If you were famous....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
Hey everyone. So I was watching a documentary on Michael from the trial days, and it showed how Jay Leno, Conan, Letterman, and Jimmy Kimmel had a sort of influence of the guilty side, of course with them being the kind of media they are. All these years later I still hold a grudge against them 4, even Oprah and it got me thinking... "Being the MJ fan I am - If I were famous enough for each of them to ask me to appear or perform on any of their shows, I would flat out refuse their request!" Jimmy Fallon, i'd have to think about.

I think refusing to appear on each of their shows would make bigger press than all them combined. But I would say yes to Ellen, definatley. But that's just my honest opinion.

So, let me ask you the same question. With you being the MJ fan you are - If you were the next biggest star, would you refuse an appearance on Leno, conan, letterman, kimmel, and oprah if they asked??
Sometimes as an artist you have to perform on television shows to promote your work, for example CD, as you are bound to record contracts that includes clauses that say you have to perform. Many of these performances are arranged by their record company or movie co. Television can be a powerful publicity media. That's why when a singer is releasing a CD, you see them on most TV shows. Hide in your personal feelings and go....

And besides work is work. Personal feelings aside, you have to do your job!
While I would be inclined to agree with kissybissy on grounds that work is work, I daresay there are some times when principle must come before practicality, and in the case of performing for/interviewing the above people, I would not refuse to see them. Rather, I would confront them about their own behaviour. It might signal the end of my career, but it would draw much-needed attention to the issue of media manipulation and distortion of events, especially in regards to certain celebrities. If that awareness is reached at the cost of my own hypothetical fame, then fame well spent.

Then again, I never wanted to be famous. :p

Every day, I wish for a quick, anonymous death. God forbid I ever become famous for anything.
Well, in my opinion, I never want to be famous, I only want to be a normal singer and earn money for living, that's good for me already :)
While I would be inclined to agree with kissybissy on grounds that work is work, I daresay there are some times when principle must come before practicality, and in the case of performing for/interviewing the above people, I would not refuse to see them. Rather, I would confront them about their own behaviour. It might signal the end of my career, but it would draw much-needed attention to the issue of media manipulation and distortion of events, especially in regards to certain celebrities. If that awareness is reached at the cost of my own hypothetical fame, then fame well spent.

Then again, I never wanted to be famous. :p

Every day, I wish for a quick, anonymous death. God forbid I ever become famous for anything.

That's my gal right there :clapping: *waves* Long time no see. It's been a while, eh? I know u from back in the day when you had another username ;)

I totally agree with cha. I could say soooo very much right about now, but i betta not........it's safer 4 many if i :censored: my friggin' self.

Indeed, God forbid AI ever become famous for anything. It ain't even funny how many people and in how deep an ish they would be should that horrifying scenario come true.

Thankfully, there's no such danger. I'm just a nobody waistin' her life away in a very dark, cold & remote corner of the planet.

:ph34r: Shhaaaby :chained tries to walk away from the thread be4 it's 2 doggone late.
If I were to become famous...I wouldn't be lol. And they'd probably make me out to be nuttier than MJ (if I had his level of fame). If I had to be famous for something, I guess it would be something more behind the scenes like directing. And...I probably wouldn't be taking any interviews, so no spotlight for me.
I would never turn down Letterman's show. I'm a fan (I don't recall him ever saying anything that horrible about MJ anyway). I'm not in show business and will never be famous (fingers crossed) so I don't think I will ever have to make this choice. But I think these celebs have to suck it up and just plug their movies, music, TV shows, etc on certain popular talk shows whether they like the host or not. Besides, almost all of the late night hosts make fun of celebs and politicians. Some are more cruel and mean than others but they all do it.
Well... Indeed... with Fame comes 'stupidity' too :tease:
No seriously, I mean Fame puts a 'collar' on you that 'drags' you into this dark world and you're 'trapped' before you know it... So 'famous' peeps or 'artists' that are under contract are FORCED to act stupid on tele... The agency needs to squeeze as much $$$ out of their 'project' as possible...
Yep, some say its a DREAM coming true getting famous but NO ONE wants to see the doom it brings...

Okay, so to answer your question... If I was that 'artist' licensed' I think I wouldn't have a choice in 'choosing' in what show I appear but then again... some people 'drown' in the 'adulation' they get from it...

I NEVER wanna be famous though... NEVER wanna become so EGO... MOI... on a pedestal and stuff like that :beee: