If and when MJ releases a new album how would he promote it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We know when someone release a brand new album ..they do concerts and tours and tv stuff rite? Well how do you think he may do it? When invincible came out in 2001 i thought Mj would do the same thing he had always do with the past albums you know go on tour or do concerts or tv ads like he did in the 70s-or 90s but it never happen :( that era was small conpare to what we were use to with MJ back in the day. So some fans say he hates touring then how would he sell the album? Can he sell it the album by it sell with out doing tours or anything just the album selling it sell?
Stick it in the newspaper or give it away at concerts like Prince, lol
We know when someone release a brand new album ..they do concerts and tours and tv stuff rite? Well how do you think he may do it? When invincible came out in 2001 i thought Mj would do the same thing he had always do with the past albums you know go on tour or do concerts or tv ads like he did in the 70s-or 90s but it never happen :( that era was small conpare to what we were use to with MJ back in the day. So some fans say he hates touring then how would he sell the album? Can he sell it the album by it sell with out doing tours or anything just the album selling it sell?

Dear Gold,
First and formost...welcome to the site...

With Mr.Jackson having the world wide noterity, unique talent, and the much anticipation for the new album...I feel if Mr.Jackson did not desire to tour he would still do very well in sales.

However, I do think that Mr.Jackson has some very interesting things planned. If he implements them properly, he will once again dominate the charts, popularity, and society as a whole..!


Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
He can do a "television concert special," which would feature his new music, mixed in with some oldies. Maybe he could have somebody like ELLEN interview him for this special, so that the program would be a mix of music and a little talk. It would, of course, be picked up all over the world. I also believe it would be a ratings winner.

I don't know what he could do after that, but I always felt that an MJ television special would be a good way to start.
Delever it to people personally to there homes and then perform in their front room.

lol, YEAH RIGHT! he'd prefer someone shoot him in the foot, to a little intimate performance. hahaha. Although delivering it personally is something I can see, as far as his personality is concerned.

As far as how he would promote it? I am of the opinion that Michael's got a huge bag of surprises just waiting for us. I think he would do something we really would not expect. He MIGHT tour, but seeing how he really doesn't like it, not to mention he's got kids to raise, I don't see that as a liklihood. It would be nice, though. and it would indeed be a surprise. but I can honestly say, I HAVE NO CLUE how he might promote it! I"m gonna sit back and watch the story unfold, and be surprised.
Viral ads on the net are the cutting edge of promotion these days but MJ has never really embraced the internet. I just hope he doesn't do any promotional stunts and look desperate.
Well, he's getting old, so concerts are probably out. No sense in doing videos cuz 106 & Park are really youth oriented. He should just call in some radio shows and definitely do no televised specials. Stay away from TV Jackson. And please don't reunite with your family. Don't wanna be up there in your 50's singing ABC, 123...LOL...Just call some radio shows and you'll sell a lot if the music is good...people will get the cd.
Well, he's getting old, so concerts are probably out. No sense in doing videos cuz 106 & Park are really youth oriented. He should just call in some radio shows and definitely do no televised specials. Stay away from TV Jackson. And please don't reunite with your family. Don't wanna be up there in your 50's singing ABC, 123...LOL...Just call some radio shows and you'll sell a lot if the music is good...people will get the cd.

Madonna is the same age as Mike and is on a tour right now. The Rolling Stones are all over 65. B.B. King is 83 or 84 and still does tours. James Brown was still performing at 73 when he passed. Also Mike has done ABC, etc on his solo shows, so his brothers has nothing to do with it.
Well, he's getting old, so concerts are probably out. No sense in doing videos cuz 106 & Park are really youth oriented. He should just call in some radio shows and definitely do no televised specials. Stay away from TV Jackson. And please don't reunite with your family. Don't wanna be up there in your 50's singing ABC, 123...LOL...Just call some radio shows and you'll sell a lot if the music is good...people will get the cd.


...here is a shovel....start filling the shallow grave you have pushed Michael into, since he is so old.

are you looking forward to anything regarding MJ?
and to the bolded part: illogical and ridiculous to say not to do videos because BET won't (you're assuming) show is old, geezer videos as if BET is the only place to ever see his videos....

I am officially putting you on ignore tupac....i'm done.
-tours will help sales a lot!!! It's also how one gets the local media coverage and stir up interests.
-Do an interview with oprah winfrey, it's going to be huge!!
-Get a promotion deal with Youtube.
Michael should perhaps not tour, because people will just think, Oh another tour.
Instead, maybe give away live performances as a competition, sponsored by Pepsi or similar, and do a limited number of promo performances as prizes.
hell no 2 oprah winfrey interview again,....have u seen the way she been treating mj!?/
and sidewalk, lol he could come to my place anytime!!!
Maybe make a video or 2, with the Donkey from Shrek.....
Have like 2 concerts, performing with Vanilla Ice and Gary Coleman.....
Make huge 700 foot posters of him, slam dunking Mini-Me into a garbage can full of Fried Chicken Grease.....
Get a Huge Afro and sing Bubble-Gum pop songs on Disney Channel.....PICTURE A DUET WITH MILEY SYRUS!

