I'd like to compensate


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
there's a reason why i suddenly joined this forum.there's a reason why i cried my heart out knowing that michael is gone,also,there's a reason why i can't stop watching his videos on youtube,either cncerts,tributes,anything.there's also a reason why i can't stop talking about him to my friends.

years ago,when i was born in 1993,one of the earliest music i've known is of michael's,i've always loved him.his music,his style,his singing,his humor.but back then,i was too young to tell apart right from wrong.i didn't know about all the charitable work he done,nor his love for children.truthfully,i didn't know the real michael.i didn't even know the existence of neverland ranch helped cure a dozen of sick kids.when the allegations came out,i stopped listening to his music.i believed almost everything the tabloid said about him,i've had a bad impression on him and worst of all,i was ashamed to admit that i was a big fan of his.slowly,my love for him faded away and vanished.i still love his music but i was no longer a fan,not even a casual one.but when he announced the comeback,i was excited.when he passed,you have no idea how much my heart aches.it got worse when i knew who he really is upon watching the stuff on youtube.i couldn't forgive myself to this day.

i wanna compensate for all the bad thoughts i had upon believing the crappy tabloid.can someone please tell me how.it gets me everynight.hating an innocent angel is certainly an unforgiveable sin :(
Oh my goodness. I am going through some shit like that right now. I didn't believe the media, but I didn't exactly believe him either. I was doubtful that he was the kind of person they made him out to be, but I just didn't know. So, I kind of just left it all alone. I can't believe I didn't take the time to find out for myself *sooner*. I kept saying that I was going to try to study the cases and the rumors someday just so that I could have an opinion, but why why why did I wait 'til now? I feel so deeply sad that I missed out on so many beautiful years with him and also incredibly guilty for remaining ignorant. I forgive you because I know how easy it was to be in that position and because I need forgiveness too. If you want to talk, I'm totally here. I feel ya'. Try to keep your chin up. We have to believe that somewhere, somehow, he knows and accepts our love - even if we're late.
Oh my goodness. I am going through some shit like that right now. I didn't believe the media, but I didn't exactly believe him either. I was doubtful that he was the kind of person they made him out to be, but I just didn't know. So, I kind of just left it all alone. I can't believe I didn't take the time to find out for myself *sooner*. I kept saying that I was going to try to study the cases and the rumors someday just so that I could have an opinion, but why why why did I wait 'til now? I feel so deeply sad that I missed out on so many beautiful years with him and also incredibly guilty for remaining ignorant. I forgive you because I know how easy it was to be in that position and because I need forgiveness too. If you want to talk, I'm totally here. I feel ya'. Try to keep your chin up. We have to believe that somewhere, somehow, he knows and accepts our love - even if we're late.
Just love him, defend him, spread the truth and spread his messages. Don't waste your time feeling guilty, because the past is past, what matters is what you are doing now. It is a sad thing that you didn't come to realize the truth before...that you even believed in the lies until now...but it's an even more beautiful thing that you've since "seen the light". I went through the same thing. Though I never ran with the tabloid junk, all I ever heard over the years was how "weird" he was and never how amazing he was...so I just didn't know. I loved the few songs of his I knew, but never learned more about him because as far as I knew he was just another fish in the sea of music...and just another guy in the world. I have felt great regret over never getting to know him before...but it's ok, because I know him NOW. And don't think that you have committed some unforgivable sin. You are human. We all make judgments, we all make mistakes. Ultimately what matters is that we grow and learn and move past them. You've done just that. Keep your chin up...and keep spreading the love.
Just love him, defend him, spread the truth and spread his messages. Don't waste your time feeling guilty, because the past is past, what matters is what you are doing now. It is a sad thing that you didn't come to realize the truth before...that you even believed in the lies until now...but it's an even more beautiful thing that you've since "seen the light". I went through the same thing. Though I never ran with the tabloid junk, all I ever heard over the years was how "weird" he was and never how amazing he was...so I just didn't know. I loved the few songs of his I knew, but never learned more about him because as far as I knew he was just another fish in the sea of music...and just another guy in the world. I have felt great regret over never getting to know him before...but it's ok, because I know him NOW. And don't think that you have committed some unforgivable sin. You are human. We all make judgments, we all make mistakes. Ultimately what matters is that we grow and learn and move past them. You've done just that. Keep your chin up...and keep spreading the love.
there's a reason why i suddenly joined this forum.there's a reason why i cried my heart out knowing that michael is gone,also,there's a reason why i can't stop watching his videos on youtube,either cncerts,tributes,anything.there's also a reason why i can't stop talking about him to my friends.

