fans of Michael Jackson being targeted as the attempted 'ruiners of MJ's legacy'. MJ saw to it, that it would be very easy to contibute to KEEPING his legacy, again, because of how vast he made it. and wayyy too many fans subscribe to that, for the 'ruin the legacy' argument to be justified.
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I like this thread. The crazy thing about all this fake talk is that it started with one crazy tweet.
blah blah blah blah blah LOL

just enjoy it, people, relax and chill and be grateful!
we were already grateful for Michael Jackson, a long time ago. we don't need to be reminded of something we already feel.
How many threads do we need for the same thing? :doh:
Sorry that most dont agree but thats my opinion...:) And I didnt really say brainwashed... please dont put words in my mouth! And Not tryin' to make fans guilty...I Said ppl. who are boycotting the album! Not ppl. who dont think some songs on there are fake. there's a big difference... I dont even know why i'm tryin to justify myself... so I'll just stop right here and wont try to defend what i said cuz thats what I feel. :)

And I think mariemarie is right...lets just be thankful/greatful that we can hear Mike's voice again.

Sorry that most dont agree but thats my opinion...:) And I didnt really say brainwashed... please dont put words in my mouth! And Not tryin' to make fans guilty...I Said ppl. who are boycotting the album! Not ppl. who dont think some songs on there are fake. there's a big difference... I dont even know why i'm tryin to justify myself... so I'll just stop right here and wont try to defend what i said cuz thats what I feel. :)

And I think mariemarie is right...lets just be thankful/greatful that we can hear Mike's voice again.


I'm saying brainwashed because that is what they are. A couple of tweets and they turn against Michael, that is not what fans do. Any sane minded person knows it is Michael. For the first time in my life i understand what people mean when they say "carzy MJ fans" and i am even using the term myself as are many others.
people who are boycotting the album, can't hurt his legacy, either. it's not like they're boycotting everything MJ has ever done in his life. all i know is, between those who love to label fans as 'crazy' or, whatever, and those who feel the need to apply, somehow, to their opinion, that fans that don't agree with them, are hurting Michael, or are not grateful for Michael, or whatever, are guilt tripping, and not contributing to whatever peace, harmony or love they say they're trying to convey.

why can't a person just say they either like this album, or don't like this album, without negatively sentencing fans who dont agree with them? how hard is that? you don't contribute to anything positive, when you go after other fans, with your rhetoric.

i have yet to call any fan who likes this album, 'crazy', 'deluded', 'tarnishing his legacy', 'ungrateful/unthankful' or any other label. it would be nice if those who don't like the album, or are even boycotting it, are afforded the same courtesy.

we all feel a certain way. but everybody's focus should be to keep the board together. and if everybody expressed a personal opinion about the album, without extending it to the state of their fellow fans, this board really would be peaceful, and we could live in harmony. it's just followoing a simple rule that is in the rules of this forum.

i've got friends on this site, who have been literally made to feel that they are bad people who are trying to hurt Michael, because they don't want to buy this album. and that is just wrong.

i'm not going out, seeking people who want to buy this album, and, because of that, telling them that they are a bad person, who is trying to hurt Michael, and/or they are not grateful for Michael Jackson.

that's just a terrible campaign.
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What many people seem to forget is that we Michael's fans are also a part of his legacy. If fans go around saying there are fake tracks on the album, not only is this somewhat damaging to his legacy, non-fans and everybody else will believe it, which is also damaging to his image and credibility for those who don't know the full story. Michael once said "If you hear something often enough, you'll start to believe it".

It really is painful for me to hear people trash-talking Michael when they only have media-directed views. And it pains me even more to see that us fans still have to quibble about the authenticity of some of the songs when there have been been numerous experts involved in this, official statements and even an unofficial but high-quality raw acapella for Breaking News.

In the case of Breaking News, I'm 100% sure it's Michael's voice for the leading vocals. All you have to do is listen to the raw acapella and it almost instantly becomes clear it's Michael. Yes it's over processed and there's a reason for this. My guess for this is that they tried their best to improve the quality of the vocals because as I said, it was probably an early recording/demo. Also let's not forget MJ recorded the vocals for this and some other songs on the album with the Cascios in their home studio (not a professional studio), which was displayed on the Oprah episode for those who haven't seen it.

