Ican already tell it's gonna be one of those days.. lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have been visiting here alot recently ,and I have to say that I like the people here. :yes: You are all very nice and caring about the others on the board. It's more than a community here. It's a group of friends who just happen to be MJ fans. I think that's beautiful. We could all use more friends in this life. :D

I am in pain now.. and It took me forever to get down my steps to come online. My refrigerator is broken and overflowing. I have to call someone to fix it. I was ignored by someone already today.. and It ticked me off a little bit. Yup.. Bad day... Here I come. lol

The great thing is: It's like 5:57 am where I am right now. That means I still have the entire day to change it around to a positive day. My body hurts today. I probably won't be here much. BUT My attitude can change... WHICH is why I came here. You all bring a smile to my face.

Soo... :fortuneteller: I see a good day in my future. Maybe not right now, but Thank God we all can change for the better!
I'm glad this place brightens your day Tiffany :) It can really take your mind off things sometimes and there's always someone bringing some humour - even at the worst of times lol.
Yes,There is lol The greatest thing is that there are also people who will go out of their way to touch your heart and encourage you as well. Special shout out goes to Linda and a.silver.lining. These two women are wonderful and caring people I'm glad that I met here.

You all are amazing! Thank you so much once again!
Hi Tiffany :)

I hope your day has started to get better already. I know once it seems to be on that downward path, it's hard to turn it around, but very possible :) You took some good steps towards that by looking to the good instead of focusing on the bad.

Here is a nice thread to get us focused back on the good too :) I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Everyone :) I deeply appreciate it!

My day was okay because I took it easy on myself. I think that's so important as well.. to know your limit of what you can do and to do what you can. I couldn't move well so I ended up making phone calls all over the place. lol

It's all good though cause I rested through the day and took it easy as much as possible.
MJA> I enjoyed speaking to you as well hon :) I just got up not too long ago. lol

You are very sweet,and I admire you so much! I'll keep strong no matter how tough things get.
Thank you so much :) The same goes for me hon. If I'm on, Please feel free to talk to me :)
Weeell.. Yesterday was one of those days *Sigh I took pain medication and slept most of the day. When I wasn't sleeping, I was listening to Michael. I was listening to him sing "I'll be there.." and I kept thinking to myself "What a beautiful voice for such a beautiful person." God has indeed blessed Michael with so much talent,and I feel blessed just to be able to listen.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We've all got our problems we're facing. Love is what binds us together.. True compassion and kindness. That is what will be powerful enough to heal ourselves and our world.
Yes, Yesterday was a bad day. I'm here today though,and I'm thankful for so much.