"If I Told You That" was originally intended to be a duet on Invincible


I remember reading years ago that the Whitney and George Michael song "If I Told You That" was originally offered to Michael and it was planned to be a duet with Whitney.

It is written and produced by Rodney Jerkins, which adds credibility to the story.

Whilst I don't think this song would've fit in with some of the more futuristic sounding up-tempos on the album, I can imagine it sitting quite comfortably alongside YRMW and Butterflies.

It is a fantastic song - one of Rodney's best.

Does anyone know if MJ ever layed down a vocal on this?
Neat -- I don't know this song but am going to look for it now. Rodney Jerkins in awesome and I'm getting more and more into his work.
i don't like that song though i'm a fan of george and whitney
michael got lucky
It's better than songs like Privacy, Invincible and 2000 Watts.

The one thing Invincible lacked was truly great up-tempos. In terms of the dance tracks on the album, I think YRMW was the only classic MJ song to be found.

I think MJ could've done a great job on If I Told You That. And imagine a MJ/Whitney duet? It would've been killer!!

whaat?Privacy and 2000 watts are awsomeness songs!!!
Rodney Jerkins did confirm this was true to Belfast's CoolFM in 2001. Michael never laid vocals down cos they couldn't work out their schedules.
And imagine a MJ/Whitney duet? It would've been killer!!
Whitney turned down the duet on I Just Can't Stop Loving You because she didn't like the song. But there were 4 duets she performed with Jermaine that was released. The duet with George Michael was only on the single. On Whitney's album, it was solo.