I refer to this part of my original post:

Another thing you have to realise is that this kind of speculation and controversy is damaging to the wonderful legacy that Michael has left for us all to enjoy. Sadly, Michael does not have a good impression on everyone because everything they know about him comes from the media. I know this to be true because I have previously overheard conversations about him and sometimes found myself defending Michael's name.

The last thing Michael needs and the last thing we as his fans need is for his image to be further wrongly tarnished, and I know that we would all like to see it cleaned up as much as possible. This is why we have to praise the new album for what it is. This album needs to get out there as far as possible because I know people will enjoy it, even if they haven't exactly been MJ fans in the past. Even if they have media-directed views on MJ, they may still enjoy the album, be compelled to find out more about Michael, see the TRUTH, see him for who he TRULY is and what he's TRULY about, thus spreading the L.O.V.E, which is something that everybody NEEDS.

If you're not sure about the authenticity of the tracks, please try to see it the way I see it. If you would like to hear the real acapella for Breaking News, you'll have to do some searching yourself as I don't think I'm allowed to share it here. It's not too hard to find now from what I can see though :)

Lemmie tell you this, This would'nt have started if it wasnt for some of the family members and the so called close friends(KF). They put a doubt in our minds before even listening to it, and I apploud them for working sooo hard on Twitter and TMZ to get their side of the story out but really, they werent helping anyone, they convinced some and they are the ones that are boycotting the album and what Teddy Riley did! He did Hollywood tonight too...that is also face in some ppls eyes.

I feel like some are not using their own judgment in labeling some of the songs as fakes. We had an idea installed in us b4 anything else...i wish this would stop but hey, you cant have everything that you want right?

I'm not tryin' to start any arguments just stating the facts!

Thanks for starting this thread! :)


Very well put andarticulated. The mind is very susceptible. Whether you admit it or not- the doubt was pre-programmed in your head and all you focused on when you heard those songs where to find just anything to prove that doubt.
I can guarantee anything I have in this world that if those tweets wouldn't have ever happened and instead T. Jackson and the Jackson clan were totally excited about ALL the songs in the album, 99% of you would have supported these songs and loved them. Of course, I know because of taste there would always be some that wouldn't like it.

I like this thread. The crazy thing about all this fake talk is that it started with one crazy tweet.


blah blah blah blah blah LOL

just enjoy it, people, relax and chill and be grateful!


we were already grateful for Michael Jackson, a long time ago. we don't need to be reminded of something we already feel.

TRUE, but the way some of the fans are acting about this beautiful work, someone needs to remind them that they need to be grateful for THIS particular work .

I'm saying brainwashed because that is what they are. A couple of tweets and they turn against Michael, that is not what fans do. Any sane minded person knows it is Michael. For the first time in my life i understand what people mean when they say "carzy MJ fans" and i am even using the term myself as are many others.

You are so right. Any reasonable, sane person knows it is MJ, and there are many reasons to believe it is indeed 100% him. I've talked to many ppl and told them the craziness of this, and they look at me like those ppl are really crazy. Also, and this is what my own mother said, quote "f course, if you are a real fan you are going to support him that is what a true fan does." My other friend said to me, "you are telling me that Sony is going to deliberately hire impersonators to sing those songs?" "That is a crazy thing to say". Well, unfortunately, "crazy" is the dominant word here and unfortunately directed at some of these fans.

Enjoy it! I have it on repeat all day long. My parents absolutely love it. My mom loves them all, and specially MONSTER, she says it makes her want to dance! My students love all the uptempo songs too. We danced to them yesterday.!!! MJ lives forever!! And I won't let '"crazy" fans ruin his reputation or legacy. I love you MJ!!:clapping:
Hi everyone :)

I've been looking around on here for a few weeks and I can't help but notice some people still have little or no faith in some of the tracks on the new album. While I have not yet heard all of the songs on "Michael" (getting it for Christmas :) ), it makes me sad to know that some people don't think it's MJ on some of the tracks.

When the dispute about Breaking News being sung by an impersonator first came about, I was also skeptical of the authenticity of the track. However, I managed to get a raw acapella (not fan made) from someone on YouTube who apparently had it from "someone at Sony who cares about Michael". I have listened to it many many times and have come to the conclusion it is definitely Michael's voice, but it seems to me the vocals are a chop up of an early recording/demo he made so he could go back to it later, e.g. there are bits missing out, some bits are definitely cut & pasted to make it sound complete etc...

Some people might believe it's an impersonator because of the Michael-ish sounding backing vocals (these are not on the acapella), but this is clearly not MJ himself anyway, or because of the slightly over processed voice and vibrato.

