If you had one chance to speak to michael, what would you say?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
Michael wrote this song in 93' just following the Child molestation accusations. When you watch the video you can really see and feel, how lonely and hurt he must have been. The video was done in back and white another indication of how dark things must have been. When I see the pain in his face it makes me wonder if this isn't just another reason why people are grieving so deeply. We know how Michael was victimized and falsely accused for crimes he was incapable of committing. Michael I am so sorry for what they have done, for they know no better. If I could speak to Michael today...I would want to say I am sorry. What would you say??
I cant listen to that song yet.. im not ready... Its my favorite MJ song and I cant listen :cry:

I would just say I love you and tell him thank you for being my greatest inspiration
I would probably tell him exactly the same thing I told him 13 years ago (on the 19th of September actually...:()
He seemed to understand and take it all in, and I'm living in the hope that he did.

If I could add one more thing to it - I would ask him to please come back... Please.
that song is unbearable now... and I would tell him this:

how does it feel? it feels unbearable. I'm so sorry Michael. I am so sorry for all the pain, all the suffering, all the bullshit you endured throughout your life. and I thank you for not letting it change you, for not letting it corrupt you, for allowing yourself to love us anyway, for allowing yourself to write songs like this.

we won't forget you. we love you. we miss you.
i would tell Michael that I love him with all my heart and that I am so deeply sorry for all the terrible things people did to him and said about him. He never ever deserved it. I would also tell him thank you for being who he was and having such a amazing heart and so much love to give to everyone. even those who hurt him. Michael I love you so much and I will miss you forever!!
I would tell him how much i love him, thank him for everything he has given to me.Also tell him how he has changed me and my life and because of him there is so much i want to do in this world.And tell him i'm sorry for all the pain people causd him. :-(
I would thank him for everything he did for me. My life would have been completely different without him in it. He taught me so much... Yes, I'd thank him.
I would say to him that I am sorry for everything we've done to him, that I love him more than ever and I will be there anytime, anywere, forever! And of course that I want him back, I need him back because he changed my life, I won't be the same without him and thank him for everything!
I would tell him that I love him so much. And I'd thank him for helping me cope with my depression and anxiety problems over the years, for sharing his gifts with us and for being such an incredible person.
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