Maybe release a sextape with Joan Crawford and Pam Anderson......
Have huge tea-parties, with guests such as Chris Brown, P. Diddy, Charlie Chaplins Corpse, The Easter Bunny, Barack Obama, Santa Claus, and uhhhh......Elmo!

Start a sequel to "Stomp the Yard", starring Ernie and Burt, Peter Griffin, Omarion, Bill Gates, and Freddy Krueger!

Run for President of the United States of Jomerica....,..

Create a Cartoon based off a Fatguy named Michael Jockson, who smoked cigarrettes and farted all day, while scratching his crotch.

Create some 3-D Music Videos, with the help of Pee-Wee Herman.

Oh and finally, he needs to bring Colonel Sanders back to life, so they can have a chicken wing eating contest!

My ideas would definitely bring Michael to the top!
to promote his album he should -

(maybe one or two in NY, London, Tokyo, Johannesburg, Sydney, or something like that - spaced 2 weeks apart so he can fully recover after each show, sing live, and enjoy the cities and countries as he visits them, and not JUST perform there and move on)
(Songs get more interest with videos, simple. Adds a whole new element to the appreciation of a song.)
(He has ALWAYS done TV. Every single album has had televised or award show performances. Its amazing exposure)
(Strike a deal with someone he KNOWS personally, and a channel he KNOWS wont turn on him. Make the interview solely on music, dance, new album and future plans - None of this "did Joseph abuse you, what did he hit you with" B.S!)
-Bonus Track Edition
(Increase a 12 track album by releasing 4 new songs on a bonus track edition)
(Release DVD including one of the above mentioned concerts, backstage, "making of" the tour AND album, plus music videos.)
Sell the album and singles at HALF the regular price on iTunes. Why? His digital sales are not strong when it comes to music. His PHYSICAL sales always BOOM, but not iTunes sales. Sure, his Thriller video sells heaps on iTunes, but his albums and singles do NOT. So make them CHEAPER [i mean cummon, there is no real outlay, no production cost, ur paying for an mp3] than ANY other release on iTunes and promote that.)
(He does this well, better than anyone already, so make sure the album is once again packaged nicely. Think T25, Think KOP - both packaged beautifully (the ones I own) Not just ur standard plastic cover and insert booklet.)

Ooops, I just waffled on for ages. SORRY:)
Only 2 ways to make it seem fresh, as I pointed out before

1-Unplugged in the mode of the 68 Elvis Special (gives him another cd to sell too)

2-Appear on Dancing with the Stars, thats the mass audience of various generations that can get big album sales, you'll never sell on MTV anymore, do you honestly think kids who have been polluted with this horrible one hit wonder rap stars with no talent can recognize good music from bad?
him on "dancing with the starts... now that would be awesome! :)
to promote his album he should -

(maybe one or two in NY, London, Tokyo, Johannesburg, Sydney, or something like that - spaced 2 weeks apart so he can fully recover after each show, sing live, and enjoy the cities and countries as he visits them, and not JUST perform there and move on)
(Songs get more interest with videos, simple. Adds a whole new element to the appreciation of a song.)
(He has ALWAYS done TV. Every single album has had televised or award show performances. Its amazing exposure)
(Strike a deal with someone he KNOWS personally, and a channel he KNOWS wont turn on him. Make the interview solely on music, dance, new album and future plans - None of this "did Joseph abuse you, what did he hit you with" B.S!)
-Bonus Track Edition
(Increase a 12 track album by releasing 4 new songs on a bonus track edition)
(Release DVD including one of the above mentioned concerts, backstage, "making of" the tour AND album, plus music videos.)
Sell the album and singles at HALF the regular price on iTunes. Why? His digital sales are not strong when it comes to music. His PHYSICAL sales always BOOM, but not iTunes sales. Sure, his Thriller video sells heaps on iTunes, but his albums and singles do NOT. So make them CHEAPER [i mean cummon, there is no real outlay, no production cost, ur paying for an mp3] than ANY other release on iTunes and promote that.)
(He does this well, better than anyone already, so make sure the album is once again packaged nicely. Think T25, Think KOP - both packaged beautifully (the ones I own) Not just ur standard plastic cover and insert booklet.)

Ooops, I just waffled on for ages. SORRY:)

^^Yes I like your ideas damien.

hmmm...the whole dancing with the stars thing IDK about, wouldn't it be kinda cheating to have MJ on LOL? And a short tour would be amazing, a couple in NY a couple in LA or Vegas, then like you said and that would be amazing! Mike would have time to rest between shows and enjoy the scenery.
Tell Jesus to come through the parted clouds with a copy of the new album in his hands, declaring it the new biblical truth.
do an acoustic type concert where u keep itmellow,sing the ballads, don't do much dancing and captivate them w/ ur voice. re-introduce to people what made them fallin love w/ u in the first place....not the dancing but the singing.

do a few quick interviews....tyra, ellen, people who will respect u and not tryto embarass u like okrah's ass would.

106&park appearance. let your people show u how much we love u and damn....how u've influenced everyone on their damn top ten!

do a record signing at amoeba in la and one in nyc
