Ice hockey World championships 08

The One.

Proud Member
Jan 29, 2006
From May 2nd to May 18th 2008 at the Halifax Metro Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia and the Colisée Pepsi in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

So I'm huge ice-hockey fan and I just had to make a topic for this :cheeky:
Tomorrow it finally begins! Yay!
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Come on, am I the only one who's watching these? :eek::doh:

Here's the results so far:
DEN - CZE 2-5
CAN - SLO 5-1
RUS - ITA 7-1
USA - LAT 4-0

BLR - SWE 5-6
GER - FIN 1-5
SUI - FRA 4-1
SVK - NOR 5-1
We have at least one thing in common which is our love for F1 and Kimi but unfortunately I can't talk with you about ice hockey since I don't like (and don't know) this sport at all... :sad: You know Hungary isn't an "ice hockey nation". :smile:

I can't believe that you are the only one here who likes this though. Maybe you should ask Kimi to join here and you'd talk with him about ice hockey. :wink: He adores it and not bad at it also.
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We have at least one thing in common which is our love for F1 and Kimi but unfortunately I can't talk with you about ice hockey since I don't like (and don't know) this sport at all... :sad: You know Hungary isn't an "ice hockey nation". :smile:

I can't believe that you are the only one here who likes this though. Maybe you should ask Kimi to join here and you'd talk with him about ice hockey. :wink: He adores it and not bad at it also.

Yeah, that's too bad :mello:
Anybody happends to have Kimi's phone number.. :D
I'll keep posting the results just in case if any fan happends to find his/her way here.. :smilerolleyes:

So results from yesterday (4.5.)

CZE - RUS 4-5
LAT - CAN 0-7
ITA - DEN 2-6
USA - SLO 5-1
Oh my GOD what happened in Norway - Finland yesterday! :mello:
It was horrible match for Finland, since they SHOULD have got 3 points from that game but we only got 2. ( The fact just is, that Norway isn't that good in ice hockey.. )
Norway hang along very well but I have to say that Finland didn't play it's best either.
And bad luck for Vehanen, Finland's goalkeeper, also. Not very much shots to him and then the few that came he let in :(

But some good news for Finland also: Saku Koivu will join the team! Yay!

Today will be very interesting game USA - CAN. I'm not guessing how it's gonna end :D

Here's results from 5th May:
SUI - BLR 2-1
FIN - NOR 3-2
SWE - FRA 9-0
SVK - GER 2-4

Sweden really had it going on against France, 9-0! :eek:
I'm also surprised that GERMANY was able to win Slovakia..

I'm still crossing my fingers to find another fan around here.. :smilerolleyes:
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^At least I come here often to see how the championship goes. Just to follow my dear F1 lover mate's other favorite sport... haha

I wouldn't have thought that Norway would beat Finland :eek: I don't know much about ice hockey but I do know that Finland is very very good.
^At least I come here often to see how the championship goes. Just to follow my dear F1 lover mate's other favorite sport... haha

I wouldn't have thought that Norway would beat Finland :eek: I don't know much about ice hockey but I do know that Finland is very very good.

Aww, thank you for that! :yes:
Yeah well finally Finland won 3-2 but still, it went to overtime.. But it's good to move on now. They don't do those mistakes when Saku's in the team! :wild: lol
Results 6.5.:

RUS - DEN 4-1
CAN - USA 5-4
CZE - ITA 7-2
SLO - LAT 0-3

So.. I didn't watch the USA - Canada match but I've read that it was exciting game. USA controlled it but still couldn't win, which is sad because in the back of my mind I was little hoping that USA could win :smilerolleyes:
Canada's team is too self-confident to me, they really should lose to some team so that they wouldn't hype the world champion too much yet - Because they ain't gonna win it :smilerolleyes::D
^^I'm wondering which team do you think would win the championship? ... :lol:

I've read in a newspaper that it was a historical moment for the Germans to win against Slovakia, because it was the first time in history.

Edit: I told you that Kimi is cheering for Finland as well :lol:

Here you can see a quote from his blog:

"Our target is to get the 1-2 result again. We will fight - as hard as the Finnish team does in the ice hockey championships in Canada."

