I'd Love to see the Jacksons re unite.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
my friend and i was talking last night about how good it would be if the Jackson re united, at lot of us didn't get the chance to see them live, at this really sad time we are all looking at ways we can remember Michael, and what he was all about. In remembering Michael also we cant forget were it all began an that was with the Jackson 5, How good would it be to see them back together, it would just bring that magic back of those early years, remind us of what it was all about. maybe not right now, but ya know when the time is right of course. i wonder how many of us would love to see them together again.
I think that would be great. I never got to see Michael, but if the Jacksons ever decided to reunite, I would definitely go and see them.
i'd love to see them reform as well, sure it wont be the same without michael but they're all talented guys in their own right.