years ago,when i was born in 1993,one of the earliest music i've known is of michael's,i've always loved him.his music,his style,his singing,his humor.but back then,i was too young to tell apart right from wrong.i didn't know about all the charitable work he done,nor his love for children.truthfully,i didn't know the real michael.i didn't even know the existence of neverland ranch helped cure a dozen of sick kids.when the allegations came out,i stopped listening to his music.i believed almost everything the tabloid said about him,i've had a bad impression on him and worst of all,i was ashamed to admit that i was a big fan of his.slowly,my love for him faded away and vanished.i still love his music but i was no longer a fan,not even a casual one.but when he announced the comeback,i was excited.when he passed,you have no idea how much my heart aches.it got worse when i knew who he really is upon watching the stuff on youtube.i couldn't forgive myself to this day.

i wanna compensate for all the bad thoughts i had upon believing the crappy tabloid.can someone please tell me how.it gets me everynight.hating an innocent angel is certainly an unforgiveable sin :(

You know what I think. I have been a fan of Michaels for 30 years and I am thrilled to see so many new fans appreciating him and his music and loving generous spirit. You are here now and the more Michael fans out there the better. Enjoy him and all he has done, be proud to say you are a fan and defend him when it is needed. You are not the only one to have believed the tabloids and all their crap but now you know they lie and others will eventually realize this to. Michael will always be with us if we keep him in our hearts.

I support the above statement. Be proud to be a Michael Jackson fan. Whenever you encounter lies or misinformation, provide the correct information with a kind firmness, letting people know that you want them to base their opinions on FACTS.
Just love him, defend him, spread the truth and spread his messages. Don't waste your time feeling guilty, because the past is past, what matters is what you are doing now. It is a sad thing that you didn't come to realize the truth before...that you even believed in the lies until now...but it's an even more beautiful thing that you've since "seen the light". I went through the same thing. Though I never ran with the tabloid junk, all I ever heard over the years was how "weird" he was and never how amazing he was...so I just didn't know. I loved the few songs of his I knew, but never learned more about him because as far as I knew he was just another fish in the sea of music...and just another guy in the world. I have felt great regret over never getting to know him before...but it's ok, because I know him NOW. And don't think that you have committed some unforgivable sin. You are human. We all make judgments, we all make mistakes. Ultimately what matters is that we grow and learn and move past them. You've done just that. Keep your chin up...and keep spreading the love.
You know what I think. I have been a fan of Michaels for 30 years and I am thrilled to see so many new fans appreciating him and his music and loving generous spirit. You are here now and the more Michael fans out there the better. Enjoy him and all he has done, be proud to say you are a fan and defend him when it is needed. You are not the only one to have believed the tabloids and all their crap but now you know they lie and others will eventually realize this to. Michael will always be with us if we keep him in our hearts.


thank you julia.it was actually back then when i was a child that i was too afraid to admit that i'm a michael fan,but right now,i'm defending him in most of my blog posts.i don't really care what other people think of him anymore.i wanna remember him by as a person who changed the world,and not whatever the tabloid said.

She is right :yes:

please defend him ..post comments on this page


oh my..noha.i'm having a heartache just by reading the title! she's so unprofessional.i wonder why she even calls herself as a JOURNALIST.she's not even close to such a respectful title.
Yeah, the best compensation, my way of alleviating guilt, is defending him and fighting to clear his name. And I have been VERY VERY active in this, whether it's with friends, family, co-workers, the media, or local stores selling bullshit (Dimond) trying to profit off of his passing. I think the best example of someone who's been in our position is Aphrodite Jones. Let's follow her example and fight the good fight. =)
Yeah, the best compensation, my way of alleviating guilt, is defending him and fighting to clear his name. And I have been VERY VERY active in this, whether it's with friends, family, co-workers, the media, or local stores selling bullshit (Dimond) trying to profit off of his passing. I think the best example of someone who's been in our position is Aphrodite Jones. Let's follow her example and fight the good fight. =)

who's aphrodite jones?
yeah,i'm trying the best ican to prove to the world that the REAL michael is NOT a pedo.he's an angel,willing to sacrifice himself to heal the world and help others.
Aphrodite Jones wrote "Michael Jackson Conspiracy". http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Jackson-Conspiracy-Aphrodite-Jones/dp/0979549809
She was a reporter, part of the media circus during the trial, thought he was totally guilty.
But later, after actually looking at all the facts, she realized how wrong she'd been and felt compelled to write a book (from an insider's perspective, backing everything up with court documents and transcripts) to let the world know that this was one of the most screwed up, fake, unfair trials in history. She even contacted and got help and support from the judge and MJs attorney, who wrote the forward to the book. Excellent, excellent read.
There are some very wise people in this thread, and thank you for your ideas!

