I will never see Michael


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2008
Lincolnshire, England
I am so down right now that I won't ever be able to see Michael. I have never seen him and it looks like I never will! I only had a few weeks till I saw him. My overall Aim in life was to see MJ even from a distance, and it looks like thats not going to happen anymore :(

Anyone else in the same situation?
I'm in the same boat:(

Even if I couldn't ever see him it would be fine, if only he was still alive!
Yes! Me too! I know how you feel! But...I so wish now I would never see him but he would still be alive!

Yeah I know what u mean, but theres more to life than just this. I been a fan since I was just 3 or 4 durin' thriller. I sometimes wish I can go back but can't. But I do realize theres more to it than this. I Garantee it.
I feel y'all. I was still trying to find a way to be in London for the show on my b-day, Jan. 16th. *sigh* I never got to see him either...
I'm lucky that I got to see Michael close up many times from 1988-2009, but I never got to meet him which I was going to make sure I did. But you all should still feel lucky you shared this world the at the sametime as Michael. Michael became famous 2yrs before I was born, so was born and lived in a world were Michael had always been famous, and their would always be something new from Michael, even if was just photos of him going shopping etc. Now to me the world has changed to a "When Michael was with us all" and "Now Michael is no longer a living part of our world", and that's what I mean for being greatful to have shared the same space of time with Michael, even if you never saw him or experienced a Michael Jackson era with new music and a tour.
U r not different from me at all....
He's my whole life's aim... He's gone which has brought abt all my plans, my dreams... Brought abt my half soul.... My life is full of sadness and empty now...
In my FC, i'm a searcher and translator news... But now, i get nothing to translate anymore... I look for new pics, post them on 4rum then i enjoy them wt all my heart... But now there is no new pic anymore....
Yep, Ive wanted to hug Michael for so long. The closest Ive ever been is when he came to Sydney in 1996.
I've never seen Michael either, i was going on july 16th. I had never been excited more in my life, until it all came crashing down
I'm lucky that I got to see Michael close up many times from 1988-2009, but I never got to meet him which I was going to make sure I did. But you all should still feel lucky you shared this world the at the sametime as Michael. Michael became famous 2yrs before I was born, so was born and lived in a world were Michael had always been famous, and their would always be something new from Michael, even if was just photos of him going shopping etc. Now to me the world has changed to a "When Michael was with us all" and "Now Michael is no longer a living part of our world", and that's what I mean for being greatful to have shared the same space of time with Michael, even if you never saw him or experienced a Michael Jackson era with new music and a tour.

Thanks for saying that. I too have never met or even seen Michael, and it makes me so sad. It was my one and only dream, and now I know it'll never happen. I just wanted to be able to look into his beautiful eyes myself and personally tell him I love him. :( Now I'll never be able to.
But you are right, and I am lucky that I was here to witness him in all his glory. I got to grow up when he was at his peak too. My sister is a huge Elvis fan, and he died when she was only 4.
Never seen him either, it was always my goal in life too. I guess now I don't have a goal at all. It's just bleh. Get up, work, sleep, repeat. Nothing in the middle and very little to look forward to. Well, nothing at all right now.

I know I shouldn't feel sorry for myself. I don't. I know the bigger picture. But at the same time with the same breath, I can't believe my dream is over.