If He is still alive and come back soon,did you forgive Him this swindle???

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everybody!

What happen if He is alive and will be back on Christmas like he wrote in his diary???

People what you think about this???

I think that 90% of the people around the world forgive him this joke if its true? and if its,I think that this swindle will be the best "hankey-pankey"in the history of the world!

I hope!!! :angel: ;) :punk:

I would not forgive him for what he did to his family and his children. And if they knew which by the tears on Paris's face I doubt it then I wouldnt forgive for having his children do that
I really don't think he's coming back, there just isn't anyway he would hurt his family and fans that much and I don't believe they would make such ''a big thing'' of it if they didn't know.....he's gone for good :(

BUT, if he did come back and jump up and down and pee myself with excitement, then I'd be mad, and then happy again :)
i think i relly WOULD forgive him. whoever would know about that, perhaps the whole family knew it. i truely could understand how the world pressure almost had killed him. he was just a human being. but i relly would forgive him. i love him too much.
I will be angry with Michael at first for hurting his family, his fans, and most of all his children. But I will forgive him of course. Cause I have such deep love for him. And I will just be really happy that he is back with us. But the reality is he is not ever coming back. I so wish he would though.
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I would forgive him ..
and If he was alive his family would probably would know that to ..
But let him Rest in Peace !
at first, when i saw this thread, i wanted to put the OP on eternal blast. but then i started thinking. every human being says they are rational, and have morals, and limits and so forth...but this is a good study in the human psyche and it's great mysteries. if people were brutally honest with themselves, they don't know HOW they would react. this is a free message board, and i'm sure it has its limits, but still, i think people don't know the depths of their true selves.
Are you kidding me...I'd be the FIRST one running as fast as I could to hug him while crying my eyes out, out of happiness!! If there would be a way, ANY way that he'd come back...I'd be happy!!! There's nothing I wish more than that he'd come back. :boohoo:
I know it's painful, but Michael is gone and he isn't coming back.
I have no idea what diary entry you're referring to, but it isn't going to happen, I'm sorry.

It hurts me as much as everyone else, but the healthy thing to do is accept it and cope.

Conspiracy theories and ideas like this one make me so sad.

And all that aside - what kind of person would abandon his family, his children, his fans and cause them so much pain? How can you think that Michael would ever do such a thing? He was a loving, passionate, caring, giving man. I don't think he would have it in his heart to do that.

I think he would be saddened by this, I really do.
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