ID Communications to Ditribute "Untold Story of Neverland" Internationally


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Jul 25, 2011
ID takes on Michael Jackson Documentary

13 September, 2010 | By Wendy Mitchell

Montreal-based ID Communications has taken on international distribution rights to documentary Michael Jackson:
The Untold Story of Neverland.

Larry Nimmer directs.

Dan Shannon of ID Communications said: “This film so far has only been on Amazon USA with some very
solid reviews. Originally intended just as a DVD release, we are pleased to offer it to worldwide markets.
It is a balanced assesment of Mr. Jackson’s troubles with the law, unearthing points of view which have
not been heard in mainstream media, beyond a few niche fan sites. In my view, Mr. Jackson’s fans will
want to see this film.”
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Great to hear. When I stumbled on that DVD on Amazon last year I had never even heard of it. Was glad to get it and rather irked that I didn't know about it. I hope more people will see it now...obviously more fans know about it than just people in general. But perhaps with wider distribution some more people will get to see this. I think the content is so valuable and so important for MJ. I really wish that show would air now on network or cable TV and with lots of PR. Doubt that will ever happen, but the wider distribution of the DVD is a step in the right direction.
i haven't seen it. man i don't know what to think when an outsider says it's a 'balanced' view. it usually wasn't the case, and it wasn't favorable to Michael.
I hope they attempt to do justice with this DVD. Michael deserves the most amazing documentary anyone could ever put together. His life is far too grand for words, of course, and attempting to chronicle it seems noble, but in the end the result will always shine less than the man himself. Alas, that's the effect great lives have upon the world.
I couldn't buy it, so ended up download it from torrents. I cried while watching it. It's a heartbreaking film, especially the footage of police searching Neverland. I don't I will ever watch it again (too painful), but I would like to buy it officially.
ID communications is only a minor distribution company and probably doesn't have anything on it's books that you would have heard of. Look at the link below.

BUT some distribution is much better than no distribution. Let's hope it has the budget and inclination to raise the prfile of the MJ documentary to a level where people will know about it. As somebody already said, anybody outside the MJ internet fan community would not know this exists and so would need to stumble across it on Amazon.
I still haven't seen this, but if the price is right and I see it advertised in the UK I will buy it.

BTW If they ever want the doc to be taken seriously they need to change the cover. ! It looks like somebody without any IT skills did it at home. It looks cheap and unprofessional. Even I could come up with something better in half an hour on photoshop, and I know many of you are experts in this field!

“Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland” documentary 48 min.
-Official Selection Santa Barbara Film Festival 2010
A frank and quite frankly surprising portrayal of the human and legal machinations surrounding Michael Jackson, given the sheer quantity of of media disinformation which has been published regarding his child molestation charges. His subsequent acquittal, did not in fact truly vindicate him, as the sheer mistrust in these proceedings by much of the general public leave a mark on the accused, even when there are no charges left. This film, is perhaps Michael’s true vindication, and a testimony to how far certain aspects of the justice system can stray, when dealing with high profile cases.
This is good news. I bought a copy from Larry Nimmer direct. It is excellent and does not portray Michael in a bad light, quite the opposite.
That is excellent news! I want to buy it as a region 2 DVD. Next step is to air it on television worldwide instead of that horrible Bashit documentary.
I saw it on YouTube and there's a video with people's reaction to it. Visit the Legacy Project thread and you will find a thread there on Larry Nimmer's "The Untold Story of Neverland".

It may be interesting to know that Larry Nimmer, a documentary filmmaker did not know what to think of the allegations against Michael and he was very doubtful in the beginning. But then he started filming and getting to know the soul of the man behind it all, Michael Jackson, and he knew Michael would never even be able to commit such heinous crimes against children.

The reason he was asked to film Neverland was that Judge Melville decided that the jury could not visit Neverland. However the jury needed to have visuals on Neverland as he Arvizo's claimed they were held hostage at Neverland ( see the picket fences for miles and miles around Neverland, even a toddler can climb those) and see the clocks everywhere ( Arvizo's claiming they weren't allowed to know the time).

See also Larry Nimmer's website and read his experience while filming this documentary.
Good news, but I saw this documentary a before months and I`m not sure that I want to see it again. It`s too painful.
I've seen it and it's a great documentary.
When they say "It's a balanced assesment of Mr. Jackson’s troubles with the law" is probably because they showed what the media said about the case and they also showed what really happened.