If Michael never had Vitiligo..


Proud Member
Jul 11, 2009
Sydney, Australia
How different do you think his life would have been?

Personally I believe that he'd still be alive today.. I think things would have been dramatically different. I can't help but reflect on the way things worked out..

-Vitiligo hurt his image badly and began the well publicised rumours about his 'skin bleaching' and 'not wanting to be white' from the tabloids.

-Michael would have become less of a target (yes there were rumours in the 80s) for the media during the 90s.

-There would be a better public opinion of Michael. The 'weird' tag he was brandished with arguably wouldn't have had as much of a run due to lack of material. The average person on the street would today have a much more favourable opinion of him.

-No one would have thought he was 'a black man trying to turn himself into a white woman' :doh: (makes me so angry)

-He may have become less of a target for people conspiring against him. The 1993 case may never have built fruition - and if it did - perhaps the media/public would have had stronger support for him. 2005 might have never happened..

-There would have been a truly united support for Michael within the black community. As we know, many believe that he was 'rejecting his roots' or 'wasn't black enough'. I know there was significant support throughout his life, but it would have been greater.

-Michael perhaps wouldn't have had such a problem with his body/image. Vitiligo truly put him under the microscope like never before, and the media made sure that his 'thousands of plastic surgeries' :)smilerolleyes:) were well publicised. It was easier to attack someone like Michael who had such noticeable change in his appearance with vitiligo destroying the pigmentation, than someone who never had such a condition.

-Additionally if he never had lupus, he would never have been required to wear a surgical mask - and the rumours around that would never have existed.

-Michael arguably could have felt better about himself, and perhaps not as paranoid. The world's media harassed him and speculated throughout the entirety of his life - but the 90s/00s was by far the worst. That kind of stress and anxiety can take a huge toll on a person's life. I know this was in part due to the allegations, but nonetheless Vitiligo was an issue here too..

-Perhaps Michael's addiction to pain medication may have been stopped early.. I don't know all the details (and yes mods I know we're not to discuss it) but Michael I imagine would have turned to them again and again due to the immense stress and scrutiny he was under from all sides.

On a different note:
-The content on HIStory and BOTDF and parts of Invincible would have arguably been very different. Many of our favourite songs wouldn't have existed or have found their way to Michael.
-We may never have had the movie Ghosts

There are an awful lot of 'what-if's in that list, I know that. But I can't help but reflect on how history played its course.. Perhaps things would have been very very different. :no:

Would you agree? How much do you think Vitiligo impacted Michael's life?
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I would rather delete 93 case, things would also be so muuuuuch different, but because He was a genius and artist, He used that bad stuff for inspiration and created art. He is simply Michael Jackson and if you change anything in the past, He wouldn't be Michael we know.
It is a very tough question, and of course, we'll never find it the answer for sure... but I do think his life would definietly have been easier without V. Though, as you said, some great things could've also been not made. And as stated above^, he wouldn't have been who he was without it.
I think his life would've been considerably happier but I don't think he'd be alive today. As far as I know, he didn't hire Murray because of his vitiligo..

MsCassieMollie, your signature made me smile. :) He was too cute for words :love: [right-click and save :p]
His appearance made him endlessly fascinating to the public and media. Some one defending MJ said, without his changing appearance he would have ended up a las vegas act. MJ was a chameleon at heart.
His appearance made him endlessly fascinating to the public and media. Some one defending MJ said, without his changing appearance he would have ended up a las vegas act. MJ was a chameleon at heart.

You think Vitligo helped his career to an extent? :scratch:
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You think Vitligo helped his career to an extent? :scratch:

I should quit, because i am heading for trouble. I was recalling what i read on the internet. Would love to express what i really think, but not allowed to say it here. And you guys can't really handle it anyway.
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I should quit, because i am heading for trouble. I was recalling what i read on the internet. Would love to express what i really think, but not allowed to say it here. And you guys can't really handle it anyway.

