If Neverland open for Public


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Shanghai, China
My mom and i have some chat and she said something about Neverland,she said that Neverland is way too beautiful to be wasted and the owner now is stupid if he doesnt want to open it for public. she even said that the owner is stupid to have Michael sold it...she said if she is the owner she would ask Michael to stay forever and pay everything as long as Michael stay. lol to my mom,she a newbie fan.
And something came up in my mind...if Neverland decided to be open for public and the owner ask Michael's fans ideas. What would you like to have in Neverland?

i'm thinking about make it exactly the same when Michael was there, the zoo,the games, the theatre everything....
then inside the house could be museum or just a place where people can sit around and enjoy the view or a restaurant with all Michael's favorite food or even a hotel
and a field for water balloon fight and a field for super soaker battle ^^

Michael's music played everywhere...fans could gather and chat,play trivia games...its the place where we can "feel" Michael
if disneyland is called the happiest place on earth...neverland will be the most heavenly place on earth ^^

omg i wish that would happen....so i will have reason again to go to US
I dunno. It is a beautiful place and it was built by love so that suffering children in the world who went there could feel the love radiating from both HIS presence and the beauty of the ranch. If it gets turned into a tourist attraction then it won't be the same especially without him being there.

Michael never played his own music there, it was stuff like classical Disney music.
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I agree that it should basically be as it was when Michael was there. I'm not sure what should be done with the main house, though. Yeah, I'd love to go in there and see Michael's stuff, but I don't know if he would want that. I was really uncomfortable when, about a week after he passed away, all the media people were let in to walk around the house and grounds.

To preserve the beauty and peace of the Neverland, they should restrict the number of tickets sold per day. Of course, they probably wouldn't. If they open it to the public, they will probably sell as many tickets as possible every day to make money. It will probably be packed with tourists and long queues for the rides. The food will probably cost a fortune, and there would be expensive souvenir shops all over.

I wish I could have gone there when Michael ran it.
I dont agree with Neverland being opened to the public. Right now, its being turned into a tourist attraction. It started on 26 june, when the media and tshirt sellers set up camp. They were even selling bottles of water with the dates and his photo!! We couldnt grieve in peace, there was always some random tourist taking photos of us writing messages or crying. Then there were the souvenior hunters stealing the roses from the wreaths on the gates and I almost forgot about the ones who were picking up fan messages and posing for photos with them! It was soo horrible, the magic and serenity of Neverland violated by people who just wanted to say they were part of the circus!!

Is that what you want, to see tourists poking about Neverland, invading Michaels private space, the place he created to escape the outside world? Neverland was special because it was Michaels home and you had to be invited there. Neverland was where dreams came true and for a few short hours you could forget the ouside world and be happy.

If Neverland is opened to the public, then whatever magic is clinging to the trees will be lost forever. The tour buses have already started going there, and it will get much worse. The genuine fans will be pushed out by the sight seers and tourists and Neverland will become just another tourist attraction
I would love to go to Neverland and see it turned back the way it was.
Be able to see the rides and the zoo and of course have a super soaker fight :)
The thing about a restrict number of tickets a day would be nice.

I also would have loved to come there and have a waterballoon or super soaker fight with Michael himself :(
that would be cool if we can have that restric tix....even make it like...we have to order in advance.

ok maybe make it some sort like disney is not that good but what i mean is only compare the feeling. if you feel happy in disney, Neverland feels surreal, calm and beautiful.
how about Graceland anyway? do we have to buy tix or something to visit?

for those of you who had visit Neverland....or live in US...or can easily go there....this might not be as important as other fans who never been there before. you have no idea how we dream just to get a glimpse of the Neverland gate is so meaningful for us
same like to put flowers for michael now....we have no chance to pay our last tribute and online is not enough....whats wrong with that?if we cannot be there when he is around....we cannot say thanks or "i love you" when he is here.....and even now....we still can't have a chance to at least experience what michael has created?

yes it might be touristy or crowded or whatever....but its also meaningful
I dont know what they should do with Neverland. I mean its never going to be the same again without Michael. If they do anything with it They should do what Michael did with it. Let sick kids come and enjoy it and allow them to be kids like Michael did. Thats if they do anything with it. Now to make it in to another Graceland thats up to who ever is controling the estate. If they make it a Graceland i just hope they do it in the way Michael would want not what they want. Keep Neverland alive and do what Michael what would make Michael happy and the whole Jackson family.