If YOU Could Go...Back To The Future


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
If you could go 20 years into the future and have a serious conversation with a 20-year-older YOU, what advice might that future YOU give the present-day YOU?

I know it’s difficult to project how you’ll be a couple of decades down the road, but what advice do you think a wiser, more mature YOU would say to help the current YOU create a better life down the road?

Give this some serious thought because your future is yet to be decided and it’s intimately tied to what you do today.

Wishing You Great Health
Dr. John H. Sklare

As Always

Right now I'd rather go back in the past. Knowing what I know now. :flowers:
Right now I'd rather go back in the past. Knowing what I know now. :flowers:

"One can "never" change the past...however...one can "always" change the direction of the future..!"

As Always

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Great Scott. All this time travel talk really gives me a headache
And besides that, If we were able to change the past, then the present and the future would be very different. But not the result that people think that it will be.
i think, as long as the human defect, known as non appreciation exists, i don't think it matters if we go back to the future.
The world would explode? OK, not really...but something would get messed up...because the past me would change, then future me would change too, but then what abo-AHHHH!

Making my brain hurt.
I personally would go back and change a few stupid moments I made in my teen years, and in my early 20's.
The only thing I would change if I went back 20 years would be the relationships I had. There was people that went too soon I would of loved to spent more time with. Of course I've done a lot of stupid things, but I wouldn't change those I learned from my mistakes and the mistakes that I have made have turned me into the person I am today :)
"One can "never" change the past...however...one can "always" change the direction of the future..!"

As Always


I wasn't being really serious with this,because it's not possible. it was a notion.
Reminder note to self: lol :p.....Keep being the person you have always been and living whats in your heart. The past is over and hopefully you have embraced each experience, good and not so good and realize if you already don't know those experiences are why you are who you are today. Never forget to always live meaningfully and in the present moment, if you don't, there just may be a beautiful life experience that passes you by.....:)
The only thing I would change if I went back 20 years would be the relationships I had. There was people that went too soon I would of loved to spent more time with. Of course I've done a lot of stupid things, but I wouldn't change those I learned from my mistakes and the mistakes that I have made have turned me into the person I am today :)

Me too
One of my most basic philosophical beliefs is that our lives are predominantly the result of the choices we make. If you want to know how you got into the good or bad situation that you’re in today, then look no further than the choices you made yesterday – or rather, in the past. In short, important life-shaping decisions become very significant moments in our lives.

My focus today revolves around the following question: Do you recognize these significant moments when they are upon you? I think the better you become at identifying them, the more content your life will be.

So my message today is simply one that calls for you to be more aware of the choices you make that shape your life; they chart your course and become pivotal moments in your personal history.

Wishing You Great Health,

Dr. John H. Sklare

As Always
