Iconic Black Music Company,Gamble and Huff,Set Afire.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I just read this in the paper today..
Arson is said to be the cause..:bugeyed
Fire officials say the Sunday morning blaze on the third floor of the Philadelphia International Records building has been determined to be "incendiary." One man has been questioned and released.
Officials say the fire melted gold and platinum records and destroyed memorabilia but spared the studio. The company's 10,000 master recordings are stored at an underground vault.
The company produced many R&B classics of the 1960s and 1970s. Michael Jackson, Patti LaBelle and Teddy Pendergrass are among musical luminaries who have recorded there.
Producers Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff said in a statement Tuesday that some lost items are "irreplaceable" but vowed to rebuild.

Imagine all of The Jackson stuff, Gone. Not only The Jacksons,everyone that ever recorded there. :no:
I hope they catch who did this.
My Prayers go to The Iconic Team of Gamble and Huff.
I thank them for Giving The Jacksons a chance to shine further than MOTOWN and Giving Michael a chance to record his composition Blues Away.
Ironically, there is a book about the company called "A House On Fire". I read it a few years ago, it's pretty good.
I think I saw that at The library once.I'll try to find it again... But This is a sad day in Music.:mello:
Yes, but at least none of the master tapes were touched. Awards can be replaced, but the songs can't.

I hope no one was hurt...

I love the production of Gamble and Huff for the Jacksons... especially with Michael's smooth vocals... :wub:
someone was very smart to place the masters in an undisclosed location, knowing what kind of world we live in.
Yeah I know.Don't you find it strange that this thing is almost close to Michael's 8th anniversary ? Hmmm.:doh:

Sorry if I sound totally ignorant but which 8th anniversary are you referring to, if I may ask ?
Unreleased Jacksons

A few years ago Gamble & Huff released an album of O'Jays unreleased songs that were remixed with updated music (like Mike's Farewell My Summer Love album). The O'Jays themselves weren't happy about this and released a statement saying it was reject material. I wonder if there is any extra material that The Jacksons recorded but didn't make it to their 2 G&H albums.
all Gamble and Huff songs are owned an drun by Mijac Music...since Michael owns all the publishing rights..
That's terrible about that fire. Gamble and Huff been around for over 30 years. They were credited for the famount Philadelphia Sound. I grew up on alot of their music including the post-Motown album of the Jacksons.
That's terrible about that fire. Gamble and Huff been around for over 30 years. They were credited for the famount Philadelphia Sound. I grew up on alot of their music including the post-Motown album of the Jacksons.
They got their start with Jerry Butler in the late 1960s. Thom Bell sometimes worked with them in the beginning, but later mostly did his own stuff with his songwriting partner Linda Creed..