What you have to realise (as pointed out by some members of this forum) is that Michael is not here to finish and bless the incomplete songs and let them flourish the way he would have done it, rather Sony has brought in some people Michael has previously worked with as a next-best-thing to try their best and finish them off. At least in the case of Breaking News, I believe the people who finalized the track did a good job with what they had to work with.

Another thing you have to realise is that this kind of speculation and controversy is damaging to the wonderful legacy that Michael has left for us all to enjoy. Sadly, Michael does not have a good impression on everyone because everything they know about him comes from the media. I know this to be true because I have previously overheard conversations about him and sometimes found myself defending Michael's name.

The last thing Michael needs and the last thing we as his fans need is for his image to be further wrongly tarnished, and I know that we would all like to see it cleaned up as much as possible. This is why we have to praise the new album for what it is. This album needs to get out there as far as possible because I know people will enjoy it, even if they haven't exactly been MJ fans in the past. Even if they have media-directed views on MJ, they may still enjoy the album, be compelled to find out more about Michael, see the TRUTH, see him for who he TRULY is and what he's TRULY about, thus spreading the L.O.V.E, which is something that everybody NEEDS.

If you're not sure about the authenticity of the tracks, please try to see it the way I see it. If you would like to hear the real acapella for Breaking News, you'll have to do some searching yourself as I don't think I'm allowed to share it here. It's not too hard to find now from what I can see though :)

Merry Christmas and may God bless you all :)


Thank you LJ. Merry Xmas to you too. Enjoy Michael.
You are so right. Any reasonable, sane person knows it is MJ,

say what? tricia, i've always loved your positive posts, but when you say things like this, it really disappoints me...
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BTW I have already purchased 13 copies and sent them as gifts to friends, family and students. My students -( all 17-) will eventually own MICHAEL. Two of them already have a copy. The rest will have them after xmas break.

I won't let Michael's reputation and legacy be ruined. This album is great, and I want everyone to enjoy it. I know people will love it when they listen to it.
BTW I have already purchased 13 copies and sent them as gifts to friends, family and students. My students -( all 17-) will eventually own MICHAEL. Two of them already have a copy. The rest will have them after xmas break.

I won't let Michael's reputation and legacy be ruined. This album is great, and I want everyone to enjoy it. I know people will love it when they listen to it.
Tricia and gottobethere should be banned,

None of us are against Michael Jackson .. we are against songs we believe are fake ... and if you like .. any 'sane' person can hear it's NOT him. And I'd better not get banned for that because look at what Tricia and gottobehtere and tons of others are going round saying .. that we a re CRAZY and aren't fans, and are trying to ruin MJ etc. Just rediculous. We're not supposed to respond to that.

A friend of mine messaged me the other day to say 'wots up with this MJ album. Some songs don't sound like him'

If you want evidence it's not MJ, just look at smoothcriminal05, the 'expert' on this forum. He changes his mind every 5 minutes about whether or not it's MJ. Just recently when he finally heard Monster, he said there's no way that's MJ .. then a few days later he's sure it is. Obviously it doesn't sound like Mike which is why people (even supporters of the material) say it doesn't sound like him.

Most fans boards are against the Cascio tracks .. only in this forum have most of the people who believe its not him left and gone elsewhere or aren't bothering to post and more because people don't seem to be allowed to have the opinion it's not him here.

Anyone can listen to those comparisons and hear its Jason Malachi and not MJ. You must have heard those comparisons on youtube and it's dead on Jason, and miles from MJ. Stop making excuses as to why he sound 'different' on those 3 songs.

Nobody has been brainwashed. We were all laughing at the family before we heard the songs.

To be honest I'm so sick of this and won't be responding to any more taunts.

Many members feel the same and have already left this board to post elsewhere where they aren't attacked for having an opinion.
Many members feel the same and have already left this board to post elsewhere where they aren't attacked for having an opinion.

That's wrong. Most fans have stopped going to MJ forums and discuss this altogether. There's no point going round in circles.
Let me repeat a post I placed in another thread:

I didn't know where else to put this, but I am about to blow a gasket. I went to the MJ party in NY and listened to BN and Monster. I bought the album and listened to BN and Monster. I came to the same conclusion: THEY DO NOT SOUND LIKE MJ (except for some notes here and there). I have fought over this for so long. I have gone back and forth. I have listened to many arguments and both sides. I have come to the same conclusion.