I don't think there is ANY reason to feel guilty. "Then-is-then," and "now-is-now." People grow and change. Yes, certainly defend Michael, but also this has been a learning experience? Now you KNOW not to believe what you read or see on media, about ANYONE, necessarily. Now you know to dig for the facts yourself before forming a conclusion or blaming anyone, for anything. Media LIE, as often as they tell the truth. Or MORE often. And now you know. . . .


Aphrodite Jones wrote "Michael Jackson Conspiracy". http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Jackson-Conspiracy-Aphrodite-Jones/dp/0979549809
She was a reporter, part of the media circus during the trial, thought he was totally guilty.
But later, after actually looking at all the facts, she realized how wrong she'd been and felt compelled to write a book (from an insider's perspective, backing everything up with court documents and transcripts) to let the world know that this was one of the most screwed up, fake, unfair trials in history. She even contacted and got help and support from the judge and MJs attorney, who wrote the forward to the book. Excellent, excellent read.

oh my her case is so much similar to mine! well i'm glad i've realized how big my mistake was to have misjudged michael.now i know i'm with the right people on the right side of the case,the impartial side.
Yay I found you on here, welcome! :wub:

Just love him, defend him, spread the truth and spread his messages. Don't waste your time feeling guilty, because the past is past, what matters is what you are doing now. It is a sad thing that you didn't come to realize the truth before...that you even believed in the lies until now...but it's an even more beautiful thing that you've since "seen the light". I went through the same thing. Though I never ran with the tabloid junk, all I ever heard over the years was how "weird" he was and never how amazing he was...so I just didn't know. I loved the few songs of his I knew, but never learned more about him because as far as I knew he was just another fish in the sea of music...and just another guy in the world. I have felt great regret over never getting to know him before...but it's ok, because I know him NOW. And don't think that you have committed some unforgivable sin. You are human. We all make judgments, we all make mistakes. Ultimately what matters is that we grow and learn and move past them. You've done just that. Keep your chin up...and keep spreading the love.
It can really be easy to believe the media because it's so persuasive, but at least now you realize how deceptive they can be so that's all that matters. :huggy:

I left a comment on that Diane Diamond's "article" and it got deleted. I can't say I'm all that surprised. :/

I want so much for the truth to get out about Michael, that he was a good, kind, caring person. Not a pedophile, not all those disgusting rumors about him. I just read the Aphrodite Jones book. It was so good and I think everyone should read it. It pains me so much to keep seeing all these negative stories continue about him. Sometimes it makes me cry. :(

I just want everyone to see him for the beautiful person he was.
Yay I found you on here, welcome! :wub:

I'm quoting you Amy because I can't say it any better!

niamh ;) it's cool that we keep talking about mike both here and even on the mfc.just can't get enough of him ^^

It can really be easy to believe the media because it's so persuasive, but at least now you realize how deceptive they can be so that's all that matters. :huggy:

I left a comment on that Diane Diamond's "article" and it got deleted. I can't say I'm all that surprised. :/

I want so much for the truth to get out about Michael, that he was a good, kind, caring person. Not a pedophile, not all those disgusting rumors about him. I just read the Aphrodite Jones book. It was so good and I think everyone should read it. It pains me so much to keep seeing all these negative stories continue about him. Sometimes it makes me cry. :(

I just want everyone to see him for the beautiful person he was.

you should sign a petition to go against her.i'm sure some of the MJJC members made a petition complaining about her demonic comments to ET.

mike was certainly NOT a pedophile.how can such a sweetheart harm a child?
:yes: I haven't been following Mika at all hardly since all this.....

me neither.it's all mikes than meeks now if u know what i mean.but of course,i still look forward to get my hands on a copy of TBWKTM ;)
We all make mistakes and we all learn from them the important thing is that your here now and that you love him just focus on that. Personally i have never believed what the media had to say about Michael he's always been innocent in my eyes even this last time around i knew he was innocent Truth be told even if he had been convicted i wouldn't have loved him any less i would have forgiven him. I have loved Michael my entire life ever since i was baby and that type of love can get through anything. But just remember you love him and you now realize none of it were true that Michael was a great man and is now an angel in heaven watching over all of us.