If there's a tribute concert in London will you go?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Michael's birthday is coming up 29th August and I have a feeling that the movers and shakers behind the This Is It concerts have got something planned. Initially I really wasn't keen on the idea of attending a tribute type concert with the Jackson siblings involvement but having watched the memorial and given it some careful consideration I've changed my mind. I just wondered what you guys thought about the possibility of a Tribute concert on MJ's bday, would you attend? Or do you think it's a bit tasteless especially since AEG have been criticised for the way in which they have handled things since Michael's passing.
yeah more chaos of real fans not been able to get tickets.cant wait
Yeah if they go ahead with it that's what I'm dreading, they're probably going to randomly allocate tickets to those who already have tickets for This Is It.
YES!!!! (IF I can get tickets). Hopefully they'll give priority to MJ fans (i.e release tickets MJ board members and Michaeljackson.com members first). That's what they should have done with TII but they failed.
YES!!!! (IF I can get tickets). Hopefully they'll give priority to MJ fans (i.e release tickets MJ board members and Michaeljackson.com members first). That's what they should have done with TII but they failed.

They will not do this. There will be a few 1000 realeased in a presale and then the rest AEG will put on viagogo for 100's its going to be a disgrace!!
It would be MANIC if it is just one concert and if the other JACKSONS are there- demand would go THROUGH THE ROOF!
the trouble with the presale for TII was that everybody was informed of it in advance through AEG press releases. This time AEG should only inform MJ forum members via the mods who can send links via private message to individuals. In an ideal world that's how i'd like it to be handled, but obviously I understand this will not happen.
Also the problems this will hold is other fan clubs if Michael was to perform at a tribute show, we would try so hard to go see him even if it was for another celebrity. So if Usher attends there will be the devoted usher fans like us who will want to see him as he is not here that often and so on and so for whoever plays there will be a fan club . It will be manic to get tickets
Michael's birthday is coming up 29th August and I have a feeling that the movers and shakers behind the This Is It concerts have got something planned. Initially I really wasn't keen on the idea of attending a tribute type concert with the Jackson siblings involvement but having watched the memorial and given it some careful consideration I've changed my mind. I just wondered what you guys thought about the possibility of a Tribute concert on MJ's bday, would you attend? Or do you think it's a bit tasteless especially since AEG have been criticised for the way in which they have handled things since Michael's passing.

I certainly hope so. I really think if they think things through the concert would be great. I would fly to London and stay there just to be a part of it. I was looking up the concert dates the night before Michael died. I feel like I wouldn't be doing him justice if I didn't go to this. Just as long as the tickets won't be placed in a lottery - it should be first in best dressed!
If we thought it was trouble trying to get hold of some of the 750,000 tickets for the This is it tour, then imagine trying to get hold of 20,000 for a one night thing!!!
Unless you have a big bank balance you might as well give up on this now. There are a number of reasons for this. Since his death, there are MILLIONS of 'Michael Jackson' fans and 'die hards' (please note this was put in inverted commas as most wouldn't know what Dangerous was). If you thought it was hard to get tickets for one in 50 shows, which I did, then imagine trying to get one for one night. Every man and his dog will want one and most will again buy to sell, as they know they could make literally thousands profit. Once again, AEG will not sort out the fans here, they may claim to by giving out a pre sale code but we all know that is just a ridiculous policy. Face it, you will have to pay minimum 500 pounds for a ticket and that will be back row. What they would have been better off doing was putting Michael's rehearsal footage on and all the song list he would have played in the stadium so that fans can see what he would have done, and the dancers dance to it. NOT PUT CELEBRITY BANDWAGONERS on to try and sing the songs. When you watch someone else sing MJ's songs it's just not the same and is boring..i.e. thriller live, chris brown, etc. The hologram idea is not the worst but for those relying on getting tickets for this concert... don't get your hopes up.
If it's a special video retrospective of Michael's career and friends of Michael's talking about him I will go. But I'm not going to watch other artists performing Michael's songs.
If its Jackson family only then possibly. Not bothered to see anyone else perform his songs but the rush for tix would be unbelievable and I wouldnt expect AEG to do ANYTHING for real fans, they just want money.
So if your not a member of one of these sites your not a real fan?