If You Had The Chance To Write Michael A Letter, What Would You Say?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Electric Ladyland
I'd say:

Dear Michael,

I want to start this letter by saying thank you. Thank you for showing me that I can do anything I put my mind to, and for showing me that love conquers everything. Ever since I was a little girl, I've admired you, I've loved you, and I've respected you. I always use to refer to you as my husband :) haha, and I still do.

I'm sorry for the way this mean place we call a world has treated you. Michael, it breaks my heart to know that I was only ten years old when you, ya know, died. That's the worst day of my life. Not because you were my favorite singer, but because you were my best friend, my first love, my happiness, and most importantly, my heart. Sometimes I have to sit and wonder, why God has taken you from us. But then I realized he took you because he didn't want you to be hurt anymore. I don't want to cry, but I have to. I have to cry simply because..... I miss you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. In fact, I keep a picture of you inside my pocket. So I know that I have you near :)

I've talked to you before too, in my dreams, when I can't sleep and I just lay there, staring at the wall, cooking dinner, reading, even when I'm dancing. :D there's this one time in particular though, and it was about two weeks ago. I was sitting in my room, and I began to cry because I just couldn't take the fact that you were gone. All of a sudden, I heard you say, "Don't cry." And out loud, I replied to you, "Why not?" That's when you said something that will forever warm my heart very, very much.

"Because I'm here, and I love you."

You made me cry again, but this time with happiness. Thank you sooo much.

I'm gonna remember you forever Michael,

Love Diana

P.S. tell Regina, Grandpa, Max, and everyone else in Heaven I said hi and I love them.
I have written a letter to him and had a friend bring it to Forest Lawn a few years ago :)

But what I wrote is private ;)
I remember writing a letter to Michael years ago. I think this was going back to the Dangerous or HIStory Era. But before I could mail it to him. My MJ hating mother some how had gotten a hold of it and tore it up. I never did bother writing another one to him. Why bother when it is going to torn up again by her. I had since long forgotten what I had said in that letter.
I remember writing a letter to Michael years ago. I think this was going back to the Dangerous or HIStory Era. But before I could mail it to him. My MJ hating mother some how had gotten a hold of it and tore it up. I never did bother writing another one to him. Why bother when it is going to torn up again by her. I had since forgotten what I had said in that letter.

That happened to me too. My dad tore mine :( I can't remember what I said either, but at least I know that he can't tear this one.
I'd tell him what I've been going through &how sad I have been,OMG.what should I do? Can you cheer me up,Michael? How could you be so strong even after you went through all those difficulties?