Idiots on Youtube accusing MJ of being a Satanist


Proud Member
Jul 30, 2013

New to the forum. :) Apologies if this is in the wrong area.

I came across the below series yesterday (clicking to go directly onto Youtube will show the other parts).

Now, usually I don't bother commenting on the rubbish stuff about MJ. However, this has me in two minds. I made a video below citing my thoughts on Part 1 (sort of a test, after your thoughts on my video response please).

Part of me feels like not bothering with the tripe, whereas the other part of me feels a need to. As accusing MJ of being a Satanic worshipper is just plain ridiculous.

It's my first video and I'm using Windows Movie Maker, so sorry it's basic. :smilerolleyes: I need to do some more editing if I do make it a public video. Need to watch the above Part 1 for mine to make sense.

Note to Mods: Hopefully you let this message be posted. Not looking for views, just wanting to stop the utter tripe seeing as though some MJ fans have been left reeling by this set of videos.

YouTube is full of accusing every artist and their mother of being Satanists, Illumniati and whatnot. The whole Illuminati crap seems to be a favorite urban legend now.

Better to ignore it IMO.
If you'd get a $ for responding to every vid like this you'd be a millionaire! I came across one the other day that claimed if you'd listen to some of his songs backwards, he said he was a reptile-alien in a human body, here to take over the world......:smilerolleyes: better to just laugh it off imo:lol:
I can't see your vid response. It says private, but I would like to see it.
I'm gonna save you a lot of time and effort and say just ignore these overly religious nutjobs.

There are people on youtube who have videos of various entertainers to be evil, obscene, etc etc etc
There are videos claiming Beyonce is evil because she shows some skin and is sexual. Good grief, these people are nuts.

And this whole illuminati nonsense with a lot of musicians.

Basically, it's best to just ignore these videos (and even more so, the comments section. The vortex will suck you in!)

There's no use trying to argue with insanely religious crazies who think everyone and everything is evil and bad.
I can't see your vid response. It says private, but I would like to see it.

Video should work now.

Thanks for the responses guys. I was showing a family member all four parts today, and I just felt like wanting to debunk all the absolute rubbish. Most of it is so poorly researched (I use the word researched lightly) that it beggars belief.
Just ignore it

Its a bunch of crap anyway
Indeed, I just ignore this crap too :beee:

Not worth any time, energy or validation :smilerolleyes:
And here was me wondering why I liked the Predator movies so much!! Lol

As everyone has been saying its best to try and ignore as much as you can :yes:
I heard about that before and that makes me sick, those damned retards.:angry: My friend (who's a Christian) has been feuding with those who believe Michael is a satanist this and he's in hell that UGH! SHUT THE F#%* UP YOU IDIOTS!!! (referring to the idiots who thinks of Michael that way).