Against what I feel to be logical, and against what would seem to be most probable, I have decided that somebody is playing us. I want to believe the Cascios and Teddy. I want to believe Sony and the Estate. But it is hard for me to reconcile what I hear with what is being said. At the end of the day, the consumer has to be the guage for what they feel is acceptable.
It upsets me to even type this. You all know I don't typically agree with the Jacksons. I am one of their biggest doubters (and will continue with the way they have acted) but something has to be terribly wrong for the songs to sound the way they do. And what is sad is that the songs are great songs, they just would be better if we heard MJ more distinctively.

Then when I come here and see people want to regulate this opinion to a sub forum, or the conspiracy section as if I don't know what I hear, it upsets me. I know we are all unique and will hear things a different way, but to say your opinion has more validity than mine is a slap in my face. I want to support MJ and his fans. That is why I spend so much time here, but I am so torn over this. I don't know what to do. It is a terrible feeling.

Here are some things I want to clear up:

I was not influenced by Taj. My first inclination was to discredit them.
I am not a hater.
I do not find pleasure in feeling this way.
I was not influenced by other people. I waited until I had the album and heard the vocals for myself before I posted this.
It does not sound like MJ to me.
Logically I would think it is him just because I would wonder why the powers that be would do this. But I just can't reconcile what I hear to MJ's voice. And the songs being surrounded by other songs that are MJ only make them stick out like a sore thumb.
I want MJ to succeed.
I am not Anti_Sony. Nor do I think MJ was at the end of his life.
I'm not deaf, dumb, stupid, etc.
I am lost. Could they really have tried this?
I feel sick. I don't understand why this is happening.

I am going to call my friend who is a lawyer. Something has to be done. I am so upset over this. They have to be made to show us rather than have us taking their word for it. I will let you guys know what she says.

I was not influenced by the family. I was not brainwashed. A seed of doubt was not planted in my minds by anyone else. Like many fans, I struggled with this back and forth over and over again. I have to be honest with what I hear. I do NOT hear MJ. If a fan started a thread saying you guys were brainwashed or susceptible to believe MJ was on these tracks, you would be up in arms and complaining. As rightfully you should be. I am not insane. Nor have I tried to push my opinions on this on anyone else. I own the album. I have not been against it. But I won't be made to feel that I am less than because I feel differently than someone else.

I think this has gone on long enough. I cannot in good conscience allow threads like these to exist to further divide the fans and push a personal opinion. We need to live and let live and support one another instead of demeaning others for feeling differently. Fans should be united in their effort for MJ's legacy, uplifting one another, and throwing the side eye, not at fellow fans, but at those who put songs out there that would obviously divide fans.

I am ashamed at some of the things I have seen here. And I think it is so wrong. I am closing this thread. If you do not agree, please contact senior staff.

Thank you.
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Tricia and gottobethere should be banned,

None of us are against Michael Jackson .. we are against songs we believe are fake ... and if you like .. any 'sane' person can hear it's NOT him. And I'd better not get banned for that because look at what Tricia and gottobehtere and tons of others are going round saying .. that we a re CRAZY and aren't fans, and are trying to ruin MJ etc. Just rediculous. We're not supposed to respond to that.

A friend of mine messaged me the other day to say 'wots up with this MJ album. Some songs don't sound like him'

If you want evidence it's not MJ, just look at smoothcriminal05, the 'expert' on this forum. He changes his mind every 5 minutes about whether or not it's MJ. Just recently when he finally heard Monster, he said there's no way that's MJ .. then a few days later he's sure it is. Obviously it doesn't sound like Mike which is why people (even supporters of the material) say it doesn't sound like him.

Most fans boards are against the Cascio tracks .. only in this forum have most of the people who believe its not him left and gone elsewhere or aren't bothering to post and more because people don't seem to be allowed to have the opinion it's not him here.

Anyone can listen to those comparisons and hear its Jason Malachi and not MJ. You must have heard those comparisons on youtube and it's dead on Jason, and miles from MJ. Stop making excuses as to why he sound 'different' on those 3 songs.

Nobody has been brainwashed. We were all laughing at the family before we heard the songs.

To be honest I'm so sick of this and won't be responding to any more taunts.

Many members feel the same and have already left this board to post elsewhere where they aren't attacked for having an opinion.

Thank you VERY much for this post!! I agree wholeheartedly.....
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