Idea: Memorabilia at the O2?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just an idea...

How cool would it be, if all of the memorabilia from the Auction in Beverly Hills could be put on display in the o2 arena at the time of the shows? It would be like a giant "Hard Rock Cafe" style Michael Jackson shrine!

I saw the memorabilia display on the news, and although I wouldn't want to buy any of it, thought it would be awesome if fans actually got to see the exhibition at the o2.

Now that the items are back to their rightful owner, I think it it would make sense to share them with the world.

It would compliment the shows perfectly. A visual documentation of the life and career of the King of Pop.

Just a thought.
That's an awsome idea! Plus the o2 has an exabition area (the bubble) where it currently has a britpop music memrobilia on display! So out with that and in with michael!!! :)
Yeah.... Brilliant, but in the Bubble it's British Music... But there are other places!!
At the recent Star Wars show at The O2, they had a memorabilia exhibition based around Star Wars outside the arena for those with tickets for the show in one of the empty retail spaces. As this was for only one night, I wonder if they could do something with MJ as he is there for fifty.

It would be a great idea and I'm sure that the majority of those going to the shows would also visit the exhibit. If anything, it may get more people along to The O2 as well for shopping etc to see the exhibition while they are there.

I am unsure, however, if this would be possible.
Yeah, I also had that idea.... it would be awesome... but to ship all that stuff to Europe... I'm not so sure if that would be easily doable!