If more singles, what do you think about the timeline?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think 'Hollywood Tonight' would be great to release at the beginning of next year and then 'Another Day' in the middle of February..
I would do "Behind The Mask" next, "Much Too Soon"- with video released around June 25th, "Another Day" as the big summer hit, & "Hollywood Tonight" at the end of summer or into the fall. Maybe "Keep Your Head Up" as the last single/video (if the rumors of video footage of MJ recording it are true...if not....finish with Hollywood.
I would do "Behind The Mask" next, "Much Too Soon"- with video released around June 25th, "Another Day" as the big summer hit, & "Hollywood Tonight" at the end of summer or into the fall. Maybe "Keep Your Head Up" as the last single/video (if the rumors of video footage of MJ recording it are true...if not....finish with Hollywood.
I think Best of Joy would be a more appropriate song to release around June 25th. Much Too Soon is a love song, where Best of Joy talks about Michael being forever. Much more appropriate I think.
Intriguing...! Things that make us ALL go Mmm~~~

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E

God Bless Always :angel:~~~

:rollingpeace: :rollingpeace:
It's between Hollywood Tonight and Monster to be released in the beginning of January. Monster needs a very cool video worthy of MJ (Hopefully animation). So maybe they need more time to get that ready and goes with Hollywood Tonight in medio January. Hopefully they could then have Monster ready in the end of February.
My vision is that 'Monster' could be released as far away as next Halloween. Like Thriller was released very late from the album. It could also have similar effect to sales than Thriller had.. My other vision is that there could be a new video game (not dancing game but role playing) released at the same time..

It could be the fifth and the last single from the album then.. My timeline would be:

Hollywood Tonight (in the beg. of 2011)
Another Day (around Valentine's Day in February)
Keep Your Head Up (around June 25th)
Best Of Joy (around his birthday in August)
Monster (around Halloween in the end of October)
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