If i were to buy the Blu ray....

Jan 17, 2004
Would i get EVERYTHING that is right now available about TII? I mean, i have a PS3 so of course i'm going for the Bluray, but there were stories that the dvd contained things the BR didn't have?
if ur from anywhere else but the US, then yea the blu-ray has everything u can possibly get available..

it has even more than everything lol, Even includes a mj theme for the ps3 :)
I bought it for a nice price off someone, she had a spare copy , completely in seal for a very nice price. Great to see it on my plasma in HD, shame that not all of it is HD though..some things look like DVD or even less, but that was also in the theatre. It's all because it's copy and pasted, not 100% digital.

I am dissapointed in the extra features though...yeah, if you look through them in menu , you think it's alot...but it's not. Dancing machine...sounds great, but it's simply footage from the movie itself , only now with crewmembers talking..and so on. Not incredibly much new things at all....
I have the blue ray.........and watch it from my sons ps3 on his old hd tv.......just my own warning to you if you watch ''staging the return'' part of TII on BR be warned................you will need tissues:(
