If You Were Born In The 60s, 70s, or 80s, You gotta See This.

Great post, qbee.
I was born in the 70's - anyone else..? Post which decade you were born in.. 60's 70's 80's
I was born '59 and had a pair of clackers. Remember those? I'm surprised I survived those alone. Considering how many times I bashed myself with them.
I was born '59 and had a pair of clackers. Remember those? I'm surprised I survived those alone. Considering how many times I bashed myself with them.

Are you taking about the hard as crap ball like things that if you messed up you got it good on your knuckles? I had them, I wish I still did... uhmmm... I may.. I need to pull out my box from mychildhood and look.
Yes those ones. I had a pair of green ones and just about broke my wrist. Several times.
I was born '59 and had a pair of clackers. Remember those? I'm surprised I survived those alone. Considering how many times I bashed myself with them.

Clackers are some kind of shoes?? :)
Btw, I'm from '56. Glad to see an other "50s-er" in here!
Clackers were balls made out of hard plastic attached to a string. The idea was to make the balls hit against each other by moving the string up and down. They were loud and dangerous, which was part of the appeal actually. As a kid anyway. Here's link to see them in action. Haven't posted a link before so hope this works.

'65 baby here, lol! I was a tomboy growing up, so it wasn't unusual for me to be banged up, bruised or needing stitches. I never broke a bone, thank goodness!

I had the glittery Clackers, like these and was pretty good at it (better than my older sisters, too). :D

I loved mine, although I was never very good with them. Surprised I didn't knock myself out.
We used our imagination
I made cows from sprucecones and branches.
Sometimes we played we lived in an orphanage and were treated very bad .
The manager was called Miss Cuckoo and another one Miss Hawk.
That´s Gök and Hök in swedish.
We escaped..a carpet or a bed became a boat and we couldn´t touch the floor it was the sea full with "crampwater".