Ideas for a 6-8 minute documentary


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys, for a college project I need to make a 6-8 minute documentary, about anything. My mind is a bit blank right now so if you guys could throw some ideas at me i'd appreciate it. It can be about anything. Michael related would be good too.
You could do it on Michael's humanitarian work. I think that's something more people need to know about. Charities he donated to, orphanages he visited, what his feelings were on giving, on us caring for each other, etc.

Another idea is his dancing. What insipired him and how he took that and innovated, how he revolutionized music videos or as he would say short films with it and how he was talented in various types of dancing (see The Jacksons Variety show).
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There's one great suggestion.

I'd say you can go with vitiligo as well. It seems like people don't know about it. :/