If you had the opportunity to make $1million within a year and...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
If you had the opportunity to make $1 million dollars within a years time, and actually make the $1 million dollars, and continually make $1 million dollars a year.... If for some odd reason your life changed just like that in one year.. What would you do with your money and why? What's the first thing that comes to your mind?
After paying the taxes, with what's left I would pay off my mortgage, take care of mom and save/invest the rest!

And probably keep working since after all that not much will be left.
I don´t need that much money for myself.I would use some of it, but most of it I would give.
I´m working with homeless cats now and give money but if I had more money I would give more.
I think I would quit my job and work with trapping cats, take them to a veterinarian , work in shelter for cats.
Good organisations who help people would get money too.
I would buy the Michael Jackson estate (not for money but to protect what Michael worked for) and donate the rest to charity.
I would invest half of it in pretty secure investments, then I'd probably buy the house I'm living in and make the rooms right under the roof a part of my appartment as a sleeping room with an open fireplace probably, my bathroom would get bigger, get a separate shower and a jacuzzi (or however that is spelled lol)... then I'd follow an f1 season live at every race circuit... then I'd secure insurance for my closest friends for that they can live without worries even when getting old and might needing expensive care (don't think I would tell them. They and their children if there are some would find out when it's the time)... then I'd maybe buy a new Mazda 3 (when a nicer model will come out again, I don't like the current one and love still the model the most which I drive now which is the one before the current one lol) with even more than 108 PS... maybe 120 PS or a bit more *giggle*... then I'd negotiate with my current boss that I will pay higher saleries for the ppl I'm working with (don't wanna buy her company or only parts of it but want some ppl just to get more money for their hard and good work) whatelse... well I did always and would probably go on supporting some charities... mainly education... and only there where I can visit and ppl will show me where and how much money went into what.
I would probably also do a lot of traveling around the world with friends.
The rest would probably go into books... and DVDs...

But I wouldn't want to change my life much... I'd want to go on with my job as it is now and I wouldn't like ppl to know about the money... I'd keep it very very private... ppl might wouldn't even notice too much... I'd tell them all crazy stuff but never the complete picture probably lol
Too tell you the truth, I would spend on on junk food and baby phat and apple bottom clothes. :p

But seriously, I just buy an home for myself and pay the bills to keep it up.
get the hell out of this country

Ditto that, but where would you like to live? I would probably go to California and have a buy a nice house, an Audi RS 6 see the world and give the rest to the more needy. I would still want a job though, would get bored otherwise.
After paying off bills for mum. Id treat my family. Put whateven id need away for college and uni and future. Then whats left to charities.
I'd probably invest it or start a business of some kid. I don't think I'd ever be able to just sit around without doing anything. I'd have to work so yeah, starting a small business would probably be my choice :)

But first I'd do this...
get the hell out of this country
I don´t need that much money for myself.I would use some of it, but most of it I would give.
I´m working with homeless cats now and give money but if I had more money I would give more.
I think I would quit my job and work with trapping cats, take them to a veterinarian , work in shelter for cats.
Good organisations who help people would get money too.
I agree on not needing that much money. Of course I would find use to it but I wouldn't necessarily need that much money, and I prefer having too little than too much.

But, if that happened, I would pay all the bills and help relatives little bit too, give some to charities and travel with the rest of the money. Travelling would probably be where most of it would go.
UK is not bad... I've been all around the world and it's def. not a bad place, not at all. Where would you like to live elusive and why there and not in England?

cost of living is to much/the weather cripples me/over populated/long working hours/ ill think of some more lol would want to go to italy. love the country travel to it as much as poss.if not there other countries in the med
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First of all, I would pay ALL the bills, credit cards and mortgage. Then I'd move to a beautiful place near the ocean with a pool! I'd invest alot of money. Then I'd research charities for the ones that really help -- then set up a monthly donation. Of course I would give some money to my family and good friends. I would quit my job and volunteer part time helping animals, and part time helping people.

LOL I would hire my own chef to cook my "diet meals" and hire a personal trainer, in my own workout gym, to get slim and trim!
If i could make that much of money I would def. move out and start living by mislef. And of course give money to charity. Btw all of this is imposible, I live in the most corrupted country in Europe, the mafia will kill me before..
here's what I'd do,

pay off my $19,000 school loan
pay off my $25,000 in scredit card debt
pay off what my mom owes in bills/debt
pay off what my dad owes in bills/debt
pay off what my 2 brothers and their wives/husbands owe in bills/debt,
pay off my 9 uncles and aunts bills and their wives bills/debt,
Give some money to each of my cousins
pay off my closer friend's bills/debt
pay for some of my friends who dont have the money, for them to go to college.
donate a lot of money to mjjc
donate money to members of king of pop fanatics so they can go to on mj fan trips and stuff
let my family go on vacation
let my friends go on vacation
donate to Catholic Charities
donate to EWTN
donate to my local churches who need it
donate to charity
Go on a big shopping spree for clothes

and a new house is actually the last thing on my mind, except I think i'd buy like a $45,000 condo in Arlington.
Move to the country where there's lots of space, buy some land and have a solar powered house built, and raise an organic garden. Then retire.
The very first thing that would come to my mind:

Create my life long dream of creating "All The Children Of The World Charities and "The Dailey Jackson Foundation For The Elderly"

(c) 1993

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...WE Are The World...Knowledge is Growth...Education IS The Key"