I wrote about Michael on my practice OGT :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I live in Ohio, and in our second year of high school we have to take these things called Ohio Graduation Tests in order to graduate. I am a freshman, and all freshmen are required to take practice tests to help them prepare for the real ones they'll take the following year.

Well, it was on the writing practice tests. There are two extended response essays. One of them just happened to be something to the effect of: Write about someone that has influenced your life positively, or changed your life for the good. Naturally, I wrote about Michael.

I don't remember exactly what I wrote, but I remember the topics. I mentioned that if he could be accused of terrible things he would never do and still stay strong, I could stay strong through anything. I said he also taught me to be more loving and sensitive with people. I also said that his children brought me great joy and happiness, and I love seeing them happy. I think I mentioned other things, but I can't remember.

Anyhow, I thought this would be an interesting story :) I'm 15, by the way.
Cool! :D I hope you've done well!!! Im hoping ill be able to pick him on my speaking exam this year! Because Mike is the only thing im good at talking about! :D hehe