If you could have dinner w/ Michael....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
As well as 3 other people from all of world HIStory living or deceased, who would they be??? What do you think you would all talk about? What would be served, besides KFC? Haha. I am interested what everyone says.
MJ, MLK Jr, JFK, Bill Clinton, lol.

I'd prefer it be very casual with pizza and burgers. But I hear Clinton is vegan now so I don't know...
I would let the person who owned a wine cellar pick the wine- Michael. But there would be an open bar as well.

I'd invite Rudolph Nureyev- dancer, owned his own island, has absolutely ZERO social filter- fascinating.

Tim Burton- his mind just speaks for himself, I bet that would make for some fascinating conversation.

Tschaikovsky- more Eastern European Mastership, I bet that Michael would ask him many, many question.

If Tschaikovsky couldn't make it, I'd invite Nicola Tesla and his coils, or Gene Roddenberry. In general, I would try to invite people that Michael would relax around and just be interested in talking to. Mother Theresa, Marilyn Monroe- should anyone above decline. I would invite a total of 6 guests+ Michael and myself. 6 is a bit easier than three- simply because three is very intimate (which can be either awesome, or a pain), and with 6 you have just enough people to be diverse, but it doesn't have the "anonymous party' feel where people have to yell at one another.

Being a pescetarian who eats all the ovo-lacto stuff, I'd prefer choosing the menu selection. Juding by Kai Chase I could put a menu together that would leave everyone fat&n happy.

I would arrange for the entire dinner to be either served in a museum with a Greek Temple- or in Michael's Neverland Movie theatre, where Michael picks a movie- but he has to explain to us WHY he picked it.
Also, just about when Michael starts wishing inside that he brought paper and stuff to draw the temple- I'd surprise him with a basket of sketching materials, new leather bound booklet and a few crayons of different softness and some coal. Instead of instant cameras on the table- I would leave a little sketch booklet for all guests and see if they would feel compelled to sketch one another :cheeky:- while they wait for their food. I'd try keeping hungry guests busy, just in case some are more shy than others and need a bit of help to break the ice.

I'd try to supply stuff for the meat eaters to span the centuries- from simple stews to pheasant, cornish hen, to perhaps at least one true Asian Dish. And of course a few vegetarian choices.
Dessert, probably some lemon souffle, something light, but with taste.

Decent scotch/brandy/cognac- and delicious cigars- that's when Michael could start the movie he picked.

Oh....guests need to make a 'second choice' when ordering...when they order, they need to be told to make a second choice, should the first choice be unavailable. On the way home- voila, they get a going=home package with their second choice all prepared to go home with them.
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Well for me it will definitely be these 3 people:

Shahrukh Khan (He is my number 1 favorite actor in the entire world. And he is also a MJ fan.)

Charlie Chaplin (I can just imagine what questions Michael might ask him. And maybe he will perform that potato dance for us at the table. Like he did in the movie The Gold Rush.)

and the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov (As a Russian myself I have always just loved hearing the story about her family. Especially about her and how she supposedly had escape after her family was murdered.)

I forgot I will let Michael decide of what we will eat.
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Aside from Michael, I'd invite:

-Ludwig II of Bavaria
-Alexander Hamilton
-The Marquis de Sade

We'd probably talk about all sorts of things--literature, politics, the world condition. It's truly endless.

Of course, we'd eat nothing but KFC. Maybe throw in some mashed potatoes to make Hamilton happy. And some good German chocolate for dessert. But mostly KFC. Because Michael loved KFC, and because I love KFC. Even though it's horrendously fattening...

Everyone gets Smirnoff vodka. I love that stuff. Even though it's horrendously fattening...
Aside from Michael, I'd invite:

-Ludwig II of Bavaria
-Alexander Hamilton
-The Marquis de Sade

We'd probably talk about all sorts of things--literature, politics, the world condition. It's truly endless.

Of course, we'd eat nothing but KFC. Maybe throw in some mashed potatoes to make Hamilton happy. And some good German chocolate for dessert. But mostly KFC. Because Michael loved KFC, and because I love KFC. Even though it's horrendously fattening...

Everyone gets Smirnoff vodka. I love that stuff. Even though it's horrendously fattening...

Do you think Marquis de Sade and MJ would get along? :D

Though of course I know some of you ladies would just prefer you and Michael alone, no?

Definitely! And some of us would prefer to skip dinner too ;D
Besides Michael I would pick Albert Einstein and Walt Disney. They're my other two idols. I guess the 3rd person might be the composer Stravinsky, but technically I already had a meeting with him and Michael in a dream. It was one of the coolest dreams ever. :) But Einstein, Disney, and Michael would make for a really fascinating conversation for sure. I'm sure it would be mostly on intellectual and creative topics. They might give me some advice. What would be served? I don't know. Whatever we feel like having.
I'd love to have dinner with Michael :wub: Yep, ONLY Michael... You can't invite anyone else... Michael 'deserves' full attention...
Place? Somewhere private that NO ONE stares what and how he eats... that no one comes to bug him... I want Michael to be comfortable.
Food? Anything he likes... if its KFC? I don't care... I would just want Michael to have a good time and enjoy his dinner...
I would just love to chat over silly every day things with Michael like food, movies, clothes, anything trival and then of course, as an 'artist' myself :scratch:I'd like to have that 'in depth' talk about inspiration and how he creates music... Maybe get a few pointers to hit just the right note or word to blow a person's mind...

Ah, an evening with Michael that would be heaven :upside_down: