If You Love A Food, Buy It, And Savor It, Before It Is No Longer Sold!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How many times has this happened to you? You see a food item at a food place, and you eat it, and LOVE it, and when you go back to buy it again, the food place no longer sells it anymore? That's happened to me before.
Dunkin Donuts- used to have a steak sandwich. I loved it and it was yummy. I went there again another day, and I was told the steak sandwich was permenantly put off of the menu.:(

Dunkin Donuts- Used to havepowdered sugar chocolate cream filled doughnuts, and I used to eat them up, they were my favorite doughnuts. Went back to DD, and was told they no longer manufactured those donuts. The closest thing to this doughnut is Krispy Kreme's vanilla frosting filled doughnut. but, it's not the same. :(

Krispy Kreme-krispy Kreme used to have a doughnut that had strawberry frosting on the top,with graham cracker crumbs and was strawberry creme filled. Im LOVED this doughnut, but Krispy Kreme told me they don't manufacture this doughnut anymore.:(

Wonka Company-Wonka Donut. A Wonka Donut was a chocolate shell doughnut, filled with delicious chocolate ganache, and on the outside was little cnady sprinkles. That chocolate Donut was one of my favorite cndies of all time, and I soon read that Wonka cancelled the Donut, as it was just to promote the 2005 Wonka Movie. NOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

Wonka Company-Wonka Bar(The one that came in 2005 to promate charlie and the chocolate factory). It was a graham cracker, covered in chocolate. it was delicious, but only around to promote the movie..

Butterfinger-Butterfinger Crisp- BC was a delicious candy that had wafer, butterfinger cream, and chocolate. I haven't seen in any stores in a good year or so. :(

Oreo-Oreo Bars. This was an Oreo cookie, just put into deliciouscandy bar form. i loved this too it was soon canceled.:(

M&Ms-Mazing. Mazing was a tasty chocolate bar, filled with M&Ms. I loved eating this bar, but it was canceled.:(
lol..a lot of your favs sound complicated, specialized, but great. they sound expensive to make. but they made them, so..that sucks that they stopped. anyway i love archway oatmeal cookies, but the company stopped selling them in my area, then started back and then stopped again. it's a mass produced grocery store product, so i didn't understand them stopping in a big market town. they still make them, but deliver them to cities other than the one i live in. i could ask my mum to send them to me, but it's gotten annoying that the company is not willing to try, so i gave up on them. too much for me to go through for one food product. interesting that they sell all the other flavors that people are not interested in, in my town.
Yes, was saying this same very thing with a friend earlier this week.

McDonald's used to do a beautiful chocolate donut here in the Uk, then all of a sudden they don't do it anymore.

They have replaced it with a bland sugar donut, ridiculous.
Pizza Hut used to have an awesome Buffalo chicken pizza several years ago, but they stopped making it. Haven't been able to find one that is as good anywhere. :(
I had this also, i bought some food in a shop they had very nice ... euhmm how do you call that.. spicy food the red stuff... i love that, later i came back like couple weeks later, the shop was gone :( now i still don't know were i can get the spicy sauce
There is a certain candy that I loved as a kid and up until a few years ago I could find it in the neighborhood if I looked in the right places but now all the bodegas have stopped selling it. It's called "Big Bol" bubble gum. They are hard candies with a bubble gum center. Sweet! They are my favorites. But now if I want them I have to order them online. Maybe I will treat myself for my birthday in September and order some. :)
