If Michael hates touring then what will he do?

Well, I doubt he will do another big full-out World Tour. To me, I think he will do like a small tour of a few concerts here and there, not dragged out for a long period of time. Cause his world tours are like almost 2 years, lol. :hysterical: So possible small tour, some performance appearances sounds good.

But heck, we don't know what Mike is thinkin'. :D
I think he will tour maybe not like his 1-2yr tours..but maybe like a 6month tour...who knows. or maybe some shows like the 30th ann ut with just him lol
He'll probably do a CASINO tour.....Stevie Wonder is on the road doing that....lots of others are doing that too....
I tell you what he will do:

He will have to start to like it. Because the world is a better place when Michael's touring.
He should come to Sydney! Do a mega concert here...record it and release it on DVD..
along with a new album...

and a book...

sweet dreams :)
Michael have also said that there's a good part of touring

''There is one good part of touring. It's the fans. I love my fans'' - Quote from Privite Home Movies

So maby his love for the fans will get him to tour one more time lol
If he hates touring you'd think small concerts, TV shows, DVDs, performing on the web etc would actually be more attractive. Performing once and selling it to 50 countries is a lot less hassle than touring 50 countries individually.
i dont think he should go 2 one major city and den release it on dvd that is CACK! i think he should go to a few major cities, first of all start of in london wembely or 02, now that would be great considering i work at wembely. if my dreams do come true.............
Michael has hated touring for a long time, particularly when he was touring. And right before he went on a major tour he hated toruing.

If he hates touring, he'll go on tour.


I wish he'd go on one last world tour. JUST ONE MORE!! C'mon Mikkka!!!
He'll do concerts like regular. Not on a consistent strenuous schedule -night after night...none of that. He'll just do concerts here and there through out the campaign of the new album. That makes sense to me.
aha like 3, 4 concerts in every country ? ... It would be very very cool if he would do that. It is my biggest dream to see michael jackson live in concert. I

heard so much from my uncle, my dad and other persons who went to dangerous and history tour here in germany. It is wonderful to listen to their

experiancec but i want to see and feel it myself ! I dont want to hear anymore how it is like to see the megastar rocking the whole stadium. I wanna feel it

myself. Michael Jackson sould really tour again trough europe, austrailia, america, asia and africa ! Do you guys think he ever will again ? ...
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Well, I doubt he will do another big full-out World Tour. To me, I think he will do like a small tour of a few concerts here and there, not dragged out for a long period of time. Cause his world tours are like almost 2 years, lol. :hysterical: So possible small tour, some performance appearances sounds good.

But heck, we don't know what Mike is thinkin'. :D

Yeah I agree. I doubt Mike will ever do a full scale tour ever again, but I do think it's very possible that he'll do a few concerts in select cities.
I'd do about 5-10 concerts in big sell-out stadiums scattered throughout the year. He doesn't need another big world tour. Whatever Michael decides, I'm game. I'm gonna make sure I go see him in person this time around, lol. :lol:
I doubt he'll tour, but we cannot just say he WONT simply because we now heard him say he does not like to tour.. He would not just all of a sudden not like to tour.. It means he did not like 'touring' for BAD, DANGEROUS, HIStory either, but he still did it..

So never say never..

But I picture him doing a concert set in selected area(s)
He has expressed an interest in film...I would love to see what ideas he comes up with and what direction he'll go with that kind of medium. I think Michael has much to offer film with his creativity and insight. I think he would be a great story teller.:)
i do not understand why he says that he hates to tour o_O

Perhaps cos you haven't gone throught what touring is all about? Going from different continent to another, from country to another all the time. Travelling, travelling and travelling. It's easy for us to say "please Michael do a tour" but when you put yourself into his shoes, you'll hopefully understand how tiring and hard touring actually is. And I know some fans may find it boring when his kids are being dragged into the discussion, but I believe they are an extremely good reason why he wouldn't want to do a large tours anymore. Either he would have to take them with him and I don't think he'd want to put them to go throught all that "suitcase life" around the world or then he would have to leave them at home and be away from them for several months.

Yeah, Rolling Stones are old men and they are still touring and heck they can put up a quite magnificent shows, but that doesn't mean Michael should tour too. I just don't see Michael has to prove anyone he can tour, just because RS can.
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I think he could show his kids tour life. I think they don't understand really "who" their father is because technically they haven't seen him performing.. So he could do that for his kids and for his fans. I don't mean he should have 100 concerts but for example 40..
I would not enjoy a world tour..

traveling every day.. never getting used to the time changes because everyhwhere is different.. Never getting sleep.. running for months and months..

too much for a person to handel..
I think that what Michael is gonna do is launch his tour from Vegas. He is gonna do a couple of shows in Vegas, then he is gonna hit the road and do about 10 major cities in the US and then head over seas and do a residency at the O2 Arena. That is what I think he is gonna do.

Whatever he does, he is NOT gonna leave the US out of it. He is going to prove his critics wrong by selling out all from the East coast to the West coast.