ICE Bucket Challenge?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Would Michael of done the ice bucket challenge if he was nominated? - all the big stars of today are doing it.

I can't imagine it really but then again Michael did love messing around with super soakers and jumping in swimming pools and all that!!!!!
I don't know what he would have done specifically- of course, nobody does. But if he did take part in the challenge, I can't picture him just standing there dumping ice on top of himself. He would have wanted to go over top and done something completely out-of-the-box. What I am pretty positive about is that he would have at least donated.
I was just thinking of this myself. I'm sure he would've done it but would've also made it his own, to make it stand out and be memorable. :yes:

I also wonder who he would've extended the challenge to. Since you have to extend it to three people, I think he would've picked Chris Tucker, his sister Janet, and Mac. :clap:
Haha I was thinking this too - especially since some impersonator did a parody video of "MJ" taking part in it. :p

I'd like to think he would though. Part of me thinks he'd WANT to because he was SO into pranks and stuff. And because of that I could totally see him allowing PPB to tag team and dump water on him lol But the other part of me thinks he wouldn't because...I dunno. I don't think he does the silly stuff in public that he does in private (well minus going to that party in an afro lol).

Heck maybe if that damn trial never happened he would've been more open to do it, since he was opening up more during that time (with the Private Home Movies special for instance).

But! Personally I can totally see it happening. And I agree with Amaya's picks as nominations. Outside of that I think it would have been funny if he challenged ALL of the Jacksons (or Tito's sons) , Steve Harvey, and Beyonce (wink, wink) lol

oh Diana Ross! lol
Not all the big stars are doing that. Pamela Anderson is not doing that. Because of animal testing. I would really like to think he would have. But if he knew animal testing was being done. He probably would have not.
Yeah, this challenge made me think about Michael doing it for sure. I would have loved to see him doing Neverland, where you're bound to get wet :p If only... :sigh: I know he would at least support it all the way.
Doubt he would've done the challenge, but I could see him donating a big fat check lol.
Oh, I can see it. Perfectly. He'd be sitting there by the pool or fountain pretending to talk to the camera about something important-then the kids would sneak up and drench him with water.
Then he'd push or throw them all in the pool.
While they die laughing.
Wish it could happen.