No go ahead? If mods don't allow it, feel free to send me a PM.
I think his life would've been completely different and possibly better.
Because of vitiligo people thought he didn't want to be black. Whitness made him to look different at first sight, so people thought about plastic surgeries although in Bad era he looked the same as Dangerous and History eras, only white. If you watch his photo of Bad tour, you can see that dimple in shin, cheeks, nose etc. looks the same as later, only MJ was white after that. That made him look suspicious.. lol
And the most shocking thing is that still people thinks he wanted to be white although it has been proven with Michael's denies and pictures with black spots and even autopsy and Prince started to have some spots too, but people claim it's photoshop and other sh*t, just to not accept the truth... It just makes me sick.
I just read a discussion between 2 fans. And 1 of them said that MJ did bleach his skin because that way the world will look at him without any label, to unite people and to make people realize about discrimination pffff :doh:

Some people decide to ignore completely all the evidence and just fallow their imagination. SMH
I just read a discussion between 2 fans. And 1 of them said that MJ did bleach his skin because that way the world will look at him without any label, to unite people and to make people realize about discrimination pffff :doh:

Some people decide to ignore completely all the evidence and just fallow their imagination. SMH

This :doh:
His appearance made him endlessly fascinating to the public and media. Some one defending MJ said, without his changing appearance he would have ended up a las vegas act. MJ was a chameleon at heart.

Ironicly He did ended up like that (cirque).:(
I think that all that happened to Michael in his life, good or bad, form his childhood to the end, made him Michael loved by millions all over the world and an endless source of fascination and wonderment for everybody.

Vitiligo it is an terrible disease.Everytime I see a person with vitiligo I'm scared because it's such an awful site (sorry but it is :sad: )and I know that they don't know what causes vitiligo and there's no cure for it.So at any moment one of us could develope this disease.If I would have vitiligo I would be devastated.I would hide myself so noone could see me.

I can't even imagine how awfully hard must have been for Michael.He was constanly on the spot light.He couldn't just go and hide.

I remeber in 2009 when Oprah reaired the interview from '93 in her opening she said something like that that Michael didn't had a white skin but it was almost transparent so you could even see his veines through his skin.She said that with no trace of compasion or empaty in his voice.I hated her so much, he made cry from anger.

Edit:sorry for my terrible english :sorry:
Interesting. Y'know, if theres ever a lyric that I heard which symbolized how painful V was for Michael to me was from Tabloid Junkie, "And the black, they stab me in the back!"

I believe Michael wouldn't have had it as bad.
I don't see the link between V and the cases in '93 and '05 to be honest so I don't think that has anything to do with him being black or white.
Maybe his confidence would be better if he didn't had V but than again I don't think he liked the way he looked even when he was black. And I'm not trying to be mean but it's just the way I see it.
Maybe his confidence would be better if he didn't had V but than again I don't think he liked the way he looked even when he was black. And I'm not trying to be mean but it's just the way I see it.

I understand what you're saying. But vitiligo drew far more attention to Michael than a couple of surgeries would have without it. It put him under the microscope and led to a huge amount of false speculation from the media. I'm not saying Michael would be any less concerned with how he looked.. But the media wouldn't have been able to slander him with the 'wanting to be white' rumours. Vitiligo compounded those rumours.
His life would have been easier of course; like you said, he didn't feel physically attractive, and Joe's comments sure didnt help. There would have been less rumors in the 80's. But on the other hand, he should have come out and admitted publicly that he was sick, even if it would have been difficult. He should have thought ahead, how long can you hide this? It would have made things easier for himself, and for so many others affected by the same disease.
But I dont think that's what had the most damaging effect on his life. I wish he had never met some people, that would have changed his life for the better much more.
I think it would be a little different had MJ not had vitiligo or lupus, I agree about the point where less people would think he was weird, one of the most common thing you hear from casual fans or non-fans is that he changed his skin colour, and wearing the surgical mask being weird. However, I don't even think MJ would have changed it in the end, of course it caused a lot of grief in his life, but I think it became a part of him and who he was, black or white MJ looked great though.