Plus he added one nice sentence as well: "Again, it's nice that Heikki is well." I :wub: you Kimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so lovely!!!!!!!!!! You care about your friends and it seems they mean a lot to you!
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Im not into ice-hockey at all and I haven't watched any of the games so far.

If Finland gets further then I might watch if I don't have anything else to do.. Although I know I will always find something better to do than watching grown up men chasing a black little object on ice.. no offence :lol:
Edit: I told you that Kimi is cheering for Finland as well :lol:

Here you can see a quote from his blog:

"Our target is to get the 1-2 result again. We will fight - as hard as the Finnish team does in the ice hockey championships in Canada."
Haha! :D

Im not into ice-hockey at all and I haven't watched any of the games so far.

If Finland gets further then I might watch if I don't have anything else to do.. Although I know I will always find something better to do than watching grown up men chasing a black little object on ice.. no offence :lol:
No!! You should watch, this time Finland is going to win something ;) :D

Here's 7.5 results

SWE - SUI 2-4
FIN - SVK 3-2
FRA - BLR 1-3
NOR - GER 3-2

That was interesting day.. I'm happy for Switzerland, I'm not a fan of Sweden for some reason :smilerolleyes:
But Norway's win was a surprise for me, and because of that Finland has now only 8 points instead of 9 :uhuh

Good match between Slovakia and Finland, though Finland still didn't play their best game, and some huge mistakes came to defenders (?). Luckily Bäckström was awesome on goal :)

I hate that we are now going to Rome with my family and I'm going to miss 2 games from Finland! :doh: I hope they're not very interesting games.. :D But tomorrow FIN - LAT, and Saku Koivu's first apperiance these games.. it's going to be nice .
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I hate that we are now going to Rome with my family and I'm going to miss 2 games from Finland! :doh: I hope they're not very interesting games.. :D But tomorrow FIN - LAT, and Saku Koivu's first apperiance these games.. it's going to be nice .

I would like to go to Rome instead of staying at home. :lol: Can I go with you? :blush: I bet you'll find a TV to watch ice hockey and F1!!! :wink: Last year I was in Croatia during the Italian Grand Prix and my mom sent me text messages to inform me about the qualifying. But I couldn't take it and I had to watch the race on Sunday... we went to a restaurant and there I watched it. haha
^Yep I hope I could watch them somewhere, but for just in case I tape resumés of FIN-USA and FIN-CAN :D
This is just my luck that Finland will play against USA and Canada when we're not home :doh:

Yesterday's results:
SWE - DEN 8-1
CAN - NOR 2-1
SUI - CZE 0-5
USA - GER 6-4

Now, Norway is playing very well, they almost did a superhypersurprise against Canada! But it was right for Canada though to have a little tougher game..
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Still no other fans? :(

I'm too lazy to post the results from 4 days since there ain't even anybody to discuss about them :D
But I have to say that the mistake which the Swedish judge did when he approved Finland's first goal in Sunday (USA-FIN) was unbelievable. But since Finland won with that goal I'm ok with it :doh:

Tonight again, I hope Finland will win with REAL goals. It's gonna be very tough game.
And I have to wake up at 02.15 am to watch it. :smilerolleyes: :D
Do you know what Kimi did on Sunday evening after the race in Turkey? He was at home relaxing and watching the Finland vs. USA match... :lol: He was happy with the result! :wink:
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FIN-USA 3-2 :clapping:

The end of the game was exciting.. In a blink of an eye Finland did some serious mistakes and USA was able to make their 2 goals. But thank god, Finland won the game on overtime and goes to semi-finals! :sarmoti
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OMG! I was supposed to watch the FIN-USA match and I had my phone alarming me at 2:00am but I didn't wake up!!!
I guess I was in so deep sleep that I didn't hear it! Then I woke up about 5:00am and when I realized that I had missed the game I was soo pissed off!!
I'm still a little bit cause I can't understand how it happened :doh:

Anyway, great match from Finland and this seems going the same way as last year..
Just to remind you, Finland WON Russia back then and went to final. It's gonna happend this time, too :yes::D
I hope Sweden could beat Canada and the final would be Finland vs. Sweden! :wild:
I can't wait.
All of my friends are talking about this all the time. It's so irritating. I don't care about ice hockey anymore, not at this time of year. If those championships would be in the middle of winter, I'd watch them. But now I'm already waiting the European football championships, so hockey doesn't interest me. I guess I'm on the wrong thread then. :D

GO FINLAND! Although I don't think they have a chance at beating Canada.
FIN-USA 3-2 :clapping:

The end of the game was exciting.. In a blink of an eye Finland did some serious mistakes and USA was able to make their 2 goals. But thank god, Finland won the game on overtime and goes to semi-finals! :sarmoti

Haha, that was such bullcrap. Finland's first goal went THROUGH the side of the net and it was very clear that this happened on replay. Yet, the refs took 5 minutes to look it over and counted the goal anyway. Here's the video of it. Fast forward to 1:45 to see the two best replays:


How can anyone take the competition seriously when something like this happens?

Edit - Or was this a game from earlier in the tournament? Regardless, it was horrible but still kind of funny.
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I had made a thread about NHL Stanley Cup hockey, and I got no response. So consider yourself lucky to have so many responses, The One.. lol

But now that my team (Canadiens) is no longer in the running (sniff) I'm disinterested. lol

Re the World Championship, I don't really watch much, but I do follow the results.

Go Canada! lol
GO FINLAND! Although I don't think they have a chance at beating Canada.

Don't you come here saying that :uhuh They DO have a chance.

I had made a thread about NHL Stanley Cup hockey, and I got no response. So consider yourself lucky to have so many responses, The One.. lol

But now that my team (Canadiens) is no longer in the running (sniff) I'm disinterested. lol

Re the World Championship, I don't really watch much, but I do follow the results.

Go Canada! lol

Yes, I have many responses but none of them are from real fans :doh:
OMG! I've just read that Finland is not in the final of the World Championship. :sad: I feel you The One... You must be very sad.
Yeah, they lost the game to Russia 0-4 :doh:

But they will have the game for the bronze medal tomorrow, and seems it's going to be against Sweden.. So that needs to be won! :yes:
OMG! I've just read that Finland is not in the final of the World Championship. :sad: I feel you The One... You must be very sad.

Yeah.. And I'm so angry because we didn't play that bad what 4-0 might seem, in the first perioid Finland played IMO better hockey than Russia and their first 2 goals were because of Finland's mistakes!
The game would have been 0-0 to the end of 3rd period but no..Damn!
I'm so frustrated because Finland always gets silver or bronze or ends up at 4th place but we deserve to win sometimes too!
I don't think any other country is year after year in the top 4 like Finland.. :angry:
Also Russian player Ovetchkin is so rude when he just tackled everybody the way he wanted and none of the referees did anything!

But like Finland's head coach Doug Shedden said, if we can't get gold or silver, let's get the God damn bronze!

I had to offload my anger a little bit :D

edit: anyway, I hope Russia beats Canada in the final 1000-0
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The 1st period looked good, but then the downhill just started.. and on 3rd period Finland did so stupid mistakes and got penalty's for that it was almost embarrasing.
Okay, so Finland got bronze medal after they beat Sweden 4-0 yesterday.

I'm not disappointed about the lost for Russia anymore. In fact, I think this way it's better because I think that with this team Finland now has (as there is so many young players) they wouldn't have a chance to beat Canada in the final, and after the match bronze always tastes better because it's won medal. (if you understand what I mean.. :D )

Now I keep my fingers crossed for Russia..

edit: They played Beat it while showed Finland's top5 goals.. :)
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Well, the puck has dropped and Russia has already scored the first goal. Uh oh...

Sorry Finland didn't make it to the finals; there's always next year though!

Update- Canada just scored. Yay!

Go Canada! :wild:
Well, the puck has dropped and Russia has already scored the first goal. Uh oh...

Sorry Finland didn't make it to the finals; there's always next year though!

Update- Canada just scored. Yay!

Go Canada! :wild:

Come on, let's give Russia chance to win championship after 15 years :smilerolleyes: :cheeky:

Go Russia!